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Posts posted by Zilod

  1. i suggest to finish up champion and then start to swap mods, you can also find good mods on AH, on my server T3(rakata/battlemaster) enhancements sells for 100-150k each (but is not that easy to find them)


    also atm there is not a clear way to gear up assassin, and personally i think it depends a bit by the role you are going to play in game and if you are going to soloq or to play in premades


    4 pieces of pve set, full surv pvp, surv armoring + offensive mods, stalker with some swaped mode... are all viable, it depends by your taste and playstyle

  2. i'm kind new to operative and i'm kinda surprised by how well i'm healing in HMs (as tank always tought op was kinda weak as healer)


    i dont agree that much with kolto infusion as useless, it heals more than a surg probe and is still on gcd, the main difference is that the surg probe have frontload healing while infusion heals at the end of the casting (and ofc it costs energy)


    ofc surgical probe is more efficent, but in situations when more healing is necessary then infusion is a nice tool to have



    for our secondaries have anyone ran the numbers?


    alacrity doesnt seem that important for op, even if it will be nice to have KI in 1gcd on the other hand, with our high crit chance, sur seem to be a pretty decent boost even after nerf


    same goes for power and crit... power generally seem to be the way to go for general effectiveness, but again with our high crit chances and the bonuses from accomplished doctor it seem crit chance is the better choice

  3. actually i like Ash and her "grey side", the way you get her is also pretty good and you can do that aimed by good intents or even as a manipulative sith who tempt her and cause her fall


    i see the dialogues as pretty much the same, you can be genuine in what you say as much as you are telling her what she wants to hear just to manipulate her


    and for the romance, i dont see why a evil sith lord who focus on strenght and destruction have to romance anyone, especially a char as ash


    for some reason i dont see palpatine telling to young anakin that he is an evil lord of the sith and the galaxy is going to burn under his iron fist, nor i see him gifting teddy bears to the hot senator girl who sit near his seat :p



    and lets not forget that there are technical reasons for these (lack of) choices... BW chose to remove the option to kill/lose your compaions and Ash will have no reason to stay with murderous/psycopathic sith lord (but this is a problem for all the chars, not just ash)

  4. i'm a 50 and tried to gear up ashara as soon as i took her. total waste of credits. Andronikos Revel does significantly more DPS.


    Ash is actually better single target dps than Andro, but Andro is ranged so for fights where enemy mobs have good aoe he is the better choice

  5. Doing nothing is perfectly fine, because not being in melee range offers considerable advantage against all classes. Against melee, that means you're taking no damage (no other melee does any meaningful dps outside of 4m). Against range, you're immune to stuff like KB and PBAE blind effects because you're too far away.


    the op is speaking of pve tanking and i suppose he is going to use normal attack rather than trash, to save up force.



    energize works on assassinate and lacerate too, so it is still worth taking


    about trash i think is generally worth using, i tend to not overuse it but when your shock and wither are on cd and you are over 40% force thers no reason to not use it (especially with energize) as it could speed up our HD stacking and make our shocks more effective (actually whitout force crit shock is not that efficent for threat generation)


    i agree that trhashing blades could be not a must to have but the other options are quite poor too.... electric exe is just a bad skill for darkness as our dark charge proc do crappy dmg, swelling shadow is also not that good as the real gain is quite low

  6. well aggro should be not a huge issue with swtor taunts... you may grab mob attention in the first minutes of the fight but then it should be ok.


    if you cohordinate with your mt you can play a bit with taunts too, to give your mt a nice "hate buffer"


    the problem may be your dps output as darkness builds have the lowest sin dps

  7. Except when someone actually crunched the numbers properly it actually shows we are on par if not better than the other tanks when geared appropriately. See the link posted in the post above this one. Pay close attention to the graph with everything taken into consideration and notice that the line for SA tanks actually edges out even PT tanks.


    well graphs are nice but they should be looked at with a critical eye... the work of the guy who did the graph is pretty good, but we have to consider a few things


    the graph show the dmg riduction comparing in "optimal conditions" for all the tanks... this can be indicative for some fights, but doesnt represent all the fights... most bosses and also many trash mobs use attack that skip shield and defense but are mitigated by armor.


    in these situations is obsvious that sin is going to suffer the most as both of his defense (shield and defense) are ignored while pt and jug will benefit from the higher armor mitigation and flat dmg reduction.


    on counter on bosses as soa, who use mainly force attacks, the sin is going to tank pretty well as force attack will ignore armor too and sin have the highest force resist (and the very nice shield too)



    also in the graph dark ward is considered always up, something not possible to have in all the fights...


    healing get also arbitrary quantified and that is quite misleading, first it is kinda impossible to quantify its effects and translate it in "average mitigation" as the values are going to change from fights to fights, depending by the amount of dmg directed to the tank


    also in some fights you may want to save our heals for some particular phases, or maybe you just get a bad roll on procs and here that our healing is delayed and so "suboptimal"



    so yep, the graph is really nice and indicative of many things, but again we cant just look at it and say this class tanks better than that one as the game is way more complex and tanks performances may vary from fight to fight

  8. sin are fine tanks, i did tank hm and nm operations whitout any problem



    the armor difference is not so big as it may seen as sin get a big boost too overall, compared to pt sin have around 10-12% less resistance from armor, 6% less dmg resistance and dark ward can be a problem in some fights (mostly aoe) but he compensate with defense and selfheals (that got a very nice boost in last patch)



    this makes pt a bit better in most fights but sin remain vary viable and there are a few bosses when hes actually better than pt

  9. for a tank endurance... hp is one of the main focus for a tank and considering that defense and shield doesnt apply to a good portion of attacks, we need a solid buffer.


    wp is good for dmg but a tank doesnt really need to max his dmg, as aggro is not a big issue with the taunts we have in swtor

  10. i think the new ui is better than the old one


    in the old one it was difficult, on long cd skills, to tell if something was up or not as the only portion of the icon grayed out was the one below the "cd bar"


    with this ui at least we can clearly see if something is up or not, even if i agree that there are way too many effects going on and it could cause some distraction.



    hopefully with the new and more customizable ui there will be options to tune down these ui effects

  11. You certainly don't need the healer companion for leveling, I had zero troubles soloing in both sneaky-rogue style and tanky-aoe-pull-everything style (using tank or dps companions, respectively). Personally I'd say it's an amazing leveling class, since you can just skip trash mobs whenever you feel like it :)


    i had no issues too (tank + ash) even when i got talos i kept using ash for most of the content because i liked her (ofc it was suboptimal).. but compared to other classes i tried sin leveling is not that good...

  12. well thers not only pvp... i agree that, if your team is decent, sin can be a pretty nice class to play and is not bad in 1vs1 too (but mostly because its tricks and staying power rather than dps)


    but we cant say... is ok that dps is not that good because in pvp we are not bad... sin is supposed to cover a dps role and atm (imo) it doesnt do that very well

  13. So I have been eyeing the assassin class, and after reading the forums everything seems split in opinions. So I have a few questions. (Keep in mind I did NOT play a rogue in WoW, and I am not looking for the assassin to be like one necessarily)


    1) Can Sin's actually tank? If so, as viably as other tanks?


    2) Leveling wise, are they pretty quick to tear through quests and mobs?


    3) How does the DPS stack up to other DPS AC's? If its noticably lower, what do we have, utility wise, to make up for the DPS difference?


    4) In what ways do Sin's shine?


    5) What are the downfalls of the assassin?


    6) Why would you pick this class over other classes? (or why would you pick other classes over assassin?)




    I appreciate any info you guys care to share :) Cheers!



    1) yes they make good tank, PT is probably overall better, but there are also fights who favor sin


    2) sin is not a good leveling class, imo the main problem is that our healer comes very late into the game


    3) imo sin dps is kinda poor and they lack in utility too... mercs and sorc are ranged, have more dps, and more utility (esp the sorc)


    4) tanking (even if as said pt is generally better :p) and stealth :p


    5) melee+average dps+poor utility


    6) (pve) i play sin only as a tank because i think that atm is the only build really worth to play... (pvp) sin could be a very good class to have in premade, for sloq i dont think is that good... ofc is my personal opinion

  14. i agree, i play tank and in pvp i generally deal with other sin quite easilly, i get the feeling too that their dmg is not that good


    same in pve doing HM flashpoints where you get a good idea about dps... even there the impression i got is that sin does so and so dps


    also sin have quite a few core problems imo...


    lacklusted dps trees (1.2 going to make the situation even worse) very inefficent base skills (maul, shock, crushing darkness, lacerate), bad resource usage and weapon dmg not really balanced by base dps output


    then who knows, maybe when parsers will be out we will discover that sin have huge dps... even if i really doubt :p

  15. well we solo bels dailies easier than other class mostly because stealth (healer op can pretty much do the same) as the final bosses are not that hard for a well geared toon


    ilum quest is another story as whitout cc the dmg output is quite high and with their stealth+stun soon or later are probably going to get talos in a long lasting aoe that will get you killed


    not sure atm is soloable for a sin, maybe if you can keep talos out of any aoe you have some chances to solo it....


    mah maybe will give it a try later

  16. well there are no meters but you can kinda get the feel of how a player/class does, especially in HM flashpoints.


    btw, even whitout parsers sin have 3 problems


    - melee: possibly lower dps due to jousting, more stress to the healers and tank in some fights


    - weapon dmg: most of sin attacks deals weapon dmg that is the highest resisted dmg that can be dodged and shielded, lowering sin dps output more than other classes. This also means that sin have to invest in accuracy, while classes that focus on energy/kin/force can invest more in power/crit/surge


    - bad resources usage: among all my high level chars (pt, op, sin), sin is the one with more problems to sustain its rotation. Ofc it vary from build but, looking at various "optimal rotations" for different build (thers a nice post on sithwarrior forum about this) it seem to be a class trend :(



    for the op, you can try to get some mastercraft gears that should grant you more secondary stats at the expense of main ones (and end that you may not need), you can also try to swap some mods, removing some accuracy ones in favor of power/surge and see how it goes.


    still better stats cant fix the above problems and whitout parsers you dont really know how you compare to other dpsers in raids

  17. Xalek is not anywhere near Ash in dps, Ash is actually SI highest single dps companion, followed close by Andro who have the benefit to be ranged and is a bit easier to gear up


    actually Xalek and Khem doesnt differ that much in dmg dealt while in tank stance, but Xalek is extremely easy to gear.


    in the end they are pretty similar, Khem a bit more tanky, Xalek easier to gear and possibly with a bit higher dps (but the difference is small as said)... use the one you like the most

  18. It depends on what you want to do, if you want to go Open world ganking then Op is probably slightly better than assassin for this.


    For everything else go assassin.

    Op's dont get any tools designed for group play, all their CC is in melee range.

    Assassins get force speed, awesome for catching kiters - running the ball - escaping.

    They also get the AoE KB, Op doesn't have a KB.

    They also get ranged CC's (stun and slow)


    In answer to the guy that said Ops are QQ'ing about the damage nerf, well this is only partly true.

    Anyone that plays endgame and PvP's in premades or with a couple of friends can tell you that assassin has better sustained DPS than Op, and now that Ops have reduced burst, no sustained DPS and where given no gap closers, ranged CC, Pulls, Pushes etc.etc.etc in return.... well wouldn't you QQ?


    The reason im pissed with bioware atm is because i rolled IA from the very start of the game, i didn't play Beta so i had zero idea of how he class would pan out.

    Then i get to end game and realise i can't do any of the things other classes take for granted, the only thing i can do is burst down a healer or ball carrier to help my team.

    Now my burst has been greatly reduced, im still ok in a PUG setting but in premades im redundant and only get invites coz im a good guy :D


    i can't help my team at all now apart from harassing people and ninja capping turrets... but all other classes can do this aswell, and all the other stuff.


    So yeah, roll assassin or you will regret it if you wanna PvP seriously at endgame.


    mah i disagree


    op got nerfed but the reduction is not so big, also is not so true that their sustained dps is so bad, they are bursty for sure but their dmg is pretty high and overal their dps is not bad even if ofc is spikey (something not bad as the dmg is frontloaded)


    to do an example on my server is quite common to hear people looking for "operative dps" in pve while no one ask for sin dps :p and pve is mostly about sustained dps



    i also disagree about the stun... operatives get a fantastic aoe stun that is invaluable in every wz, you can mez a bunch of enemies permitting your ball carrier to score or lowering the pressure on him, you can mez a group of defenders to plant a bomb on voidstar or to defuse one (defuse time is 3s and the mez is longer), orbital strike is another fantastic tool to prevent a capture in both voidstar and civil war


    a sin cant do anything like that and his "gap closer" is kinda average in a wz like hutball. in premade sin can be a good class to have but so is the agent...

  19. if you want to play a rogue like char go op... also they get some heals that always come handly.


    if you want to outlast your foe and play more as a support go for a darkness sin



    is also not true that one is gear dependant and the other is not... is just that op is very good in pvp so even undergeared it performs ok... with gear it totally rocks


    also most pvp sin builds are going to get nerfed in the next patch

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