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  1. I had to check, but i submitted my shots Sep 25th. I do think angle can make a difference though as i wanted to make sure i had the 2 statues with the spears on it and chose to cut off a bit at the bottom instead.
  2. Aww, ty! I appreaciate that 😃 I know how frustrating it is to not make it though, i thought i had some very nice pics in 2022, but didnt make it then. This year i tried to send in pics that really showed the "essence" of the planets. Its still personal taste as well ofc as i saw some very beautifull pics that didnt make it that i liked better then the actual winning shots.
  3. I won Oricon this year, im so happy! Also nice to see all those shots! I have a huge screenshot collection lol, its one of my hobbies to take nice scenery shots😄
  4. Unable to redeem a code, get a gateway timeout. tried on multiple browsers.
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