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Everything posted by Bowlan

  1. J My dog refuses to play because he can't be a wookiee. The only race he relates to for some reason.
  2. If you know the name snips...you can't really comment.
  3. 33 and rolled empire because "good is dumb."
  4. Give the game time to mature. Its only been out a week and its only a building block. If people don't enjoy what's presented, come back in 6 months and see what has changed. They probably have a reason for the design choice that we aren't aware of.
  5. Could have ignored the thread and let it wither to the bottom...not being rude, just saying.
  6. For those saying you speak for the majority of players or that you speak for everyone...no you don't. Either show me proof or state your opinions as your own. I understand you may have issues with the game, but your issues don't speak for everyone.
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