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Posts posted by navido

  1. Hey man.


    Don't be a jerk.




    (Old Goon Squad buddy checking in. Also Brander man I'm never going to let you forget that armor set I gave you. For free.)


    Edit: Also sad that you guys are coming back into the game just as I'm getting ready to set sail for PvE wonderland (FFXIV). Hope to get in a few good games with you guys before that happens. :p



    But I'm a goon!!!! You can't hold that against me forever!

    Wish you weren't heading out so soon. Hopefully we can get to 55 and get a few games in before you leave .

  2. The issue isn't with UR taking the DMG you take down to zero... the issue with this ability is MUCH more complex than looking at UR in a vacuum.


    Right now Sent/Mar is one of if not the best melee DPS in the game. They have all the tools to dominate a game...


    6 sec interrupt (which locks out the ability for 4 seconds.... most heals have a 2+ sec cast time.... see the issue?)


    15 sec gap closer (12 spec'd)


    Fantastic single target DMG (as it should be from a DPS only AC)


    An AoE mez (I know they aren't the only ones)


    4 second stun (You can't say you are a DoT based class then complain about a stun that not only stuns but ticks along with your DoTs)


    Amazing group utility for a DPS class because no matter what you say the ability to throw out a group wide sprint can at times be game breaking


    A snare, plus a snare built into your DPS rotation and you're min distance for charge is increased... in other words how are you being kited by anything that isn't a Vanguard/PT


    Somehow everyone seems to forget a heal debuff that now due to BioWare's infinite wisdom can no longer be cleansed (IMO biggest buff Sent/Mara got in 1.2, at least against good healers/teams)


    Plus a <30% execute


    Then you go to the defensive CD's which a pure DPS class should have some oh $%#@ buttons, however this is where Sent/Mara gets just a touch out of hand... not nerf them to the ground OP... but tweak them just a touch. This is where UR needs to be looked at... and honestly all that needs to be done is change it to where they can't be healed when they use it... fixed problem solved,


    It then becomes the OH $&%* button you all say it is when you're 1v1, and it lets you're healer catch up (There is this thing called pre casting that would up the skill in this game substantially IE: UR has 2 seconds left my heals takes 2.34 seconds to cast I should start warming it up) in team play which is where the game should be balanced.

  3. Worthless implies it has no value, which is not the case. You NEED to obtain top tier PvP or PvE gear either way - an empty orange shell with an augment slot isn't of much value if you don't have the mods to go with it (and the set bonus on those top tier armorings).


    It's true that there is now a step beyond the top tier gear you are used to, but what kind of orange shell you acquire is up to you. We've unlocked a large number of appearances for the system...


    First of all thank you for the response, the wave of developer posts recently has been quite refreshing I must admit.


    Secondly "worthless" was not the right way to describe what I was trying to say and I appologize. What I am getting at is more of a PvP issue as that's the side of the game I prefer (Though it applies to both PvE and PvP). You have said rated WZ's will have two sets of gear, both with the same stats but one with a different look than the other which will require a rating.


    Now as a PvPer that wants to push for that rating and for that gear I would liket o be able to wear it as BiS but that won't be possible as it doesn't have an augment slot and there is currently no way to add one to an item.


    I'm not upset at all about needing to go an extra step to have the BiS top tier gear, I just wish there was a way to keep the crafting community useful as well as allow us to wear the PvP gear that required a rating without having to sacrifice stats to do so.


    Anyways, again I'm very happy to see more communication between the dev team and the player base. It can only lead to good things.

  4. Being able to make "augmenter's" would make crit-crafting orange items worthless, unless the chance to crit was quite high. In the long run just making augmenter's would be cheaper, meaning people wouldn't really bother making orange items or searching for schematics, making the crew skill mostly worthless.



    Only having the Augment slot on crit craft orange gear makes top tier PvP and PvE gear worthless as now to be BiS you need the Augment slot. So while yes they allow you "more choice" you really don't as you MUST have a crit crafted set.

  5. This issue doesn't only apply to PvE and gear hunters. For PvP you have already said there with be War Hero gear which you gain through ranked WZ comms and there will be another set with the same stats but look a little different which will require a rating.


    For those of us who PvP and look forward to getting something for attaining a higher rank we won't be able to use that set as it won't have the extra slot for stats....


    I think there are many ways to go about this, personally I was thinking you could make the higher level PvE raid boss dropped crafting mats to be BoE not BoP. That way if you could clear that content you can farm your own mats and find a crafter to make it, if you can't you could just pay for it to be done. Either way you get the slot.


    My two credits, I really hope they allow some way to get a slot otherwise the top tier gear the artist spent time making won't ever be seen.

  6. Rather than just beefing up the HoTs, I think it would help in all situations if the Scoundrel/Op HoT ticked every second. Fast ticking HoTs are much more useful in bursty environments. It essentially gives their HoT a Trauma Probe/Kolto Shell functionality on tanks. When the tank is hit, his damage will be smoothed out a bit by preemptive heals before the next swing.


    Let Alacrity works with HoT's. Also when there are 2 HoT's stacked on a target the chance for UH/TA should double as well to make up for the cost of casting them.

  7. I read your entire post but quoted the only relevant portion since I didn't feel like taking up more space than needed.


    Additionally, the remainder of your post also operates entirely on assumptions. Not every single DPS sorcerer in the game uses the hybrid spec with points into the root. I can say with confidence that it's not that common in the warzones I've played even if most on the forums would agree that it's highly effective in PvP. How many min/maxers do you think this game has? Or players that take time to research their class for that matter?


    It's not as common as you think.


    Ok fair enough, however when I post on the PvP forums I do expect a level of common sense towards playing a class. Now I must say all of the Sage/Sorc's on my server that PvP with any sort of consistency all play the hybrid DPS spec as it's really the best spec for the class due to the top tiers and 31 point talent being fairly awful. As well as the fact you don't drop anything to pick up most all the great talents in both trees.


    Also being in a PvP guild and having PvP in MMO's for the better part of the last 6 years or so the people I play with are serious Min/Max'ers as well as myself, so yes I did make assumptions that we were talking the hybrid DPS spec in this thread as it's the only spec that could even be thought of in an "OP" manner (even though I still don't think it is, I think the healer is more powerful than the other two by a wide margin but honestly Sage/Sorc can put up the numbers but really they aren't top tier DPS, they are however top tier support with nice sustained damage. When paired with a good burst class they excell) as both other trees spec'd all the way to 31 are lackluster and not worth posting about.

  8. You're insulting him because he didn't feel like relying on assumptions or reading your mind since you didn't specify that it refers to only one build?




    As I said in the post to begin with if you are talking DPS spec they have the root, you know a Sage/Sorc that doesn't play the Hybrid DPS Build?


    Right because saying "Stopped reading" because of one line in a post full of thoughts is such a nice and respectful way to respond. Don't jump in to throw stones one way.

  9. I stopped after you said they all get the root. That simply isn't true given it's a 3rd tier talent in Lightning.


    Let me try again as reading comprehension doesn't seem to be your strong suit. If IF we are talking about DPS Sage/Sorc ( which is what you were arguing isn't OP) we can assume they are hybrid spec'd as the top tiers and 31 points talents in BOTH trees leave much to be desired.


    Now if we assume they are decent at PvP we can assume they know a good talent when they see one, as such they will spend 7 points in lightning/TK to grab the 9% reduction to force cost talent (3 points) 100 more force (2 points) and 20% better shields (2 points) so now all our friendly Sage/Sorc has to do is spend 5 more points to have a root. Please explain to me how ANY hybrid DPS Sage/Sorc won't spend 5 points (3 of which are very helpful to DPS) to have a 100% AoE root?


    So really you are being petty and instead of having a thought out discussion you tried to bow out with a snarky remark that holds no weight or baring.


    Saying Sage/Sorc doesn't pick up the root as DPS when they already spend 7 points in the tree because they'd have to spend FIVE MORE...is a ridiculous excuse. That's like saying healing Sage/Sorc's don't all have a 2 sec CD on Force Armor because it's a tier 3 talent. Just because you have to spend points to get it doesn't mean you don't have it.


    Also most people here that are saying "Sage/Sorc" are OP would love to have the CHANCE to spec into half the stuff your class gets much less be given the rest.

  10. If they had someone who replied to threads and said "Your concern has been noted and will be looked into," there would be far less outcry.


    When people think there is a problem, and get zero feedback, they assume they were not heard. So they speak louder, then they shout, then they scream, then they rage-quit.


    You don't have to admit that it is broken.


    You don't have to post what you are doing to fix it.


    You just have to tell the community that they have been heard. Then perhaps someone could maintain a sticky of "Heard complaints" that people could check before re-posting the same one over and over.


    And then...amazingly, we might have boards that had content besides people crying out for changes.


    ^^^^^^This, silence and then random outbursts like this do nothing but destroy the community perception of the Dev team. Acknowledgement is a very powerful motivator and seeing as how this is an MMO most people here are driven by it. A simple response to a well thought out thread with helpful feedback would have been very constructive and gone miles with the healing community as a whole.


    It's a shame really.

  11. We do not have two stuns.


    I think he meant stun and mez though I could be wrong


    We do not have a root, it's a talent tied into our knockback.


    If you are talking DPS Sage/Sorc they all pick up the root, just because it's a talent doesn't mean you don't have it.


    yes we can proc instant casts, but that's when we're standing still. That "spammable ability with a snare" requires us to be standing still. it also ticks for like 400-500 on an actual geared target. sounds like a whole lot of QQ without a whole lot of know. =/


    True you do have to stand still, however in the hybrid build it has no CD so hitting someone, stopping casting to move and starting again isn't a penalty it's a playstyle. You still have project, a dot, and with those TK throw ticks comes the chance of PoM which tosses out instant cast Mind Crush and other abilities and you still have Force in Balance. Is your best DPS sitting there turreting? Yes. Can you be mobile and still be effective for **short** periods of time? Yes


    Aside from shield and our actual CC abilities we do not have a single defensive cooldown as a DPS Spec. Yep. That's right, I said it. Not our stun, or our knockback, or anything. We do not have an "oh ****" bubble - we don't have a reduce damage by 20%, or a take 99% less damage, or a shield that heals us, or anything. if we lose momentum our momentum is gone - we have to heal. as DPS spec you can interrupt our heals all day, if you're letting us get off multiple casts you're playing it wrong.


    This is all true, however with an AoE knockback that roots, a shield that mez's, and a sprint it's not THAT hard to get LoS'd to get a couple heals off


    every class I see QQ about Sorcs brings up all these things that other classes actually have - they never bring up that we do not have a real defensive cooldown in the slightest. We have an actively used shield that we must maintain, and we have heals to maintain our health pools. Don't forget that shield requires a global cooldown (obv most abilities do, but you aren't losing GCDs by mitigating with passive mitigation like most classes. given our mitigation is active, that's a GCD spent everytime we want to mitigate damage to our fullest.) But if you bust us up quick and keep the pressure on we have nothing to make you not continue putting pressure on us. Yeah, we have force sprint, but that's a 30s CD and its not like other classes dont have 12s charges or a possible grapple...oh wait. They do.


    if you ever notice once youre pushing a Sorc into the floor hes pretty much done. people only see lightning spam and dont stop to think of what we're actually missing, or play the class and see what its missing. I think our damage and CC is fine given we can't actually mitigate ****. We have no passive mitigation outside of our light armor, expertise, and a potential 2% talent...and we have no activated mitigation of damage reduction. stop qqing.


    I actually don't disagree with you completely. My point through this entire thread has been the difference in toolkits for healers between Sage, Scoundrel, and Commando. The DPS spec while I'm surprised they haven't broken up the hybrid (They did it to shadows) I don't think it's THAT insane. It does put up insane numbers though...but that's more through quake and TK wave procs into big groups.


    I do have to disagree with the "no defensive CD's" argument at least from a Scoundrel's point of view I'd trade my 1 min CD 3 sec duration dodge of "white" damage and my 45 sec CD 2.5k absorb "shield" for bubble (17 sec with 2 piece) sprint (30 secs as healer) and AoE knockback (20 secs) anyday.


    The Seer tree and the fact that you don't honestly have to put more than 2 points into the tree to be "useful" as a healer and only really need 16 to be highly effective is my issue. I play with a Seer/Balance hybrid that in Cent gear can do close to 300k/300k and while I understand that isn't the norm I know on my lowbie 38 Sage I've had 260k/200k games.


    Using the "If we get focused" argument isn't really as that great as all healers and to be honest ranged turret classes (Slinger, Grav hero) suffer from these same issues (some might even say more)

  12. I'm still astounded by the fact that this is the thread he chose to post on, no offense to the OP honestly I don't do the numbers thing, I just can't believe he wouldn't post of one of the discussion threads of which there are MANY in the Scoundrel, Op, and healing forums.


    I'm not even talking about an ongoing dialogue with him in the thread (As nice as that would be I've pretty much given up hope on that one) just a simple "Hey we are watching this thread, keep the ideas flowing we enjoy the community feedback" would have meant the WORLD to the small community of Scoundrel/Op's that honestly at this point are just looking for a bone that the Dev team even knows we are still here.


    I don't think I've ever seen a post like this in any other class thread and it really doesn't help the smallest population class grow for new players to see that kinda of Dev response to us.


    Anyways GZ I really hope you can make it to the healer forums and at least let us know you are reading, heck maybe even open a dialogue with some of us. Most of us just want a little communication between the Dev team and the playerbase that isn't random blogs and Q&A.

  13. Funny, I see good healers from other classes put up just as good numbers as a Sorc. Hence, "good healers." No, my numbers are not bigger than everybody elses. At least, if they know how to play their class properly.


    Ok let me try again. The SAME player plays 2 classes (Sage and for this argument I'll use Scoundrel) in the SAME situation (Let's say has guard and taunts and peels) will have an EASIER time handling it on the Sage than they will on the Scoundrel due to the amount of CC, Utility, and Healing the Sage has. See that? Not calling for a nerf, not saying Sages are OP. What I'm saying is given the same situation one class is clearly better... this should be fixed. I don't think through nerfs but it should be addressed.


    The large majority of people complaing are: A) Bad PlayersSeeing an imbalance in the game and calling attention to it does NOT make you a bad player and B) Queue Solo -- I am sure when one of these individuals runs into a group that I run with (Heal sorc, Jugg, Mara or dps sorc, and an Assassin tank) I'm sure I seem very OP to a solo-artist. The teamwork makes me strong, not the class. I am far less effective solo, to the point where I don't even like to queue without a tanking class, and can be focused down easily by "competent players."Why do you continue to use this example as if the other two healers don't have this issue? This is the point, that you have MORE tools is deal with the SAME issues.... see what I'm getting out? Fact is, most players in SWTOR are really bad, and make the average WoW PvP'er look like a professional arena player. I can honestly say 75% of the people I run into during PvP don't appear to have an interupt ability bound to their keys. This is about the only correct thing you've said all night


    When I start to see good and established PvP'ers talking about Sorcs being OP on my server, I'll pay attention. All I am seeing currently is a lot of people with "Born to Lose" tattoos complaining about why they don't win more often when they QUEUE SOLO.


    Ok first off I don't solo que...ever. Second and please make sure you read this I am not calling for nerf nor am I saying Sage/Sorc is OP What I continue to try(and apparently fail at) to tell you the other classes are in need of some love and by "complaining" about sages you take away from that balance that needs to happen


    Here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=332481

    This is a link to a thread showing with numbers (I know they are scary) showing how the Sage outheals the other two healer in PURE RAW healing.


    Pleas do me a favor and play either of the two classes and come back and tell me you still think Sage/Sorc "have it tough"


    One more time to hopefully make it stick. Scoundrels and Commandos are not useless, they are not broken, they are underpowered and in almost every situation you are better off having a Sage.

  14. Complete and utter BS. The class can't spec into all 3 trees at the same time, sorry. The raw healing power you speak of must come from people who don't have gear, going against a PvP gears Sorc. DPS I have run into who actually have PvP gear have no problems DPS'ing right through my "raw healing power." To the point where if I don't get a guard or get away in some shape or form, it is a guaranteed kill for them.


    If your issue is with what the scoundrel can do, request a buff. Nerfing sorcs because another class isn't properly balanced is not the answer.


    The people complaining are bad, plain and simple. In fact, 90+% of the people complaing on the forums in any shape or form are bad.


    Please do tell how this is BS? No the raw healing numbers aren't from under geared people going against geared Sage/Sorc. Let me make this easy, your numbers are BIGGER than the numbers that a Scoundrel or Commando puts up. That means when you cast a heal it heals for MORE than anyone else... you understand that right?


    You mean you can't beat a team all by yourself? You need guard...and taunt...and peels? You don't think other healing classes need this? Really? This is about when you DO have those things you have more options available to you for a given situation than the other two have.


    >>>>>>>>>>Same gear, same skill, same situation the Sage/Sorc is ALWAYS going to come out ahead of the Scoundrel or Commando. THAT IS THE POINT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<


    Once again if you will go reread my post I am NOT calling for a Sage/Sorc nerf. What I am trying to explain to you is having all the CC, Utility, and healing you could ever ask for and then saying your class is fine (which it honestly is, everyone else just needs to be brought up to that point) and everyone else needs to L2P is crazy...


    It's easy to stand on the top and look down at other people, try taking a step back and admitting you have a ton of toys in your toolkit where other people's are lacking.

  15. Play a sorc. There are so many problems with your responses it is not even worth it to me.


    Whirlwind fills the resolve bar A LOT. Saying it only fills it very little just shows how much you know about the class. Nothing.


    Just because another class doesn't have something, doesn't mean you take stuff away. The fact that people are arguing over Huttball as a balance issue is just laughable to me.


    And the fact is: ANY DPS WORTH THEIR SALT WILL TEAR UP A SORC, PERIOD. Maybe the people complaining just suck? Why isn't player skill a factor in this discussion? Because good players aren't on the forums crying.



    I do have a sage so I'd very much like you to tell me how my response is so "wrong"


    Whirlwind fills the bar the EXACT amount that every other 8 second mez fills it, don't complain about how utility that works like other peoples.


    I'm not arguing about huttball AT ALL, I'm arguing in almost EVERY instance a sage can do the job better than a commando or scoundrel in the same place. Period. Better heals, more utility, and ranged CC.


    This also isn't an issue of "I don't have that so they can't either" this is an issue of one ONE class having more raw healing power, more utility, more CC, and more toys to deal with a situation. I don't want all your toys. I'd just like to have SOMETHING that Scoundrels excel out healing wise.


    And believe me I play a Scrapper DPS (And a Sawbones healer) and a dang good at both. I don't have an issue killing Sages, or Commandos, or Scoundrels for that matter. This isn't an argument about if DPS can kill a healer. The simple fact is the healing classes are not on par with each other, they aren't even close.

  16. I have an AoE knockback that fills a good portion of the resolve bar, and has no root or snare affect.


    A good portion of the resolve bar? You must be kidding, knockbacks fill the least ammount of resolve along with Mez's


    My snare is on a 12 second cooldown, and it is the only snare you have unless you spec for it toward the top of the healing tree. (20% snare on my DoT for 2 pts) And don't give me that force lightning BS. As a healer, that mechanic is useless as I spend practically zero time using that ability.


    A) Some classes don't get a snare. B) Most snares are 4m or 10m and also have a 12 sec CD C) Don't bring this "TK throw snare isn't useful I'm a healer... you should be doing more than heal, snaring someone for your DPS is part of you job. Must be really nice to have to COMPLAIN about having utility


    My whirlwind ability is on a 60 second cooldown, fills a resolve bar like no other, and breaks on damage.


    This is a mez, as such it fills the resolve very little because as you said it breaks on dmg...as does everyone else's mez's...which aren't at 30m range


    I have a ranged stun on a cooldown as well. This also fills the resolve bar about halfway.


    30m stun, fills it as much as EVERY OTHER 4 sec stun


    The resolve bar fills after a knockback and a stun. I fail to see how that is "OP."


    Once again, must be nice having too much utility...sounds like first world issues to me. Wanna trade me some?


    The thing that keeps me alive isn't my "wide array of CC." LoS games and running away to buy time to heal, or pulling a tank toward myself for protection\guard. In fact, I would argue a good tank is more important to my success than my CC is.


    No what keeps you alive is a 3.5k bubble, a HoT that adds armor and makes your nuke heal 1.5 seconds to cast, a channeled heal AND all the CC and utility you have.


    As a healer, I can't kill anybody worth their salt 1v1, period. My entire focus is to run away, buy time, and find a tank or DPS to assist me. But yea, I'm totally "OP." :rolleyes:


    Yes you can kill someone 1v1 it's really not that hard but ok, I'm going to gloss over that. Ok so you need to run away, say another healer needs to do the same... only they have less CC, less utility, and less options as you.... but right you're "underpowered" :rolleyes:



    Are you OP? I don't know that it's so much that you are OP as it is the other classes are under balanced.


    Do me a favor and take a step back and quit playing the "woah is me" card and look at what OTHER healers have to deal with, what limited toolkits they have.... you yourself are complaining about TOO MUCH utility... TOO MANY tools.

  17. I must have missed all these stuns, snares, roots, and overall CC in the healing tree....


    Seriously, why do people combine all 3 trees into 1 class and say Sorcs do "everything?"


    You have a stun... You have a single target mez... Your TK throw snares.... You have force slow, you have an AoE knockback


    Seriously why do sages pretend if they aren't Spec'd hybrid they can't CC and if they aren't Spec'd healing they are useless healers... 2 point in healing and you can put up 100k in a WZ more if you wanted to. Don't play the "oh he's taking about the 31/31/32 sage" we aren't

  18. You misread my post. I din't say other classes had bubble, please read again -- it says instant heal. Other classes do have an instant heal/


    Sorc bubble is an instant heal, nothing more. It counts for healing, not protection.


    As I already explained, it is there to create a time buffer while the longer cast heals are being cast. And once again I'll say -- I'd be ok with making the bubble into an actual instant heal as other classes have, but they would have to lower the cast times of other heals since there is not a protective bubble to allow for long casts.


    This would make for a more mobile healer, I'm ok with that.


    You must be kidding me, no other instant heal comes CLOSE to bubble in terms of healing, not to mention it can NEVER overheal as it "absorbs" damage...


    Your cast times are not long by any remote stretch of the imagination. Scoundrel/ops heals is 2 seconds all the time everytime no matter what. You already have a 1.5 second cast and with your hot your nuke is ALSO 1.5 second cast. Both of which are faster than the 2.0 second cast so no, at no point in the near future do sages need to be compensated for ANY changes to their healing

  19. I am a soc and i agree that if a soc is specced for PVP it can be a little much.


    But as i am PVE i am not PVP specced.



    the knockback plus the root has to have 2 skill points to be effective. i don't have it because useless in a raid


    bubble is good but the bubble blind has to have a skill point again i don't have because useless in a raid


    so really i am left with a knockback, a cc (everone has), the force pull thing (only good in hutball),


    if you are wondering how to take down a SI or mirror use interrupt lightning. it is our main attack and we depend on it for a proc.


    I have an operative and it makes the SI look a little like a faceroll i agree.


    but if you go against a si with full pvp spec then yeah he has some pretty good stuns and escapes.


    but look at my operative


    has flash bang which stuns up to 5 people in 5 meters, a cc, slice which roots, sever tendon slow you by 50%, debilitate stuns,



    Please don't compare the toolkit of a Sage/Sorc to that of a Scoundrel/Op


    An AoE MEZ (Not stun) on a 1 min CD


    A single target stun (45 sec CD 30 sec if it's spec;d)


    Dodge 1 min cd 3 sec duration (only for physical "white" dmg)


    Shield 45 sec CD absorbs roughly 2.5k dmg


    Vanish (3 mins, 2 mins spec'd in Scrapper/Concealment) also if not spec'd into doesn't allow healing done or received for 10 secs making it useless for healers


    A snare that ONLY roots (for 3 secs though it feel like less) if spec'd into in the

    Scrapper/Concealment tree (12 sec CD 10 meter range)


    And an opener that stuns once again only spec'd into the Scrapper/Concealment tree (must be stealth and behind target)


    10m interrupt



    Sages have:


    AoE knockback (20 sec CD) if spec'd can also root


    30m ranged stun on 1 min CD


    150% speed spring (30 sec, 20 if spec'd)


    Bubble 3.5k geared and spec'd (5 sec cd, 2 sec spec'd cd)(20 sec lockout 17 with 2 piece)(can be spec'd to mez when broken)


    30m ranged snare (not sure on the CD, believe it's 12 secs also)


    Snare on telekinetic throw


    Lift (single target mez) 1 min CD (spec'd is instant cast)


    Friendly target pull (also not sure on the CD of this)


    30m interrupt


    So again, please don't compare the toolkits, there are many MANY great thread about the pure numbers of each (Where the sage/sorc also has the edge) that I won't go into that. Just in toolkit and options alone the 2 are not even close

  20. So much hate and anger. You sure you shouldn't come over to the dark side? :)


    I'm a full BM sorc, dps Madness spec. I have around 18% armor.


    My guildie and PvP buddy Immortal Jugg, has ~40% armor and ~54% shield.


    Try your made up numbers again. ;)



    Edit: And the bubble is the only instant heal we get. Other classes have it too. But it seems people just have the difficulty grasping the mechanic and hate seeing people take no damage.


    I would be very much ok with making the bubble into an actual, instant 3k heal on a 20 sec timer. At least then it could crit for 5k+. ;) But then, of course, they would have to lower the cast times of the rest of our heals since our heals were given LONG cast times, while the bubble soaks up a few k damage - that's the sorc healer mechanic, bubble, long heal, channeled heal. You lose the bubble, heals must come off quicker then. I'd be ok with being a quick cast, mobile healer. :) Bring it on.



    Ok first of all NO other classes have bubble, no other classes have anything even LIKE bubble. Please don't spread lies. Bubble is already a 3.5k heal on a 2 sec CD (Spec'd) 5 sec unspec'd that you can cast on EVERYONE in a WZ with the ONLY limitation being the lockout (20 secs, 17 with PvP 2 piece) and make your cast times shorter? Are you kidding? You have a 1.5 sec cast and a 2.5 sec cast that's 1.5 after you cast your hot which is not only one of the high heal/cost heals in the game it also grants as armor buff.


    Edit: I don't even think Sorc/Sage needs a nerf, not at all what I'm getting at. I think Scoundrel/Op and to an extent Commando/BH needs to be raised to Sage/Sorc level as most content seems to be tuned to that level of healing/utility. Don't play the woah is me card as a sage. At the end of the day you have the MOST tools to play with and have the MOST options to deal with any given situation.

  21. Again I state that our resources are the same exact mechanic. Just opposite. Mine starts at 0, your's starts at 100, however the numbers are all the same.


    True, except for one small tiny little detail. After 60 our regen goes to 3, the tooltip SAYS 4 but we only gain 3 energy per tick...



    Ideally, you should be using your diagnostic scan (or whatever the very large crit %, free, small heal ability is) in between abilities for both the crits, and the energy regeneration you get from it. This goes for almost every class that has a free, spammable ability, sorcerer DPS aside as theirs is a melee ability that does nothing for them.


    Our "free diagnostic scan requires FOUR talent points to do that, just FYI and the energy regen from it is laughable, what does your hammershot do? Add stacks to get your best CD back? Trade you.


    Look I'm not here to argue Commando Vs Smuggler (hahaha cute) this is a talk about Smuggler/Op healing and the poor state it's in right now.

  22. I've always said that Scoundrel/Op's dodge ability should make them immune to knockbacks/pulls. As the only class in the game with no gap closer either positive (Life grip/charge/sprint) or negative (knockback/pull) they should have a short duration immunity to these (Shadow/Assassins get this in the form of resilience which makes them immune to force and tech... so all knockbacks, roots, stuns, pulls AND some of the harder hitting DPS abilities at the same time)


    It's a 1 min CD, only applies to "auto attack" dmg and would add some "skill" in the knockback game. In that will this person notice the giant green bubble around me and wait 3 seconds to knock me back? Or are they going to hit it anyways.


    I've also toyed with the idea of letting bubble have a sprint component added to it (not the crappy talent that doesn't work) of say 100% speed for the duration which makes it slower than Con/Inq sprint but last a touch longer. Would help both the healers for an escape and give the DPS a gap closer.


    Also, and I know I'm kinda jumping all over the place here but the thoughts just kinda run along sometimes, having stealth as a healer subtract from what you can do because it takes up "points" when building the class is so unbelievable short sighted... as the "stealth" healing class we should have a few things


    A) A very large, nuke, ZOMG heal OUT OF STEALTH just like the DPS opener, give us a reason to stealth aside from "hiding" from the big bad DPS


    B) Vanish means we can't heal or be healed for 10 seconds as the healer.... whichever DEV put this in the game with no way for a healer to spec out of it.... I dislike you. Seriously you can't call vanish a "survival" CD when it means we can't do what we've spec'd to do!



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