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Posts posted by Slickerpunk

  1. PvP burst+DPS+Mobility+Improved Stealth+CC+CC That Ignores Resolve+Healing is insane just plain simple insane and makes for a horrible gaming experience for EVERY ONE!


    The burst is OUT OF CONTROL.

    The CC that ignores Resolve is OUT OF CONTROL

    The sustained PvP dps is OUT OF CONTROL.

    The sheer amount of CC is OUT OF CONTROL.


    Please explain to me how BW can allow this to continue unchecked...


    PvP Burst = Yes We have it, but it isnt god mode as many people think.

    DPS = Concleament Sustained DPS isnt on par with other classes it feels. (guessing, no combat log/ meters)

    MObility = Operatives actually have the worst mobility out of ALL the classes. We have no sprint, aoe knockback, gap closer. All we have is a 10m 50% snare when speccced into gives a 2 second root. You're dead wrong there. We can get a semi-sprint if we vanish and waste a 3m cooldown.

    IMproved Slealth - Not sure what you mean, Assassins get it too, and stealth sucks without it.

    CC = We have no CC that ignores resolve

    Healing = Not specced as healing, our healing is awful. 2.5 second cast for pitiful amount. Easily interuptable. Not to mention if Kolto INjection is interupted and we don't have combo points, we dont have any direct healing.



    Being a 50 Operative with 10% expertise myself, I can say that concealment OPS only have the advantage if they open on you with ambush and get to blow their cooldowns (yes every one of our melee abilities has a cooldown) while u sit on your *** knocked down. This is vs another 50 of course with equal gear. We just wreck sub 50's and people without expertise.


    It gets silly mostly because you can stack the 15% expertise buff consumable with the acquired one found on Warzone maps. Thats 30% extra damage, PLUS we can pair that buff with a crit/surge relic for maximum pwnage.


    If you trinket the knockdown and immediately use a defensive cooldown or CC it is pretty much a level playing field since our ambush knockdown gives you a full resolve bar.


    Our hard counter is trinketing ambush + defensive coolldowns. Not to mention the BH/Trooper stealth detector. That should be spammed on cooldown if you know the enemy team has a concealment op. We CANNOT use ambush if we arent in stealth and our entire pvp damage burst is centered around that ability and getting the jump on someone.


    I am not sure what the devs can do about Ops. Since their melee abilities all have cooldowns, it is obvious they are meant to be a burst class, if you take away their burst ability they are pretty weaksauce.

  2. A lot of you guys are missing the point here.


    Its not about cc, broken abilities, bugs, balance e.t.c. All those things can be fixed over time. Its about content. They brought 3 warzones and a orvr zone that does not work and it's poorly designed. And they show no intention of making pvp better.




    So what is there to talk about? 3 wzs (they might bring more but that is not the point) and lol-Illum. So i hit lvl 50 and got my champions gear. What now? Am i supposed to play warzones until my eyes bleed out?


    All the companies that design MMOs have one thing in mind; get the juice out of WOW to make money. They all end up failing at that and pvp players migrate from one game to the next one to find something to play.


    Show me.


    As for my argument to counter your point:


    "• PvP – We have an entire team dedicated to adding content and features to player vs. player. We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum; when you get to the high levels prepare to be blown away! In addition to that high level PVP content, expect new Warzones and new PvP features on a regular basis."


    James Ohlen

    Game Director


    Right now Illum is far from stunning, at least on my server, but only because the Republic seldom venture to cap and it is Imperial controlled 99% of the time. But this is barely week two, the vast majority of players are still in their 20s and 30s. Give it some time. If you don't feel like waiting, you can always unsub and come back in a few months. I for one, am having a blast leveling alts and pvping on my 50 Operative healer.


    They have to prioritize fixing bugs above everything before they start throwing out new content. And right now, end game PvE is very buggy.


    I would imagine their priority on bugs are where the vast majority of their player population is. It only makes sense to triage what is effecting the largest base of players and work your way down the list.

  3. What? I can't beat a competent level 50 player in PvP gear at level 10? CANCEL SUBSCRIPTIONS.



    News Flash - Warzones are objective based. You generally don't need to kill as much as control/prevent. Until you're level 50, work on the prevent part. Low level players playing with level 50's can still contribute greatly to their team:




    Hutball - PASS / Control Highground / CC enemy as they pass obstacles.


    Civil War - Protect Capped Nodes - Call for help (gasp)


    Voidstar - Ninja Cap on Offense (or be a distraction to draw them off door) - Defense- Park the door in a corner and don't let them plant bomb.

  4. 50 OPerative Healer here with 10% expertise. I can easily survive to most things even level 50 with pvp gear (even concealment ops - trinket their ambuish + vanish). It is when you get zerged by 2/3 of their team b/c they finally realize the person doing 300k+ heals every game not letting people die is why they are losing.



    Quiet simply, you're doing it wrong.





    HoT yourself up fully and spam your shield on cooldown (you get +healing to yourself if speced) and LoS / kite melee. If things get hairy, vanish. It helps to have a tank putting guard on you as well.


    The only real complaint I have as a Op healer is we get no healing tricks or bells and whistles like other healing classes get (Sorcerer Life Grip - Mercenary Earth Shield). All we have are our hots and vanish.

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