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Everything posted by byronrcr

  1. Yeah I know how quickbars work my man, I was just suggesting some pop-up graphics for when abilities proc. I'm very happy you're completely pleased with the game as is, but there isn't anything wrong with people giving mild suggestions though. I mean, I'm assuming if they did read this and implement a change to include something like it, they would certainly allow the option for "pros" like yourself to turn it off, so it wouldn't affect you in any way. Also as far as you "core skill for MMORPG players" jab goes, you are aware that even hard core raiders in other MMORPs use add-ons like weak auras right? like this isn't some kind of far out concept invented by me and me alone or anything.
  2. I find myself constantly staring at my skill bar instead of actually watching the fights. Luckily for me I'm not in any ops groups where your position during and encounter really matters. I think the game could benefit from some pop-up graphics when abilities trigger. Games like WoW have had player made plug-ins like weak auras, and even added their own in years ago, and it helps a lot to keep your eyes up at the action instead of just looking down waiting for procs.
  3. I don't get what's going on with changing the animations of abilities like this. I've been away from the game for a while because I couldn't stomach the look of ravage after it was changed ( I understand the reasons behind it's change, but it's current animation is pure trash) now I've noticed vicious slash has become, needlessly, a lazy, sloppy looking one handed slow-ass swing. I really wish you would stop messing with the parts of the game that make/made it great, and focus on actual problems.
  4. I don't know if anyone has posted this yet, but I would love Darth Vindican's armor. I know they have some similar armor sets, but they fall short for me.
  5. Don't do it. It's a trap!!!
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