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  1. Hello friends. I have a couple questions regarding races and companions. Probably simple knowledge but I failed to find them myself. My first question is regarding races. Is there a anything gained by playing a certain race to a certain point, apart from unlocking it for other classes? For example do I get anything by playing as human or cyborg (which are open to all classes) to some certain level or story point? Especially do they carry anything over to other characters of the legacy? I came across some "presence" about humans regarding companions on the internet but they are written way before and hard to say how many old informations are still accurate after all this time with all the updates. About companions my first question is my first storyline companion came with three customization options but none of the followings did. Is it normal, or am I doing something wrong, or did I experience some technical issue? Is the initial three customization options limited to first companion? Second question is, it took me a while to realise that items have no effect on companions, and had given the first two guys some gear that look strange on them (for stats). Now I want to change it. Is there a way to restore their original gear or find something to fit them, do they have cosmetic gears designed for them, apart from customizations? And lastly, it is about transfer and romance. Does a character get to romance with more than one companion? Do they romance with transferred companions? And if so, does the previos romance of the companion have effect on this? Also does pre-transfer influence have any effect? Do companions carry influence to the next character when transferred or is it reset?
  2. Thank you all for the answers people. Sorry for being late, I spent some time playing and comparing both the servers. I guess I should have done that at the beginning. Opening this thread here instead of seeing both the servers myself seems like an impatient action. First off when I opened the thread I had been playing for around two weeks, it was not based on a one or two days experience so the time and day of the specific post is irrelevant. Also I was mainly judging by the faction fleet, not planets. And here are my resuls; Numbers are around the same on fleet, sometimes one has more, sometimes the other. But the difference is never significant. On Malgus, planets are considerably more crowded than Star Forge. Considerably, but not drastically. EU community is far better than my prejudice, but still there are downers. Did not come across any annoyance or immaturity in US. The planets I am talking about are the early ones, I had second story companion when I opened the thread and now I have third. So I do not know about endgame-expansion/dlc planets. And given how inconvenient my play time (evening to night after work) is in the US due to the timezones, Star Forge having same or close (sometimes even more) numbers than Malgus is VERY impressive. Interestingly, regardless of numbers, I visually observe more characters moving around-doing quests in Malgus (which I like), and usually more chat activity though not always pleasant with pointless bickerings. Also I only have experience with Republic so far, do not know about the Empire side of things. My idea is to play every storyline before i decide my main, but I doubt I will do the same comparison by the time I create my first Empire character. I am sticking with Star Forge thanks again everyone.
  3. Hello everyone- new player here! I created a character on the US Star Forge server but I am locaated in EU. I am not experiencing any lags or problems affecting gameplay. My reason to do so is not to put up with non English speaking people in general chat, guilds and groups all the time. I am not a native speaker myself but I strictly use English in online games, and want to be among an English speaking community. But the server feels quite empty. Now I can come up with some theories; 1- Star Forge has considerably fewer players compared to EU, 2- I become online when very few US players are (given the time difference), 3- There are few players in the game overall so this reflects on all servers. One or more of those might be true and there may be some other reason that I can not think of as well. So my question here is simple; Is it worth creating/transferring character in EU and withstanding people spamming non-English everywhere all the time for the sake of server population (and are there too many beggars/cheaters/external link advertisers as I fear judging by my past mmo experiences) ? (Is there such a big difference in server population or does the time difference have such a great impact to make it feel so empty, long story short: I wanted play on US server to be free of non-English speaking people and beggars/cheaters/advertisers, but I observe very few players there, be it for overall population or time difference or some other reason. Is the status of EU server worth creating/transferring character in there? And is the EU community bad as I fear for the reasons I stated above? New to this game, but had my experince with MMO games and now a thing or two about EU communities (the reason I began in US in the first place).
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