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  1. I know this has been mentioned before in the past but I feel like making more posts might help push it forward (even if it's little by little). Outfits with hoods (down or up) should have a toggle so the player can decide how they want to wear it. I know certain outfits have two versions of itself that do this but unless all outfits with a hood have versions of itself with and without...it is not a real solution. I know this suggestion has primarily been for people who don't want a hood...but I am in the opposite camp where there are certain outfits I WISH I could have the hood up for (the Thana Vesh + Dramatic extrovert outfits are my goal). If there are any plans for this in the future or news on hood toggle, I would love to know as well
  2. I know hood up/down toggle has been talked about many times but I have been thinking about the Thana Vesh / Dramatic Extrovert outfits and how badass it would be to finally have some hooded up versions of those I don't know if this is the right place to suggest armor sets but it would be cool to give these outfits some more love <3
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