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Posts posted by Berjiz

  1. Just assumed it was a taunt, due to him tanking snipers for more then 15 seconds and getting a lot of threat. Even if it was not a taunt, it was the lack of the other tank to taunt them. But yeah i don't know really know anything about trasher sniper threat (more into mt trasher) :).

    The reason we wiped on 16man was because the other tank couldn't get up most of the times so it's probably due to lack of taunt.

  2. Hilarious heads up: the snipers do exclusively weapon damage. Shroud does nothing on them. It will negate the Swipe though, but if I recall, Thrasher swipes twice in his rotation, so you're not getting all of them, just the one. Note that the swipe should hit you for 20-25k, so yes, you do drop below half health on that fight.


    If you're on the wall… The snipers spawn exactly once every thirty seconds. We have two cooldowns which work on weapon damage, each on a 2 minute cooldown, plus an adrenal on a 3 minute cooldown. That means we can get the first three packs, we lose the fourth, after that our CDs will be up again for the next two, then we miss the next two after that. Guardians are the only class that is even close to having an effective CD up for every pack (Saber Reflect), and even they miss out by 15 seconds.

    Swipe is f/t in nim and weapon dmg in hm/sm as far as I understand.


    This boss should be fairly easy for a sin tank. Any tank class that is on the boss should be using their cd's every time the snipers spawn to mitigate the extra damage done by the boss. For sin first shroud for 5s then a cd after that. If you didn't have a cd available, then yea you will most likely die every time during this phase. However, using an adrenal and spacing out your cd's, it can be done. My sin never drops below half health for tanking this boss

    Trasher is probably the hardest fight for a sin atm. It is really spiky, cycling cds help but as usuall only the adrenal and overcharge are actually gauranted. Also since self healing doensn't scale with incoming dmg the mean migation difference is much lower, I saw some math in another thread suggesting that vanguards actually have higher mean migation that sins on trasher nim. I really would like to see your parses if you never drop below half health when tanking trasher. Are you overgearing it or doing hm 8 man or sm? 16 man hm or 8/16 man nim will drop you below half health several times unless you have 45k+ health.

  3. For your spike parses, i just looked into my parses and i did find way more then 20 swipes for 23k damage (as i regularly did mt trasher on 16 man hm).


    23-24k is what he normally spikes for in 16 man hm, I got shot by a sniper at the same time so got 28k dmg.

  4. Sometimes there are refrences to various spikiness stories in the discussions but there is a lack of parses. It would be useful if we could make a collection of parses with various spikes. Personally I have only done DG, TWH and op9 in nim so far so dont't have many logs yet.


    A collection of these spikes will makes us have somethign to refer to in future discussions and get more hard evidence about the spikiness problem.


    It's not imporant if you survied or not or if the boss was beaten. The amount of dmg taken in a short timeframe is what is interesting. Both nim and hm parses can be of use.


    Assasin thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=672676




    TWH 8man

    18.5k in 1.2 sec

    20:13:16.839 The Writhing Horror's Melee Attack hits Drebi for 6218 kinetic damage, causing 6218 threat.

    20:13:16.839 The Writhing Horror's Melee Attack hits Drebi for 6218 kinetic damage, causing 6218 threat.

    20:13:17.977 The Writhing Horror's Nasty Bite glances Drebi for 2342 energy damage, causing 2342 threat.

    20:13:17.992 The Writhing Horror's Nasty Bite hits Drebi for 4239 energy damage, causing 4239 threat.


    DG 8man

    32.6k dmg in 1.5 s from Kelsara

    21:16:43.933 Kel'sara's Voltaic Slash hits Drebi for 16167 energy damage, causing 16167 threat. (4801 absorbed)

    21:16:45.430 Kel'sara's Force Scream hits Drebi for 16033 kinetic damage, causing 16033 threat.


    Nightmare 16-man Dread Guard

    23:29:19.542 312s Voltaic Slash 18900 energy No Kel'sara

    23:29:21.015 314s Force Scream 19304 kinetic No Kel'sara

    23:29:23.936 316s Discharge 8913 elemental No Kel'sara

    23:29:25.942 318s Force Scream 18325 kinetic No Kel'sara


    Nightmare 16-man Writhing Horror

    20:29:36.513 175s Melee Attack 10504 kinetic No The Writhing Horror

    20:29:36.513 175s Melee Attack 5695 kinetic No The Writhing Horror

    20:29:38.379 177s Melee Attack 10067 kinetic No The Writhing Horror

    20:29:38.380 177s Melee Attack 10067 kinetic No The Writhing Horror


    Nightmare 16-man Writhing Horror

    19:53:56.194 228s Melee Attack 10597 kinetic No The Writhing Horror

    19:53:56.194 228s Melee Attack 10597 kinetic No The Writhing Horror

    19:53:57.597 229s Melee Attack 10597 kinetic No The Writhing Horror

    19:53:57.597 229s Melee Attack 10597 kinetic No The Writhing Horror


    Nightmare 16-man Writhing Horror

    20:20:00.574 306s Melee Attack 10762 kinetic No The Writhing Horror

    20:20:00.574 306s Melee Attack 10762 kinetic No The Writhing Horror

    20:20:00.909 306s Nasty Bite 4117 energy No The Writhing Horror

    20:20:00.910 306s Nasty Bite 4047 energy No The Writhing Horror

    20:20:00.931 306s Nasty Bite 4186 energy No The Writhing Horror

    20:20:04.061 310s Melee Attack 10762 kinetic No The Writhing Horror

    20:20:04.062 310s Melee Attack 10762 kinetic No The Writhing Horror


    Nightmare 16-man Dread Guard

    23:06:06.442 250s Force Scream 22319 kinetic No Kel'sara

    23:06:07.894 251s Voltaic Slash 12428 energy No Kel'sara

    23:06:10.936 254s Force Scream 12662 kinetic No Kel'sara

    23:06:12.523 256s Discharge 10262 elemental No Kel'sara




    Trasher 16man

    28k spike, sniper(4k)+swipe(24k)

  5. Holy cow, that 32.8 spike is dreadful, I don't know if I could heal through that

    It was from terminate so you can see the cast in advance and know that the assasin has to be at 100%. However neither I or the healers expected that much dmg. It is annoying but since it's so predictable it's more fine than trasher. It's not the end of the world if a tank dies from terminate but if trasher gets lose it's a wipe. The 28k dmg from trasher is actually worse because it can come at anytime.

  6. Sorry, but these questions are awful. There are no analytics backing up the questions. There's just speculation and guesswork. So why would there be several paragraphs of analytics responding to that?


    Most of these questions are just pointless too. For example, on the Sentinel/Marauder PVE question, the top question was how come Focus/Rage with its AOE focus doesn't do as much single target damage as the other two trees. Are you kidding me? One is an AOE focused tree and the other two are single-target focused trees. So people are wondering why the AOE focused tree doesn't also do as much single target damage as the other two trees? Ummm, isn't that obvious? There would be no point to having the other two trees if Focus/Rage was on par with them in single target damage AND had it's AOE damage capabilities. With the Sage/Sorcerers, people want these healing classes to keep all of their heals and then also have all of the defensive cooldowns that non-healing DPS classes have? That's ridiculous. Why don't we just give them the best DPS too...and the best tanking ability. Let's just create one superclass that's the best at everything while we're at it. For Vanguards/Powertechs, people basically want the DPS spec to be able to do burst damage on par with a Sentinel/Marauder or a Gunslinger/Sniper. People want the heavy armor wearing AC to do the same burst DPS output as the medium armor wearing AC's? Yeah, that would work out well. Let's just give Vanguards/Powertechs under the DPS tree the full survivability of a tank AND give them DPS output on par with the best DPS in the game. I can't believe that these are the sorts of questions that made the cut as the best, most-important questions.

    You are forgetting a crucial point. survivability for dps in both pvp and pve are more about the cds than the armour especially in pve. You wan't to survive the bursts in pvp until your team can help you and burst the attackers down. It' doesn't matter if you take less dmg over 5 min when the figths in pvp lasts much shorter. What you wan't for that is good cds with short cd, like cloak of pain.


    For pve it's kinda the same thing but the cd of the defensive stuff is less important, its all about the potency. You need this for stuff were you have to take dmg(Kephess laser, kephess jump, twh adds, enrage/burn phases). Maruaders are extremly good at this today togheter with their high dps. I have seen several fights that was completed due to the fact that a maurder can tank the boss for 5-10 secs after the tank died. Usually if both tanks die the boss will go for the maurder due to their high dps which synergies even better. This is a also without losing any dps. A sorc can't just stand there healing themself and heavy armour won't do much that much but it do help.





    I do agree that the rage/focus question was pretty weird, its obvious why it isn't single target. All specs need to have their speciality, usually burst, sustianed, aoe, heal or tank. I just hate to see BW bring up the old execute agument again. I really expected some math/logs from the devs to prove their point but atm a troll on fleet argues better than them. They just write "it is like this" without any sort of evidence or arguing at all. The sniper/maurder answers were atleast decent.

  7. If resilience wouldn't work you would be still in combat after force cloak.


    Anyway that thing is easy. I feel bad for vanguard tanks in this fight as they more often then anything else just die.

    I don't think so, dots brings you out not debuffs.

  8. I tanked this 4 times over the 2 weeks it was available as L55 on my shadow, my guardian wasn't geared for HM yet and done only SM twice. On my shadow I managed to resillience, stealth, blackout, re-taunt either without any stacks/ or 1 stack (I was slow the first time we did it). The secret is I think to stealth out while ressielience is active so you don't get pulled back into combat. I think I could single tank it if DPS were really efficent on the adds.

    That worked due to cloak, not ressilience. There were lots of posts about this stuff during the gree event and I saw no one who claimed that resillience worked. I also tried it, didn't work and switched to los with phase walk.

  9. I missed the part where I said Nim titan 6. Also, shroud does work on xeno. I know this because I just tanked him the last month when the event was active. So I now see 2 situations where saber reflect is better compared to my 5. hmmm The point is saber reflect will will never catch up to shroud. You could name 3 or 4 more fights where saber reflect is better and then I would name 10 more where shroud kicks it to the curb.

    You won't take dmg from the laser but you get the stacks. Phase walk is what you want to use on xeno.

  10. Really nice thread:) Been trying to find info like this before without sucess.


    Some stuff that you think would work that doesnt:

    -Huge grenade on Nim is wonky, +def stuff doesn't seem to work on it. -acc seem to work though

    -Force shroud doesn't work against tfb scream

    -Operations chief will always make sure he gets the terminate off so now cloaking or losing works.


    Stuff that works:

    -Sunder is all f/t so force shroud/saber reflect works, there are also other places where it seems like it is an melee attack but it is f/t so saber reflect works.

    -You can cloak and use rest to heal after force leech on dg

    -Use sorc/sage bubble instead of the tank for kel dragons spines to reduce dmg taken. It is possiblet to do styrak with just one tank and have another dps instead. Requires more skill of the tank and dps but will make the dps check easier. A dps will need to pop cooldowns and tank for short times due to knockback and spines.

  11. Resilience/shroud is far superior to saber reflect in every way. The devs have stated that it is the most powerful ability in the game and in the right hands they are very ever so right. Not only does it work on all force and tech attacks, it cleanses and has a lower cool down compared to saber reflect. Since saber reflect only works on "ranged single target attacks" there is no comparison. Off the top of my head I can easily think of numerous boss fights that shroud cheeses mechanics and saber reflect does not because the attack is an aoe or melee attack. Just to name a few...torborro's cast, kephess' jump, dread guards lighting cast, sunder's the end, thrasher's swipes, titan 6 HM huge grenade, Xeno's tolerance (prevents stacks)...etc. What is the big deal about saber reflect? It is mainly a threat mechanic and can not cheese big hits like shroud can.


    The difference in cooldown is short enough to vary rarely matter. You are also wrong about several of your examples. Titan 6 is weapon dmg in Nim and it doesn't work on Xeno anymore. There are also some cases were saber reflect works while force shroud doesn't like tfb scream.


    And due to its implemenation it doesn't suffer from the 5% chance bug.

  12. 16 mans are much easier than 8 man as far as keeping tanks alive IMHO. That said I ran with an under-geared Shadow (not as under geared) 8 man.and we also did fine for as far as we got. Admittedly we quit after the weekly because people had other commitments.


    Do you have the torparse of the fight? Just want to see what was going on during that fight for my own personal interest.


    All of that said I believe the two healers in my guild , Lexi and Sythface, are really top notch. So clearly that factors into the experiences i have in HM.


    Here it is:



    We switched to 8man later had no problems with the fight, the spike dmg dropped about 10k or so.

    I'm not sure how bad the spikiness was, I think I might have been killed by it a few times. Since we never got that far into the fight I am not sure how it would have been after my cds were out, we wiped at around 1 min into the fight. We were mainly wipeing because a lot of people had problems seeing the snipers at all and jumping to them, you know like when it takes 10+ secs to see the mailbox on the fleet.

  13. First let me state that I am speaking mainly on PVE raid tanking. Though f,rom my Shadows in guild, I believe they are doing very well in PVP. That said I can't speak from experience for PVP.


    In many previous debates it was covered so I did not feel the need to bring it up again but their utility is most valuable during a raid including


    CC, stealth rez, increase healing for phasewalk (yesss I know you guys hate phasewalk), trailing adds, multiple healthpack uses, self cleanse, great aoe threat, ect. There are many neat tricks shadows can do during different fights to make it easier for everyone. TFB first boss avoiding adds, Xeno phase walk behind a pillar.


    Shadow DPS is not drastically lower than other current tank classes. Unless I have failed to see any recent parses showing otherwise. Which is possible as it has been a while since I checked torparse.


    I have yet to experience problems with my Shadow alt in storymode or HM that made it anywhere close to unplayable. The damage output of Story/Hard is simply not there for the majority of these issues. Our guild just did TFB HM last night with a mostly 69 moded shadow. He had a healing proc relic , which someone told him it was best in slot and I was going to ask today what Shadows felt about this, and very low mitigation.


    I talked to my healers after and they said they noticed him taking a bit more damage than I was but nothing anywhere close to unmanageable.


    Though it may not seem like it ...I DO agree mostly with Kitru, KBN, and all the other great number crunchers we have on the boards. . I don't crunch numbers. I do however experience the raids as my own Shadow and shadows in my guild. HM content is currently not an issue for shadows, they are clearing it fine. Nightmare is the biggest concern. Which the game SHOULD be balanced on nightmare content anyway.

    Try trasher S&V hm 16 man with a an assasin in 69 gear. It will go splat without really good healers. I took 28k dmg there, swipe+sniper.

  14. Assasins have their flaws, but in several boss fights they are just superior:


    - TfB NiM first boss: Vanish after tank switch and you won't receive any small adds so dps can focus on jealous male and then go back to the boss again.

    - TfB NiM seconds boss: If you have force leech and you are low on health just vanish from the fight and use your class recovery and you can heal up to 100% even with the debuff

    - SV NiM 2nd boss: Resist the dmg from the huge grenade


    And overall you can use loads of medpacks in a fight whenever your vanish from fight is up.


    I play a Vanguard tank in NiM progression on Republic side and an Assassin on Imperial. I like them both. My VG is however a little bit more relaxing as I am not that much dependent on RNG while I overall just love to play my assa tank.


    If you are a skilled Assa tank you can clear TfB Nightmare. If you do not know your class it may be hard.




    Force shroud doesn't work on huge greande in nim. Neither does deflection. Really doubt you done titan 6 nim on your shadow. So 2 out of 12 boses are good and that makes it fine? A few of the others seems pretty equal but a lot of the others are favoured towards the other 2.

  15. Sometimes there are refrences to various spikiness stories in the discussions but there is a lack of parses. It would be useful if we could make a collection of parses with various spikes. Personally I have only done DG, TWH and op9 in nim so far so dont't have many logs yet.


    A collection of these spikes will makes us have somethign to refer to in future discussions and get more hard evidence about the spikiness problem.


    It's not imporant if you survied or not or if the boss was beaten. The amount of dmg taken in a short timeframe is what is interesting. Both nim and hm parses can be of use.


    Shadow thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6694516#post6694516]




    TWH 8man

    18.5k in 1.2 sec

    20:13:16.839 The Writhing Horror's Melee Attack hits Drebi for 6218 kinetic damage, causing 6218 threat.

    20:13:16.839 The Writhing Horror's Melee Attack hits Drebi for 6218 kinetic damage, causing 6218 threat.

    20:13:17.977 The Writhing Horror's Nasty Bite glances Drebi for 2342 energy damage, causing 2342 threat.

    20:13:17.992 The Writhing Horror's Nasty Bite hits Drebi for 4239 energy damage, causing 4239 threat.


    DG 8man

    32.6k dmg in 1.5 s from Kelsara

    21:16:43.933 Kel'sara's Voltaic Slash hits Drebi for 16167 energy damage, causing 16167 threat. (4801 absorbed)

    21:16:45.430 Kel'sara's Force Scream hits Drebi for 16033 kinetic damage, causing 16033 threat.


    Nightmare 16-man Dread Guard

    23:29:19.542 312s Voltaic Slash 18900 energy No Kel'sara

    23:29:21.015 314s Force Scream 19304 kinetic No Kel'sara

    23:29:23.936 316s Discharge 8913 elemental No Kel'sara

    23:29:25.942 318s Force Scream 18325 kinetic No Kel'sara


    Nightmare 16-man Writhing Horror

    20:29:36.513 175s Melee Attack 10504 kinetic No The Writhing Horror

    20:29:36.513 175s Melee Attack 5695 kinetic No The Writhing Horror

    20:29:38.379 177s Melee Attack 10067 kinetic No The Writhing Horror

    20:29:38.380 177s Melee Attack 10067 kinetic No The Writhing Horror


    Nightmare 16-man Writhing Horror

    19:53:56.194 228s Melee Attack 10597 kinetic No The Writhing Horror

    19:53:56.194 228s Melee Attack 10597 kinetic No The Writhing Horror

    19:53:57.597 229s Melee Attack 10597 kinetic No The Writhing Horror

    19:53:57.597 229s Melee Attack 10597 kinetic No The Writhing Horror


    Nightmare 16-man Writhing Horror

    20:20:00.574 306s Melee Attack 10762 kinetic No The Writhing Horror

    20:20:00.574 306s Melee Attack 10762 kinetic No The Writhing Horror

    20:20:00.909 306s Nasty Bite 4117 energy No The Writhing Horror

    20:20:00.910 306s Nasty Bite 4047 energy No The Writhing Horror

    20:20:00.931 306s Nasty Bite 4186 energy No The Writhing Horror

    20:20:04.061 310s Melee Attack 10762 kinetic No The Writhing Horror

    20:20:04.062 310s Melee Attack 10762 kinetic No The Writhing Horror


    Nightmare 16-man Dread Guard

    23:06:06.442 250s Force Scream 22319 kinetic No Kel'sara

    23:06:07.894 251s Voltaic Slash 12428 energy No Kel'sara

    23:06:10.936 254s Force Scream 12662 kinetic No Kel'sara

    23:06:12.523 256s Discharge 10262 elemental No Kel'sara




    Trasher 16man

    28k spike, sniper(4k)+swipe(24k)

  16. How about the fact that assassin/shadow tanks have the 2 best defensive cd's on the shortest timer of the tanking classes?

    How about the fact that assassin/shadow tanks have almost constant self-healing? While they're not pulling the same self-healing they were back in pre-1.2 days, they still have it and it definitely helps.

    How about the fact that assassin/shadow tanks have force speed to kite bosses/adds?



    I agree with a couple of your points about assassin/shadow tanks, but tank specs in this game are really the most closely balanced specs. Assassin/Shadow's do not have the armor mitigation that the other classes do, but they more than make up for it in the other aspects.



    Forgot to mention that they are a TANK WITH STEALTH...

    2 best cds? Force shroud is good but saber reflect is better in most cases. Not sure which one you mean? Deflection? So its better than saber ward because it has 30 sec short cd?

    The selfhealing is part of the migation for the assasin, without it their migation is much worse. Stop talking about it like it's something that is over the normal migation. Also knocbacks can screw it up quiet often.

    Wither and force speed is nice but not super special. Sometimes force charge/interceed is better, sometimes forcespeed

  17. If you're just talking about how this affects phase walk, I think this significantly improves the phase walk ability. I really like and appreciate this change.

    It's nice and good for the tanks but for dps it does nothing. Most of the times you will use it for teleport and that remains unchanged.


    The problem I have with phase walk more with these changes is how they are turning an telport ability more and more into a group buff ability. It's just wierd and lazy design. I except them to implement some similar talen to darkness for dps and then it will be final. The cd and casting time is just to much to ever make it useful for teleport more than very rarely due to the ****** uptime. Everything you can do with phase walk force speed usually does to and better.

  18. ANother point I think is worth bringing up : Leveling up as a guardian.


    This is brutal in PVP and PVE. We simply do not have a good tool set early game. Perhaps abilities like Push, Taunt, and Challenging call should get introduced to a player early on? I believe many of the Guardians abilities should be re worked , as far as what level you receive them at, based on their usefulness in PVP/PVE


    Most guardians I spoken to feel that leveling up was painful till about early 40s. I believe this is too late in the game for a class to start to feel useful.

    Think its similar for all tanks. Possibly shadows have it slightly harder to due to having much more migation related to skills and talents than the others, especially hardness darkness.

  19. The biggest argument about Guardians/Juggernauts being over-powered seems to be Saber Reflect and how unbalanced it is. How many abilities do Shad/Sins and PT/VGs have that are usable at range? What about Juggs? They have Saber Throw and Vicious Throw (and one of those can only be used under 30%) neither of which generate much threat at all. How then is a Juggernaut supposed to hold threat on ranged mobs? Or is that supposed to be the "niche" of two of the other classes. Actually, its better put that Jugg/Guard's niche is NOT tanking ranged. Its said that a Jugg/Guard can simply "LAWLSaberReflect" and win. I challenge any of you to do exactly that: Jump/Leap in and hit Saber Reflect and nothing else. How long will you hold aggro on mobs that are being attacked? I know for a fact that its not as long as you'd think.

    Their are several problems with saber reflect, it is partially op but its more than that. It's a pretty weird skill that does a lot of everything. First I think BW needs to be clear about what mechanics should be cheesable and which shouldn't. It's strange that they change mechanics to make it more challeging/uncheasable while at the same time leaving saber reflect to work on said mechanics.


    Second that it used for aoe threat seems a bit weird and leaves the guardian in a bad place for aoe threat if it is down. Either chaning an existing abilty or adding a new one for aoe threat would be good.


    The other truly sad thing is that time and time again legitimate arguments based on observed empirical evidence are ignored or claimed to be false because the "math" says something different. Based on that logic I should run into McDonald's if I buy a large French-Fry and don't win something in the Monopoly game since a Large French-Fry comes with 4 chances to win and they claim right there on the Fry box that 1 in 4 wins. Judged solely on that simple bit of mathematics, I should win but the truth of what should (or more accurately, might) happen when it comes to probabilities and the truth of what does happen are often far from similar. Add into the basics of probability the fact that in this case you are dealing with tens of hundreds of variables on both sides of the fight (the player and the non-player character) and the margin for error becomes massive. Kitru claims he'd happily admit to being wrong if someone simply gave a mathematical proof of it when that isn't what is necessary at all. In fact, the burden of proof lies entirely with the person claiming there is an issue.

    Not sure what you mean here, math can do a **** ton of stuff if done correctly and I don't see why you look down on it so much. There are also is a huge diffrence between 4*25% is 100%, and making assumptions and simplifications. One is just bad math and the other one is usually necessary to be able to do anything at all. Ofc you have to write and be clear about your assumptions.


    Also I haven't seen any good arugments against it, except for some pretty good ones from Thok-zeus. Most of the ones I seen have been full with annecdotes and low on hard evidence. But this is offtopic.


    You want the devs to believe this is a real issue? Give them actual numbers. Give them parses that show this happening and then provide the math to back it up. As far as I have ever seen, this hasn't been done. I've heard claims about it happening to this person or that and then claims about the models but what all that ignores is that the devs (the people who actually wrote the code behind all that math) did tests (without commenting on how thorough said tests were) and used their own models to predict how damage would play out. Why should they believe that their tools which based solely on the fact that the people who created the formulae to calculate all of the damage and mitigation's tools are inferior to self-professed amateurs?


    There have been numbers on several occasions, there isn't any collection of them tough(making a collection would actually be a good idea) and but they are out their in the threads. Among them I rember a 40k dmg in 1.2 sec on twh nim and some similar numbers from the jumping frog in tfb. Or the fact that termiante 16 man nim is one shot. It's also easy to calculate how much more an assasin takes from a spike, if it kills the assasin or not is another question though.





    The part that worries me most however is how BW seems to not be reading the class forums at all and "rewarding" people for throwing tantrums. Another example is how there is a 10+ page thread about dark wards pretty ugly effect in the class forum and BW commented on the first page of a similar thread that was in general. They encourage bad behavour far to much and at times seem to have no clue what they are actually doing. They also seem to overdo nerfs and buffs.

  20. ...why would PvErs care? Because it takes a small amount of turning and kiting to knockback a pack of trash mobs? It's functionally the same skill, you just need to do a small amount of maneuvering. And really, how much utility does a basic knockback have in FPs/Ops? The best use I can think of is sage/sorc healer using it to get rid of a pack of trash mobs that the tank hadn't aggrod off. Which it can still do if you take a second to kite them into a ball. It's a useless skill against anything actually important.

    Overload was and is very useful for interupting casts, especially on mobs that can't be interupted like Carvers in SV. Before if someone said something or you noticed it you could just overload as panic button, now you need to find the mob, face it and then overload. That takes time so you might be to late. I usually set that sort of targets as focus while dpsing other mobs and finding so when something happens and you need to switch, phasing the target can be tricky sometimes due to the cone.

  21. I always try to get at least 3-4 Shield augs in there since, if you're stacking mitigation, you'll be just a bit shy of the required Shield for the optimal mitigation distribution with just the enhancements. I've *honestly* considered dropped all of my Absorb augs for Shield augs to maximize my chances of Shielding, so as to ameliorate some of my spike woes. It would mean a drop in mean mitigation but a reduction in spikiness, which, considering the comparative importance of each in the current metagame, would likely end up increasing survivability.

    Any idea how much migation is lost if you would change to all shield augments?

  22. As a shadow tank, I see the spike happening when my HP drops by a significant chunk. This spike I cannot prevent as I do not know it is coming. When this is happening, I react of course by using a cooldown, because oftentimes, spikes come in pairs. I said oftentimes because this is not always the case. I have tried to see if there is a pattern at thrasher for spikes and I am sorry to say but there isn't. One fight is vastly different from the other. In my retiring raids, I tanked thrasher and I spiked quite a bit due to bad RNG. Having reached to this conclusion, a player or a healer cannot do anything against bad RNG. There are Thrasher runs where you end up with no cooldowns, as you said and you start spiking again. If the healers do not react and heal you both, ignoring everyone else, you will die as a shadow. Usually he will kill you with a 10-12k hit. This happened to me a few times as the medpack was not enough. I had 7k HP and I died .1s before the healers finished the cast. When I said I got killed by a 10k hit my healers got so angry. They were sending relic+potency+adrenal heals ~ 12k worth of heals per healer. Of course I lost my mood when I see how broken the class is and EA KNIGHTS come on forums and say its not.

    Trasher is predictable in one way. His swipes comes at a set interval that switches between about 10 and 30 sec. So if its 10 seconds between two swipes, the next one will come about 30 sec later, the one after that 10 seconds later and so on. It seems to be random if it is the short or long interval at the start so its hard to actually know if its 10 or 30 until the next one. You will also barely notice an migated swipe while an unmigated does about 15-20k. Having some program that continously reads the combat log could probably warn you about the next swipe though based on the interval of the previous one. But since the cds can't be up for all of them anyway and you never know which ones will be unmigated it's pretty much impossible to forsee the spikes.

  23. A giant pink disco ball ... OF DEATH! Seriously though: agreed on all counts, and just checked with the class design guys and they agree the visual effects should be changed to better match the darker purpler Inquisitor theme. We'll see what we can do!

    BW respones on first page while you haven't even notcied the 10 page thread? Great work...

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