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Posts posted by Lxkane

  1. Forget dailies (other than black hole). For pve battlemaster armor is effectively the step between columi and rakata. So just get the battlemaster stuff.


    But the absolute best armor in the game is an orange augmented set with 5 warhero enhancements, 7 warhero mods, and 7 campaign armorings, using the legacy belt and bracer if you don't have other orange bracers or belts.


    The only things crafted and best in slot atm are crit crafted armor, +41 crystals, and crit crafted black hole implants and earpieces; everything else is transient.


    The only dailies you should worry about are the dailies/weeklies that get you black hole comms. Use those to get your implants, ear piece and relic. If you know a crafter who has the pattern for implants or earpiece they may be able to crit craft it.


    For those that don't know, warhero mods and enhancements have the exact same stats as campaign mods and enhancements plus expertise.

  2. Hi Lionflash:


    It is awesome that what you describe is so much fun for you.


    I think you are part of a very small minority, however, which is not good news for the future of the game.


    No, I think a lot of people like the story of this game but boring gameplay is boring. And whack mole traditional mmo combat for 80 to 90 hours is boring combat for 80 to 90 hours no matter how you look at it or dress it up,

  3. I think the problem isn't the legacy but some of the players this game wasn't made for.


    Legacy unlocks and perks aren't content, the goal isn't to have players spent their time earning Legacy levels and money with the goal of unlocking things in the Legacy, It's an in-game veterans rewards system which serves also as a money sink.


    BW didn't designed the game and the Legacy for the people that play a lot, those people who are now bored because they did the content that wasn't made for their playstyle too much and now seek something to do and try to use the Legacy as a content to fill the void.


    Normally I don't make alts in mmos. I primarily don't make alts because traditionally mmo game mechianics are designed in a way that encourages players to play and focus on one character.


    Issue with swtor is that if you only play one character your missing out on: the other seven class storylines, the other faction's world quest, and 3 story driven flashpoints.


    With all of that content requiring alts to experience, it makes sense for Swtor's devs to encourage and even expect us to play multiple characters. But they are still designing their systems in way that encourages us to play one character and stick with it. For example could you even imagine trying to get 8 full sets of warhero gear right now, let alone 8 full sets campaign or blackhole?

  4. To be fair, it depends on pricing. If the price for a global legacy crit craft unlock would have been 1 mllion, but the price for a "per character" unlock is 125,000 (i.e. same price if you were unlocking all), then I'd prefer the individual unlock. I'm only really interest in the "crit craft" perk on my 6 characters that actually craft items, (and have mission skills) crits aren't all that worthwhile on pure gathering characters, so buying individually saves money.


    Similarly, the characters that are pretty much at a bank 24/7 have no real need for a mailbox, so any savings there... why not?


    Because that's just another money sink that ends up turning into a money grind for each character. Nothing new or innovative about the perks being implemented in that manner.


    Wouldn't it better if 1.3's perks helped reinforce the selling point and concept of the legacy system instead of just being another character centric grind.

  5. I've been reading about the character perks of 1.3 and it's clear that something hasn't completely clicked for the devs about what they could do with the legacy system to actually differentiate their game from competitors.


    My question is, what makes the devs of this game think that I want to buy the mailbox perk eight times? Or want to buy crafting, xp, sprint, and respec perks eight times. I don't even want to find all 77 datacrons eight times suddenly I should want to grind money to buy eight mailboxes?


    Instead of thinking of players as having and playing alts think of these as legacy characters. The legacy system is the one truly differentiating game mechanic this game actually has. Legacy could (in some way already does) allow a different way of making, leveling and gearing alt characters; but 1.3 doesn't seek to take advantage of that. There shouldn't be individual character perks there should be legacy character perks that behave the same as other legacy unlocks.


    What's the point of the legacy system if all it ask me to do is grind more? Wasn't legacy supposed to be about linking all of a players characters in way that doing something on one would benefit all? Right now that's not even the case. Valor and social ranks should be linked to legacy as should datacrons, raid drops should be bind to legacy not bind on pickup.


    Try thinking about legacy as 1 player, 1 legacy, multiple avatars of that one legacy. Instead of grinding battlemaster for a character we should be grinding battlemaster for a legacy. Instead of raiding to gear a character we should be raiding to gear a legacy. The concept is there just expand it.


    To experience all your content your asking us to roll eight different characters. Fine, but treat your players the way you want them to treat your game. Don't ask me to grind everything eight different times. Other games ask me grind for each character and they've been in the market longer, have more content, and more interesting game mechanics. Your competition doesn't ask me roll multiple characters to experience all of their content, so don't ask of us what your competition does; especially when they have advantages over your game. Swtor has its differentiating game mechanic, don't squander it now when could be making a bigger splash in the market.

  6. Why wouldn't they target people who have already bought and played their game, especially if it doesn't harm the current subscribers at all? What about my suggestion would in any way harm or otherwise be mutually exclusive with taking care of their current paid subscribers?


    If you think it is a wise business practice to write off 400,000+ former subscribers who have already bought the game, then more power to you I guess. I disagree. A MMO succeeds based on a healthy population. Anything Bioware can do to increase the current population, especially if it requires minimal effort, is a good thing.


    OMG stop getting all your logics in my internetz.


    One week after character transfer goes live they need to give all past inactive accounts 3 days of free play time to entice them back and try to retain something that looks closer to their launch population.

  7. Heaven forbid that people should be appropriately geared before attempting content that requires gear. You can't beat EV Story Mode in greens. If you can, you're the one person in the group being carried rather than pulling your own weight.


    Actually you can't beat EV story in greens because you won't make it pass the infernal council. Can't be carried through that fight.

  8. Sorry OP but as one of the people who asked this I completely disagree.


    The only thing I don't like about the 1.3 augment system is the tiered augment slots.




    Because the tiered augments kill the value of lower level crit crafted gear. Some of the best looking gear is below level 40 and with this tiered system these items even if they crit will have as much value as if they didn't crit at all removing incentive to craft them in the first place.


    To be clear I have no issue with tiered augment kits but I do have issue with tiered crit crafted gear. If it's crit crafted it should just have a tier 6 slot regardless of the level of the item.

  9. I've got 43.6 million right now and I'd have a lot more if I cared about making it. I can believe 100m for someone that actually plays the GTN.


    Really hard to play a gtn when other than primetime there are always less than 50 people in faction online on the entire server.


    Edit: On my server GTN doesn't mean Galactic Trade Network, it mean Ghost Trade Network. But my level 10 BH alt on Canderous Ordo is sitting on ~200k even though it's never left imperial fleet.

  10. That is not correct, you can upgrade the augment slots to allow lvl 49 augments.


    I would assume this is for all gear crafted that could allow augments currently. No I haven't seen for sure but I have never seen bioware refer to the items as Armor which you are suggesting, they say items and gear so it will be all including weapons.


    1.3 interview


    Answered 1.3 questions


    I know they can be upgraded.


    But I've only seen use of the words gear and items never armor and weapons.

  11. Does anyone know how or if augment tiers are going to affect weapons?


    So far everything I've seen on 1.3 said that armor would be affected by different tiers of augment slots. For example lvl 20 crit crafted armor won't be able to use level 49 augments.


    But I haven't seen anything saying that weapons could be modified by the augment tables in 1.3. So if crafted weapons are also affected by tiered augments but not modifiable by augment tables that seems item breaking if not game breaking.


    So I wanted ask as anyone seen any info on if weapons are affected by augment tiers or augment tables?

  12. dont run operations.


    repair costs are a nightmare.


    other than that just do dailies and pvp if you fancy something different.


    exciting isnt it.


    That's not true repair are really low now unless you wipe 5+ times. Best way for repubs to make money are dailies, selling high demand material on GTN. Skip the speeder until you find someone willing to craft you one so you don't have to spend 200k+ on one from a vendor and avoid pulling mods for as long as possible.


    On crafting, don't bother with any crafting other than what you can sell or actually need. Crafting in this game is a money sink never forget that.

  13. I almost always out-level the area that I'm in. I like to do heroics, Flashpoints, and Space missions where available, but I don't grind them out over and over. As a matter of fact, just by throwing in a few heroics, FPs, and space missions, I am outleveling the planets so quickly that I am even completely skipping the bonus series. I always just figured the level ranges for planets were based entirely on basic quests (not including heroics, FPs, WZs, Space missions, etc).


    I never grouped for heroics, just takes to long on my server. So, I and pretty much everyone in my guild skips flashpoints and non-soloable heroic missions while leveling.

  14. My first sith warrior (Marauder) hit lvl 50 on Voss at the end of the world quest.


    My second (Juggernaut) hit level 50 on Belsavis and never touched Voss or Correilia.


    I did pvp, space missions, and killed all mobs on my path. Both of my sith warriors hit level 50 in a warzone.


    Best way to build rest xp while actively leveling is to sit in your ship and queue for warzones and do space dailies. WZ xp doesn't count against rest xp so you can be leveling with wz xp, getting commendations for the lvl 40 pvp gear (which is great for gearing companions), and still build rest xp every time you come out of the match.

  15. Battlemaster mods and enhancements have the same pve stats as rakata mods and enhancements.


    The only differences is in the lower endurance/main stats of the: armorings, hilts, and barrels. In other words get a piece of battlemaster gear and put in a pve armoring 25 (140 rating) and you have a piece of rakata gear with an additional 50 expertise. Same goes for war hero and campaign.

  16. i actually have that helm on my juggernaut, cant for the life of me remember where i got it though, when i log in ill edit this post and add the name of the item.


    edit: ok its a little different same color scheme but the eyes dont glow red but its called Reinforced Matrix Headgear.

    I know about that guy, he's the third from the left. I meant the shorter guy whose face is half hidden behind Reinforced Matrix's shoulder pad.

    Also the prototype primeval paragon headgear looks exactly the same same as the Refinforced Matrix Headgear shown in that picture but the paragon headgear is a world/box drop and the reinforced is from a heroic on Coreilia

  17. I want to dress up like the Dread Masters and rock out like it's 1982.


    With that get-up you should be able to earn credits working as an extra in a hair band music video!


    That's the pvp battlemaster force mystic set with random obtainable orange helms. Except for maybe that second guy from the left don't think I've ever seen a mask with an orange face and blue eyes.

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