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  1. Completely agree. I am glad to see them to try something different ad I can live with the lower caps as I understand that they want it to last over several weeks. But to use RNG to get the modules is beyond stupid as getting modules you need may not happen. So far have had certain planets I have not hardly gotten any missions for and other planets where I have gotten several. Turns level 5 onwards into a huge grind which quite frankly doesn't make the comp worth doing. Kind of annoying, as I enjoyed levels 1-4 once I figured out how the system worked. Considering how the last gearing change was designed to remove the annoying RNG elements of previous gearing systems in this game to bring RNG back into this type of format is really annoying.
  2. Not a new account. I am a long time player since open beta with way to many alts on Star Forge. I just don't ever post on forums as I typically only monitor the dev tracker. Play this game and LOTRO where I have been there for 16 years now and only have posted a time or two in all that time. However if regards to this thread, I apologize if i said something someone else said as I skipped or skimmed over most of the previous posts other than the dev posts previously in this thread. What I was trying to explain with my previous post, was I don't like not being able to trade stuff or give stuff away for free and get taxed. If selling the item, then sure, that needs to be taxed, but if I am not making money on a transaction to have to pay potentially millions. The listed chart that was filled in by the dev with tax fees ranging into the 40-50 ish million range is way overtuned. The 1 credit refereed to the LOTRO version of a guild only sale, as a way to sell directly to guildies rather than the whole server. It functions essentially as two different markets, one where the only people that can buy it are guildies or on the open market that everyone is able to purchase it. Typically, when listing kinship/guild only, the seller will list as a much lower or minimal price as a way of helping guildies out. Since the GTN is getting a rework maybe that option would be useful here. Borrowing ideas from other games can be beneficial. Just as long as they don't borrow the LOTRO auction hall UI as it is horrid, which is a theme in LOTRO when it comes to their system's UI in general. I feel that some of the large economic changes being discussed should be implemented a bit slower. GTN prices on Star Forge have come down quite a bit with the limited changes already made., but we definitely need more end game credit sinks. One option that I think would be nice to have again was a redone amplifier system. Not what we had before because the RNG was terrible, but a new system that gave the same type of bonuses, but say would allow you to pick what ampliifre you wanted and at what tier. Of course the cost would increase by they type and by the level of the amplifier, For example, I really miss the PVP valor boost as it was helpful grinding 2 toons to Valor level 100.. I would like to have those options again but not with the RNG component as in their previous iteration. I posted in this thread as opposed to LOTRO where devs ask for thoughts of players and then ignore them, creating problems they either have to roll back, or have to replace later, because at least here the devs seem to honestly use our feedback to guide their development or the game,. This issue with increasing taxes can be very sticky and has the potential if implemented incorrectly to be damaging to the game, hence why I think the devs are getting the extra feedback for dealing with this issue. The previous concerns/opinions in my original post before bugged me enough to actually log on over here and post. As far as me being someone else, I know that I am probably wasting my time as I am not going to be able to convince a random person that I am not someone else. If the devs care, which I highly doubt, they can easily look up my account and verify that. However trying to discredit my opinions by lumping me in with someone that you must not have agreed with earlier in the thread is disingenuous. Your incorrect in assuming that posters in this thread that might disagree with you are really just one person. It stands to reason that a large tax increase in game could be very unpopular so it is not surprising if multiple players would provide negative feedback. In real life you might have guessed from my handle I am Eyecare professional, While I enjoy where I live and practice, it is sadly a state with a high tax burden. I feel I pay enough in taxes to the IRS and my state and don't enjoy that feeling in a video game, especially one that has used the same economic model since this game launched in 2011. At least with the IRS in real life, charitable contributions are tax deducible which won't be the case in SWTOR.
  3. While I understand people getting around the GTN tax, I really don't like the idea of such a large tax on moving player to player. Case in point, My brother enjoy playing to together and we routinely trade stuff with each other that we get from galactic seasons crates. This weekend I got a galactic seasons Armour set box that had an outfit that i won't be using for any of my many alts, but my brother really liked it so I gave it to him. It will really suck to not be able to do this. I really don't like the idea of trying to put an item up on the general GTN for 1 credit and they have my brother buy it right after it is listed as we might lose the item. One idea, that might be useful, is in LOTRO their version of the GTN works as an auction hall where you are able to put items up for bid with a buyout. It does have the option of listing an item to your kinship only (ie the lotro version of a guild in swtor) so it would be a way for someone to give items to guildies or friends very low cost if they wanted but still is a convoluted way to go about it. Also, I don't like how this change will affect guilds giving stuff to members. I play on Star Forge, and am a part of some large guilds that routinely give stuff to members out of the guild bank, It those of us that donate are taxed giving an item away and or the recipient is taxed when they gain the item will negate many of the benefits of being in a large active guild.
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