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Everything posted by SierraLovesCats

  1. And for reference I'm playing a sorc at level 80, Gearscore is 286, also using stims and medpacks to try and buff myself, also went through 3 different DPS builds to see if that would help me.
  2. No not those, moreso post Fallen Empire FP's. For example I'm on the one right now on Menaan and have died at least twice trying to get through this. The mobs deal so much damage and it feels like Arn is just doing nothing to heal me until I'm already at 20% and by then I have to start kiting them. This is miserable. This simply isn't a solo difficulty.
  3. I can be the commander of the Alliance and arguably one of the most powerful characters in the story, yet I still die to a basic pack of mobs very often in FP's. I'm also overleveled for them. Makes absolutely no sense. Why even have levels in the first place if they don't matter anymore? I often don't feel actually very powerful. I guess that means I'll have to spend my credits to buy some better gear because this is just getting worse and worse. I can be 10-20 levels above the mobs, have a solid build picked out but I still struggle from time to time. Either my companions aren't healing often enough or they simply can't keep up. For a difficulty that's suppose to be "story mode", I think it needs some work here. Even when the mobs aren't killing me, these FP's tend to DRAAAAAAAGGGGGG on so long. The enemies just feel like massive bullet sponges half the time.
  4. Duly noted! Yeah that was always the big issue was that his romance comes so late, by that point most people would've likely romanced another character but this time around I'm really wanting to go with Arcann if you say it works. Good to know that he's still getting attention too, I was worried about him being pushed to the sidelines because he's an optional character to even allow to live.
  5. I've never actually romanced him before but I'm playing through on a new Guardian and am considering it. I usually just go for Theron or Lana so this would be a bit fresh but I just wonder if it's really fleshed out for the long term. Thoughts? If any of you have romanced him and if you thought it worked nicely or not.
  6. Out of all the characters from the Eternal Empire story, he's by far the most annoying. In fact, I'd say he's really the only character that gets on my nerves at least off the top off my head. He constantly complains and doesn't take responsibility unless it personally affects him. He's constantly in denial about Valkorion and is extremely biased in his views on the greater galaxy, basically ignores all other civilizations and does not care one bit when informed about the horrific things his emperor did to them but as soon as you even let a single Zakuulian die he loses his mind. I see someone defend him here and there and I just cannot understand how you can really defend this guy. To each their own I guess.
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