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Everything posted by cdent

  1. Getting into queues hasn't really been a problem on Grand Master Zym. As a Republic toon, I've seen plenty of Republic on Republic warzones. That doesn't seem to be the problem where I'm at. Interestingly enough, when it comes to Republic on Republic, the warzone is fairly evenly matched (depending on who you get on your side).
  2. I guess I probably should have posted this in our server specific forum. Odd to hear someone with just the exact opposite story we have.
  3. Congrats. We're all not as lucky though.
  4. I have a Teamspeak server that I have already created rooms for each of the warzones. It seems to me that one (and notice I said ONE) of the reasons the Imps win most of the time, is because they must have really good communication. I'd gladly open up my server to any Republic group that is tired of getting their rears handed to them match after match. If interested, please send me a message in game to Brakkus. If there is already a server that the Republic is already using, I'd love to have the info to help coordinate better.
  5. Does anyone know of a way to determine if someone is cheating in the game? I'm not complaining due to losses. Everyone wins some days, loses other days. There are times however, when it seems that opponents run just a little bit faster than everyone else, shoot a little bit faster than everyone else, and completely dominate known good players. How do you catch someone cheating? Is there a way to log it?
  6. In which forum can/should we post guild recruitment posts? I want to make sure I'm not offending others by posting in the wrong place. Thanks.
  7. In which forum can/should we post guild recruitment posts? I want to make sure I'm not offending others by posting in the wrong place. Thanks.
  8. We tried it last night and had issue after issue with it. Should you really have to stand in the "right spot" though just for it to work? I mean, if I'm in line of sight, without any obstructions, shouldn't I be able to get to the ledge no matter what exact spot I'm standing on? Makes it unreliable and not very "fun" to use.
  9. My guild and I have been trying to get the +10 datacron a couple of times now over the last two weeks. It's become obvious that it's very, very difficult, if not nearly impossible for all to attain, due to the fact that the grapple gun is so bugged out. I found the same issues with the grapple gun on Corellia when I was going after one of the datacrons there as well! Can we get the grapple gun fixed so that you don't have to spam it over and over, and HOPE that one time out of 10, it actually works? How about it devs?
  10. Thanks for the positive feedback. I'll give that a try. It's good to see some people trying to help others, rather than put themselves on a pedestal because you aren't as good as they are.
  11. Granted I am fairly new at PVPing, but it's difficult to match up against toons who can run circles around me. Being a melee oriented toon means being right in the thick of the mess, and if by the time I fire off an attack, the foe has moved and I get "NOT FACING TARGET", then chances are, I'm gonna die really REALLY quick. I like PVPing with my guildmates, but when you're CONSTANTLY getting destroyed because you're not "facing" your opponent, it makes me not want to PVP anymore. How about adding an AUTO-TARGET feature so that I don't have to worry about which way I'm facing when I'm right on top of my opponent?
  12. I think the fact that you got a return mission to go do the bonus quests on Alderaan from the Republic Fleet is a nice design in the game. I also just got that same "reminder", and have gotten a similar "reminder" about bonus quests for another planet, while on the Republic Fleet.
  13. I've been traveling around Balmorra over the past few days now, and have located 3 or 4 datacrons. When I click on the datacron however, I get a message saying something to the extend of, "YOU DON'T HAVE A MISSION FOR THAT NOW," or something like that. What I end up having to do is go to my mission log and delete at least one, if not two random missions that I haven't yet completed (not necessarily missions on Balmorra), before I can click on the datacron and access it. Anyone else having this problem?
  14. Sorry Suzsi, but I have to agree with the original poster. SWG DID die due to dumbing down. The first step in the process was the Combat Upgrade. The nail in the coffin was the NGE. When they dumbed down all of the variety of professions you could be to about 6-8, that drove the population of the game away. Not to mention all of the people who grinded out for months to become a jedi, only to find out on the first day of the NGE that you could be a jedi just by choosing it as a profession. I played for about 4-5 of those 8 years, including time through the NGE, and I can tell you that that was when it went downhill. After the release of the Mustafar expansion, we went for over a year without any new content! Oh and when did they FINALLY introduce atmospheric flight? That's right, within the last 3-6 months of the game's existence. The only thing I saw that that game still had going for it when I left (circa 2006) was space and space combat. That still is the measuring stick for which SWTOR space content will be judged, in my opinion.
  15. I just finished Tatooine last week. I had a blast in the storyline, and on the auxiliary missions. Getting two of the datacrons was a bit of a bore, but whatta ya do. While I was flying around the map, uncovering every area that I could, I happened to fly past a Krayt dragon skeleton. It was then that I realized, there were no Krayt dragons in the game! Maybe I'm reliving memories of Star Wars Galaxies, but seeing the size of the skeleton in the desert made me wonder how cool it would be to see Krayt dragons in SWTOR! Devs, has there been any discussions about adding them at a future release? Perhaps as a flashpoint? Keep up the good work by the way! Loving the game!
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