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Everything posted by LostCodex

  1. One of my first thoughts as well, but population should be least of their worries I mean come on you're finally opening a "new" server certainly you've done your research on the player data base and estimated the numbers for those starting on day 1 why else would they open back APAC if they werent sure of the player populace migrating over. its like opening a pub without knowing the survey how many alcoholics live near, its basic marketing
  2. I'll take this, sounds reasonable I suppose. that all aside glad to be back, been itching to play an MMO for the past few months. No need to apologize, I dint mean to sound ungrateful but yeah. it is what it is.
  3. Hello, I just recently returned to the game because yesterday I received an email.. Hey.. APAC is "NOW OPEN" come on down and play! I sub and started to play again to my surprise I was already weeks too late LOL people are already on 50-70. Dint have much players on the starting zone which hyped me to have thought I would be starting out with countless other people and finally be able to get really good ping and in reality people were already done and starting area was quite silent. my point was why wasn't it sent during day 1 why was it send on like day 15 or 16 or even before that so that I could've prepped 😅 Marketing team what happened.. again as the title says im not complaining, thanks for opening an asia pacific server for us the ping really is a godsend. glad to be back playing an mmo I once loved.
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