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Posts posted by Codek

  1. As the title suggests, we at Dark Knights are currently seeking raiders to fill up our 16-man raid.


    Background info:

    The majority of us started playing this game at launch but we all have years of experience from a variety of other MMO's as well. We continuously push new PvE content (Nim EC in the works) and also continuously level alts and overall enjoy what this game has to offer.


    Our current dilemma:

    We have consistently been having a cursed number of 12 members logged in for raiding through the past 4 months. The 12 members are often different each day but it's always 12 none the less... It's rather annoying having to decide to PuG 4 members for the hardest content in the game or having some people sit out and 8-man it.


    The solution:

    You! We just need a hand full of new members to consistently log on to solve this crisis and that will (for the most part) guarantee you as a new member a raid spot!

    Stipulation - we are kinda flooded with tanks right now between mains and alts. You are welcome to request a tanking spot with us since we all have alts that we can shuffle around to. this is just a warning that tanking is often a questionable slot to get.



    Sunday/Monday - Clean-up raid from 8PM-12AM EST

    Tuesday - Free-be

    Wednesday/Thursday - Progression runs (currently TFB) 8PM-12AM EST

    Friday/Saturday - Drunk runs/Alt runs (Free-be)


    Reasons you'd like to join:

    - We are incredibly laid back. Seriously, we often just send in orbital strikes on trash and go grab a sandwich, laid back. We have high expectation and low standards so if you show that you can simply jump in and listen then we will work to find ways for you to improve yourself so we can eat popcorn.


    - We are experienced. Many of us have played MMO's for years as well as lead individual guilds in the past. We all know the ins and outs of how this game works. If you got questions, we got answers! On top of that, we all understand what it means to teach rather then to punish.


    - We get things done....Somehow. I have no explanation for this one, it just happens.


    -We use Team Speak 3 and are usually on roughly 24/7


    Contact info:

    In game, feel free to contact


    Cödex (Alt-148 for the ö, don't tell the gold farmers)



    or just search for Dark Knights and whisper one of our members, more then likely they can get you an invite fairly quickly.


    Website: http://thedarkknightsclan.enjin.com/

  2. Sounds like the majority of your struggles come from more of the community then the game itself. Generally speaking, the community tends to create ways to be most efficient in getting things done and if you are not up to speed with everything then it can become very overwhelming.


    I would highly suggest asking/looking around for a guild that takes in new players and helps them learn the ropes. They can sometimes be hard to come by but getting into one would be the easiest means of getting many of these issues resolved. Finding a group of friends that you can consistently run things with will make the game exponentially more enjoyable.


    As for some of the questions mentioned in the post:


    - Biometric Crystal Alloy can be found of the last boss of any hard mode flash point. The boss will drop one and the group can roll for it. Often times the group will just do a greed roll for it but if you give a heads up that you need it then they will usually just give it to you without any concern. You may also be able to buy one of the Galactic Trade Network as well.


    - Because the group finder system rewards heavily experienced players for running flashpoints, you will often find groups that know all the tricks and means to complete the runs as fast as possible (Often around a 20 minute run). Since these people have done it hundreds of times, they try to make the run as quick as possible and get edgy if it takes longer then desired. It's a sad pitfall with the system and the best way to work around it is to run it with friends. You can attempt to explain that your a rather new player and see if they will take there time, but sadly 3 in 4 people tend to not care...


    - Loading times, lag, and frame rate issues is always a messy topic with the variety of variables involved. Best I could suggest (aside from asking hundreds of questions) is to work with Bioware customer service reps.


    - Acronyms are just something you have to kinda pick-up as you go along. For the most part, they are used to describe the variety of runs or objects used within the game.


    GTN = Glalactic Trade Network

    HM = Hard Mode

    SM = Story Mode

    NM or NiM = Nightmare Mode

    BH = Black Hole

    OP = Operation

    FP = Flash Point

    BT = Black Talon

    BOI = Battle of Ilum

    FE = False Emporer

    D7 = Directive 7

    BP = Bording Party

    Kaon = Kaon under Siege

    LI = Lost Island

    BW = BioWare

  3. I asked Jesse Sky (Lead Flashpoints and Operations Designer) what might be going on here. He mentioned that this may be an artifact of how tab targeting prioritizes enemies, and that it might be helpful to change your keybinding to "target nearest enemy." Let us know if this helps!


    It's more of an issue that the probes at first are not considered an enemy but as a neutral mob (thus the yellow nameplate). They can be tab targeted easily once they are hit by someone (forcing them to have the red nameplate) but the issue is getting the first hit off.


    I don't believe it is possible to tab to a neutral target as long as they are considered not a threat.

  4. It's 50/50 and we barely manage it but my group has been going with a do not fail strategy here.


    The set up (Circle/Console):

    Blue: ®DPS / (m)DPS

    Orange:Heals / (r/m)DPS (ranged DPS and healer could swap roles here if desired)

    Purple: ®DPS / Tank

    Yellow:Heals / Tank


    This set up will create these situations:

    Blue: 2DPS on cores, 1 Healer healing, 1 Healer DPSing, 1 DPS on adds (from the circle), 2 tanks grabbing adds.

    Orange: 3DPS on cores, 1 Healer on adds (from the circle), 1 Healer healing, 2 tanks grabbing adds.

    Pruple: 3DPS on cores, 1 DPS on adds (from the circle), 1 Healer playing situationally (heal/DPS where needed the most), 1 Healer healing, 1 tank grabbing adds

    Yellow: 4DPS on adds, 2 Healers healing, 1 tank tanking adds


    Each phase consisted of Channeling the console immediately and killing one core. Before the first core drops, the channeler grabs sight of his colored sphere in preparation to kill it. Once the group swaps to the other core, the channeler kills his sphere and re-channels (if done correctly, he should be able to kill a sphere that's located directly next to the console). The dps hit the adds while running across and then destroy the second cube.


    In the event that the timer is going to run out, we simply call out for cleaning up the adds before pushing phases. It's not required but occurs only when we are sloppy with any of the mechanics.

  5. What I usually do:

    1. Trade in comms for gear (the Bounty Hunter OH pistols sell for ~12k credits and only cost 12(?) Tionesse comms)

    2. Throw useless gear that you just bought into the bank for two hours (only because you can't sell them back immediately)

    3. Sell the gear for a large sum of credits.

    4. Buy mats to craft rank 26/27 mods/armorings/enhancements

    5. Find someone who can make rank 26/27 modifications and tip them for crafting them

    6. Place new modifications into a current piece of gear.


    It will probably take you about 3,000 comms from the obsolete sets to afford a full upgrade of mod's for 1 piece of gear, but that's still a trade in none the less.

  6. You dont thats the major issue here, thats why we always fight against a third faction in a 2 faction mmo.

    You cant make a playable faction win something like this.


    You know the republic is fully based out the Senate? Its like killing the whole Moff and Dark Council, it would pretty much fall into complete anarchy


    Both sides losing is always a viable solution!

  7. The real tragedy is that pieces of what "Chris" used to get for his $15 per month are now only available in the cash shop, even though he's still paying his sub. Certain armor models are only going to be available through the cash shop, for example. This wouldn't have happened if the game hadn't gone F2P.


    That's the hidden downside of this hybrid "free or pay" to play option. Those who choose to continue subscribing lose features that would have normally been included in a subscription model. Just hope it stays minor cosmetic things like armor skins.




    Subscribers also receive Cartel coins to purchase those pieces that are cash shop only. It's not ideal for the subscribers but at least we have a choice on what we want. If it becomes a problem where I view everything in the shop as something I want to purchase and don't have the coins given by my subscription, then I will complain. In the mean time, just play the waiting game.


    My guess though is that it will all be trash and I'll just keep hoarding the coins for something interesting in the long run.

  8. Free accounts only get 1 character slot and limited bag/bank space while questing. Not only do they get to experience just one story line (unless they choose to delete the character and start all over...) they also get several handicaps and very limited end game content.


    If you feel that that is a good deal for an MMO then the choice should be easy on what to do.

  9. Hard mode right now requires coordination between members of the raid to complete specific mechanics in order to succeed. You will often hear members calling out events in order for others to pick up a specific role to survive. Often times, specific individuals will take on these roles because they are are considered capable of consistently completing the roles in an effective manor.


    Nightmare mode takes this approach one step further where every member will be required to complete specific roles where if one person falters, the raid will wipe. It will no longer be possible for only half the raid to shine through and accomplish the challenging tasks.

  10. The tank getting hit by double destructs is what causes the stun. If the tank is getting locked down before orbs are getting cast then my best guess is that some pretty horrific lag is occurring preventing the visual from appearing at the right time.


    There has been some strange visual lags and slow downs recently from patch 1.4 so that may be the cause of it.

  11. BW/EA doesn't believe in following real world events and pop culture references within the game because they believe it deters from the story and lore of it all.


    I think they are just lazy, but that still doesn't change anything.

  12. Come on BW, just give me my 96 character slots that I requested for! How else am I suppose to get both dark and light side from every character spec'ed into each choice within the advance class trees?


    You know what? To simplify things, just make it an even 100. I'll find a use for those extra 4 slots. ;)

  13. I'm no expert but... How can you hot swap anything for a server that constantly has to take into account user data that is constantly intertwined within a game such as an MMO? It's one thing for FPS's type games to update a client that only holds user data temporarily, but this game must ensure nothing is lost. That involves making sure the user data is not only retained through an update, but also up to date with what the user was doing just before down time.


    There is no "Plug in updated version". While your making the updated version, the user data is constantly changing on the live servers which is not reflected on the replacement mounts. It's just not practical to establish an updated version while servers are running without losing concurrent data.

  14. 1,200 cooks making 1 pot of stew. No matter how I look at it, I can't see a good way it all would mesh together without becoming some abominable mess that no one can agree on.


    Not to mention the general people on the internet tend to have an intent to destroy rather then to create so policing this concept would be a nightmare in itself.


    Concept seems great but once you get down to details, it all falls apart.

  15. As much as it's entertaining that the loud minority in this thread think tanking is fine, I'd much rather they make tanking extremely faceroll so that there are actually tanks than to leave it the way it is where there are no tanks. If tanking were so fun and better than in other games, then why is there so few tanks? The answer: it's not. Or at least, not to the vast majority of people who play this game, which are indeed casual. I'm actually a former casual player myself and hardcore now, but even still, my guild which is doing Explosive Conflict right now can barely manage one, maybe two tanks at best. Our main tank is a tank alt and actually would rather DPS, but has to tank because there are none. The other tanks aren't on very much or are main spec DPS. Other than that, we have to get tanks from other guilds to tank for us because there are no tanks.


    Bottom line, I don't care how rewarding tanking is in this game if there aren't even enough people who want to do it. I tanked a bit myself until I realized how bad everyone is. Every time a DPS would attack the wrong target it would make me rage and want to quit the group. Same with when a healer would ask for Guard, etc. Most people just don't know how to play and don't understand game mechanics. The game needs to be designed around that instead of ignoring it if it wants to survive any longer than it already will, which isn't that long judging by how many subs it's losing every quarter.


    You got a mis-conception on why people don't tank. It's not because people feel that it's too hard but that it's not self gratifying on the basis that you don't see bigger numbers as you improve.


    The standard for a good tank is one that is alive (and keeps others alive) at the end of a battle and that doesn't change from the beginning of the game to the end. DPS get self gratification by seeing bigger and bigger numbers so they feel that they are amazing and experience improvements as they play.


    Your solution to the problem would simply remove what little motivation there is to play a tank. If you can't fail at tanking and there is no scale to show your success, why play to begin with? Someone else could do it just the same...


    At least currently there is a clear distinction between those who know what they are doing vs those who don't. True self gratification is achieved by surviving what others can not do. That is why we tank!

  16. Sounds like your stepping on the borderline between getting the second double destruct orbs before defensive phase and passing the DPS check. Heres a break down of the problem that occurs.


    Double destruct occurs every 20 seconds (I think, don't remember the true timing). It should take your DPS just under 40 seconds the get the tanks health down below the threshold to start the next phase. The funny part is, the closer you get to this mark, the harder the fight is to survive.


    3 scenarios:


    1. You push stormcaller down to the phase change but he already started casting (or has already caste) DD. Two people pick up the orbs and run under the shield while the tank runs outside. The healer must now heal through the full duration of both the orbs (they tick for a lot of damage), the damage the entire raid takes from the barage, the adds shooting at the healer/DPS, and the tank taking hits outside. That is a lot of damage to heal through for only one healer and makes survival very questionable.


    2. You push firebrand to the phase change but stormcaller is casting DD. This is the worse because it immediately starts the defensive phase while the DD is still being casted. DPS must wait for the orbs while the electric pillars begin to drop down on the tank. Stormcallers shield spawns late because it doesn't join the defensive phase until DD is finished. Generally the timing of the entire phase is off and chaos ensues, all the while the healer on stormcaller side still needs to heal that added damage from the DD orbs on two people. I highly recommend sticking the stronger DPS on stormcaller to avoid this problem.


    3. You beat the DPS check and no DD orbs spawn a second time. The previous orbs are gone and no one is taking the dots through the defensive phase. The stormcaller heal just has to place light AoE heals on the group taking damage from the adds, and focus on keeping the tank topped off. The next phase begins with everyone topped off and healers dance around because of how awesome they are.


    Generally speaking, this fight becomes infinity more easier to survive just by beating the second cast of the double destruct orbs.

  17. The Recruit hp increase is to account for the Expertise damage reduction, and the Rakata hp reduction is to account for the Expertise damage increase, both of which are applied separately. The double-effect that you notice is one of the reasons why Expertise is so friggin' potent: it's both a survivability *and* a DPS stat. It's for this reason that I say that PvE gear doesn't really have much place in PvP.


    I'm still not following you.


    I fully agree with scaling up the recruit HP due to the expertise damage reduction but both sets should be assumed to take the same damage (modified or not). It doesn't matter what the enemy is wearing and the expertise damage modifier is already applied into your personal DPS.


    I can either say the recruit gear cancels out (not evenly, but relatively close) the increased damage from expertise with it's absorption buffer, thus a need to decrease Rakata HP to account for the increased damage is needed. Or I can say that both sets are taking an increased damage from the enemy but recruit gear has the absorption buffer which should be accounted for by raising the HP.


    By doing both it seems like you are double counting the expertise modification unnecessarily.

  18. No I agree, raiding SHOULD be accessible to everyone, but Nightmare modes are called Nightmare for a reason. I'm not going to sit here and tell you I've done everything in the game - I haven't.


    But 6 weeks after this game launched I had 10/10 NM, Big Time title, Valour 50, Full Rakata, lots of mounts, all my vital dailies completed and the important datacrons collected.


    Where was I to go from there? Now that I'm back playing the game, I don't want to find myself being bored with nothing to do in another weeks time, yeah wiping isn't THAT fun, but I'd rather still be wiping on content a month after patch release than find myself with it all done and nothing to do.


    The OP's design team for BW has already admitted that the original designs for NiM seen in the past was not up to standards. They plan to re-design both EV and KP NiM once EC NiM is complete and sets the bar for what they want as a true difficult instance. HM TFB is hard to use as a bar for level of difficulty since we still don't know what NiM is suppose to entail.


    You have the choice on what you like to do between now and the release of a new nightmare mode (I'm praying for it to come mid-November). Once that comes out, feel free to make the decision on if the difficulty of this game meets your requirements.

  19. 1. Things that come to mind:

    - Some times it does not appear for some people early in the fight. They will spawn invisible and you'll just have to play cautious to avoid for the first 30 seconds. (Bug)

    - If defensive phase kicks in while double destruct is being cast, one may spawn on the tank earlier where everyone is standing. Tank should jump off and run as soon as defensive phase kicks in. (Semi-bug, mostly overlapping mechanics that should be avoided)

    - DPS pulls aggro just before defensive phase starts, this will cause the balls to land on top of the DPS that had aggro until the phase is over. (User error)

    - Person running the ground either got out of range from stormcaller, died, or jumped onto the tank. This causes the tanks to force target someone in the raid at random to receive the static orbs until someone returns to the ground. (User error)


    2. Possibly lag related, If the person with the tool kit does not deactivate the mine quick enough, the mine will go back to red. the person may also have moved or interrupted the disarm which would lead to this issue. I have not seen a case where this happened that didn't involve user error.


    3. A case of not getting the explosion on the walker off fast enough. Kill the bomber close to the walker so no one has to run a long distance to blow the walker up. worst case, the off tank can grab the mob until he blows himself up.


    Server lag in general has been improved when they made it so basically every guild gets there own instance. Occasional lag spikes do occur but nothing is severe enough that it would continuously wipe your raid.

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