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14 Good
  1. Big respect for lending an ear and taking initiative.
  2. No solution is going to address 100% of any problem while also avoiding unnecessary or unintended consequence, which is what makes problem-solving generally so tricky. In your example scenario however, like you pointed out, I'm not so sure most people are willing to hand over that valuable of an item on a wing and a promise. The few that do will either do so successfully and 'game the system' or lose their item and profit. I feel pretty confident that we shouldn't be affecting every player in the entire database in order to address a fringe case. The WoW loot thing works well enough in dungeons/content but might fall apart when it comes to actions such as gifting Cartel Market items. That is, unless our friends at Broadsword would prefer we don't drop $40 usd in their store without forking over a few million credits for the privlege to do so... Like most markets, the real root cause of inflation is hard to pin down and almost impossible to mitigate - let alone course correct. I don't think that means 'don't try' but I think the current attempt is flawed in comparison to the list I posted earlier. Granted, even those solutions have something to balance. Correct inflation but risk some minor Cartel business? Correct inflation but accrue development costs? Correct inflation but crush your userbase with haphazard 'taxes'? Pick your poison and maybe spread them out evenly so it's more tolerable. Maybe even palatable!
  3. I'm pretty sure you're right on that (for now, at least) but really, I'd prefer people not have to jump through so many hoops to just do a basic thing that everyone expects to be able to do everywhere. The root cause should be addressed and it is this ridiculous middleman fee on person-to-person trades. Sounds like a hall pass, woooo! 😀 Take a Broadsword to your marriage certificates. But yeah...imagine someone literally shoving their body between you and a friend when you try to give them a birthday present, demanding $20 before they'll move. Really makes for a non-hostile sort of environment, right? The kind you want to stick around and enjoy.
  4. Please stop punishing me for transferring items to wife while we play the game together. I don't care what you do to the market or the fees for quick travel or anything else. Handing over a piece of loot or something I bought from your bloated, over-priced store for Actual Earth Currency should not then be 'taxed' and every day it pushes us further away for no apparent reason. There is such a thing as collateral damage and maybe not everything currently implemented is the best idea. Trading items is a fundamental aspect of every mmorpg from the dawn of the industry and this overreaction needs to stop, please. Trying to break the people who might be abusing something doesn't mean you need to break my back in the process. You do understand the majority of people aren't out there trying to manipulate markets, right? Allow people to customize their character with credits, big credit sink. Run events like Nightlife that have big credit sink incentives. Stop implementing new token currencies and allow people to use credits. Revert some to credits. Give some method of exchanging big credits into the tokens that we have to keep around for some reason. Actually bring crafting to level 80 and give people something worthwhile to craft and buy for credits. Offer some of the Cartel Market items for big credits instead of tokens. Allow an option for Collection items to account unlock for big credits. Tax only trades where items/credits are exchanged from both sides. Exempt subscribers from the person-to-person trade tax if your bottom line is more important than breaking the economy's inflation but you still don't want to push away monthly subscription fees.
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