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  1. I think this mission is generally buggy. On one of my toons, the droids never appear.
  2. Are you saying someone else owns the guild? If you do own it, why not just start recruiting again?
  3. I picked up Sha'tek Dual Saber, Blaster Rifle, Blaster Pistol, and Blaster Cannon spamming Hammer Station Vet FP. I saw a guy get the light saber wearing 239 IR gear. Sooo that's what I wore. I haven't picked up any of the sha'tek offhands in the FP though. I might try spamming WBs before I hit 80 on my merc to see if that gets sha'tek offhand pistol to drop.
  4. I think being able to replace the leveling and legacy progression bars, after you've hit max level for both, with a weekly conquest progression bar would be a nice quality of life feature.
  5. I've been on my own little side mission to collect all the Sha'tek weapons that drop between lvls 75-79. I was told I might be able to get those from the spoils of war vendor who dispenses gear for those lvl 75+. However, there is very little information readily/easily available on this vendor and what he drops. Considering the hefty price of tech frags to purchase the gear, I would prefer not to spend anymore until I learn more. The armor and weapons that Nitoo did dispense to me were all Onderonian. So my questions: 1.) Does Nitoo only dispense Onderonian weapons and armor? IF NOT: 2.) What other armor and weapons does he drop? 3.) Are the armor/weapon type drops level dependent? Or, are the drops dependent on gear level? (Note: im not concerned with the item rating level of the gear drop, but rather the type of armor/weapons that drop dependent on the current IR level you are wearing.) If there is a source with answers to these questions, and you have a link to the specific information, I would appreciate a copy/paste in a reply. Thank you all.
  6. Steam, I can't play without being logged into that. I'm also on Star Forge. I asked people who were online at the same time if they were having problems. They all said no. I just don't know what I am doing wrong if it is me. I have tried so many different things. Fundamentally, after I've picked up the mission and traveled to the area, don't I just get off the transport, kill the droid by the terminal, activate the terminal, and then the 3 droids spawn?
  7. I have submitted a couple of bug tickets for this. On republic side, I tried to do this mission last week, and the droids would not spawn. The next day, I came back and did imperial side, and the droids spawned. This week, I started the mission on imperial side and the droids wont spawn. I have reset multiple times, logged in and out, shut down SWTOR program and came back in. None of those attempts worked. I keep wanting to blame myself for this problem. I keep convincing myself I must have missed some step. However, I have done it successfully before, and I am doing exactly what is spelled out in guides and YouTube tutorials. Please look into this.
  8. This is my first life day, and I was told to save my cartel coins for collection unlock sales. That was an exciting prospect, so I did that as best I could to save. I mostly spent credits on the big ticket items I wanted unlocked. I was even ready to buy extra cartel coins for unlocks. Now that unlocks aren't happening, I feel no need to spend any money, and I am disappointed and mad that I wont be able to unlock all the items I had been collecting on any sort of sale. On top of that, nothing in that list of unique daily sales is something that has me on the edge of my seat excited. Yay for anyone that has been waiting on those items though.
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