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  1. The difference between levels is too big - 8 levels, creatures are grey and therefore give no experience. Only green and other colored mobs close to characters' level give experience for kills.
  2. I've done a bit of gear gathering with Treasure Hunting lockboxes. Each tier has a certain gear level, and it's some random chance to either get green, or blue gear, there's a specific set of gear appearances for each tier, which only come from the lootboxes and don't drop overland. Treasure Hunting gear also is never adaptive below Tiers 10 and 11, only in the old Light, Medium and Heavy categories, therefore stat-wise underwhelming and not very usable to gear up new characters. Only Tier 10 (Level 75, 276-278-286 iLvl) and 11 (Level 80, 320 iLvl same as overland drops at level 80) can very - very - rarely give purple gear, with the level 75 gear from Tier 10 boxes in purple (286 iLvl) always having rare appearance on gear, often nowhere else to find. Tier 10 and Tier 11 boxes gear is good for deconstructing for Tech Fragments, and in case of Tier 11 also for Conquest Commendations and WZ-1 accelerants - afk way to farm for those by spending credits. Both Tier 10 and Tier 11 boxes reward companion gifts in abundance and crafting mats. Plus Tier 11 boxes sometimes also instead of gear, give those 10 Tech Fragment or 5 OP-1, WZ-1, FP-1 and Conquest Commendation loot sacks, same as finding them rarely by overland mob drops.
  3. It happens pretty much every time, when you switch a companion in the same zone, their companion screen freezes and still shows the first companion you had in that zone. You can still change their cosmetic gear but it only shows on the companion in player view or gear preview, not on companion screen. Going to a Stronghold & back to where you've been is one way to fix it, the other is going to a different zone. The bug has been here already for months, and still remains unfixed.
  4. In the past seasons from my experience, Syndicate Plans and Analysis Modules were a guaranteed drop for the final boss in Veteran Flashpoints when I was soloing them to farm currency, like Cademimu, Hammer Station etc. (insert your favorite here). They might be still with the season-according companion, I have not tested it. Dark Spores do the same, guaranteed drop on the last boss, and sometimes random drop on bosses before. I have very, very rarely found them while doing overland heroics, so that isn't really a good content for farming them.
  5. If you're going through the KOTFE / KOTET chapters and are on Odessen, it usually restricts your summoning of companions to only certain "intended" ones. You should be able to summon them somewhere else, like on the Fleet or other planets. Some companions are also not available in / until certain chapters, period. The only one I'm aware of which is like that, is Shae Vizla, no matter where you try to summon her, but she becomes available after that again.
  6. It is a problem for me. I like to see the many pages of offers, to see who posts things for which price, and to adjust my price accordingly. I might also not like a undercutter who posts the same thing just for 1 credit less, so land on the first page instead of the second, so I'd like to pay the undercut seller who sells that thing for a straight price. I don't like being patronized to see the best offers, I like to be able to choose. The new GTN is a problem for me, a problem which lowered the game quality in a big way, so I'm considering to cancel my subscription and stop playing unless it returns to the way it used to be. It's just my opinion, which of course is non-binding for anyone else. But I strongly do not like the GTN as it has become now.
  7. There's a third achievement for two 340 implants, after which upgrading from 334 on also should cost 2500 Tech Fragments. Until you get that achievement - under Retired Achievements, Advancement I think they were - it costs the above-mentioned 6500 fragments, so be sure to upgrade both your implants on one character first of all. Welcome to the grind once again.
  8. It's your Sprint abilitiy, which deactivated after using a disguise, just go to your Abilities - General tab, and turn it back on. Same happens after doing certain daily missions on Iokath, like with the Walker or Mouse Droid, Sprint doesn't re-activate automatically so you have to do that manually. While not exactly a bug, it's a small quality of life nag which they never bothered to fix.
  9. I think I had that kind of a problem a few months ago as well. What helped, was to put the grass / vegetation rendering settings to absolute minimum in the Graphics options, which disables many things like that, and is really recommended for this particular flashpoint.
  10. Aren't those supposed to be simply separators to keep the title list more clearly arranged? I have one of them too, not two, but I think that's probably as I have not all possible to get titles yet.
  11. Did you try to put the weapons and complete armor set(s) into legacy cargo hold, pull them to other characters inventory - with armor it has to be the complete set - then put them back into the legacy cargo for other characters? They unlock for each character which has them in their inventory once, weapons instantly, armor sets once the complete set is in the inventory. It's a bit more work to do for each character separately, but saves you the CC. Why do you think season items are all bound to legacy, but many people don't notice that and spend CC, which is what the game is baiting for. It's not necessary though.
  12. If you didn't max out all non-event reputations yet, getting one single reputation increase with a token gives your character - once a day - a whopping about 46k conquest points. Increasing companion influence level by 1 gives - also once a day - above 16k conquest points, especially easy to do if you progressed to / through the KOTET chapters and already have an alliance base with dozens new low level companions. That alone already brings you above 60k conquest points, then there's the Ossus, Iokath, Manaan (the new daily zone) weeklies, each giving a lot of conquest points for completing the entire weekly row of dailies. Do that through the week for each of your characters, ideally at least 5 of them, and you should be getting lots of tech fragments, quite possibly above 6k by the end. Also if you get very close to the Conquest Commendation limit, exchange them - 200 at a time - for 200 tech fragments at the Spoils of War vendor in Supplies section on the Fleet, helping in that regard even more. And like mentioned above already, if you join a bigger guild you're very likely to get at least 300 additional tech fragments per week for each character joined - once you reach at least the 100k personal weekly conquest goal. Easy to get them solo, once you know how. Just look at the conquest tab to see which conquests bring the most points, and which are repeatable, and do those which you think you're able to do.
  13. You do still get the legacy title associated with the respective set. The cost of 10k tech fragments is very high, but worth it, some sets also have unique appearances with glowing parts, some I believe look the same as the very old, classic Kell Dragon sets.
  14. The same appearance is still available on the level 75 class sets, which you can now buy from that new droid standing where Kai Zaikken used to be, on the Fleet in Supplies section. Although they're quite expensive for 10k tech fragments and 1m credits, and can't be previewed from their complete set boxes, but you can look them up and scroll down for other such sets on Swtorista's page - Revitalized Mystic armor set
  15. Don't forget the adaptive armor vendor on the fleet also has different sets for either Republic and Imperial side, so if you're playing mostly only imp-side, be sure to check the vendor out on rep-side, there's some interesting pieces there as well. And some keep their appearance in cutscenes - not all though, it's a mixed bag. Also there's the Legacy vendors on Dromund Kaas and Coruscant, the gear they sell was now also made class-less, only requirement being Light / Medium / Heavy armor, which has no bearing on putting it on companions or into Outfitter slots. But they've also had costs increased, like the planetary specialty cosmetic sets.
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