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  1. Yeah, on Star Forge I don't see a single item on the GTN with Fitted in the name, so I'm guessing these are incorrectly marked as non-tradeable no matter how you get them? Aka drop, treasure chest, login rewards
  2. Yeah, on Star Forge I don't see a single item on the GTN with Fitted in the name, so I'm guessing these are incorrectly marked as non-tradeable no matter how you get them? Aka drop, treasure chest, login rewards
  3. It appears to be dropping some of the new armor, yes, but the non-tradable versions of it ( I believe the patch notes said these would be tradable) From the patch notes: Ancient Armaments Added To Daily Login Rewards Ancient Armaments contain various armor appearances including ones that could not previously be acquired or traded. These armor pieces do not contain stats or mod slots and are intended solely for Outfitter. These armor pieces do have dye slots and can be traded and bought / sold on the GTN. The armor pieces that are available inside of Ancient Armaments are now also available as random world drops.
  4. After todays update, I opened about 50 Grade 11 Treasure Hunting lockboxes, and it looks like the loot table was totally changed. Was this intended? Rank 11 used to drop lvl 80 gear I could deconstruct, now they are dropping low level adaptive gear that isnt tradeble
  5. Do you have a high end Intel processor? You may need to dial down some BIOS settings: https://www.tomshardware.com/pc-components/cpus/is-your-intel-core-i9-13900k-crashing-in-games-your-motherboard-bios-settings-may-be-to-blame-other-high-end-intel-cpus-also-affected
  6. 2024, still bugged. Guess that is Electronic Art$$$$ for you....
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