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Everything posted by Leontiesh

  1. Hello, the Fractured Ashala Lightsaber has a problem with it's turn on (activation) speed, which is especially noticeable during cutscenes. The lightsaber effect shows up much later than the sound effect. For an item that I paid almost 50$ for, I expected a lot better. This bug ruins my cutscene experience to the point that I'm considering just using a normal vendor lightsaber instead. Here is the activation speed of a normal lightsaber. Everything is normal, sound and lightsaber effect execute at the same time. Normal Lightsaber Here is the activation speed of Fractured Ashala Lightsaber. The sound effect triggers and then it takes another second for the lightsaber effect to show. Ashala Lightsaber Please fix it so that the Ashala triggers the sound and the lightsaber effect at the same time, just like any other regular lightsaber. When I hear the sound I also want to see the lightsaber, like normal.
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