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Everything posted by Amelasamurai

  1. Well I don't know about that, but I've notice my bad dps and endurance. It was all bearable, until I hit Blood Hunt FP, that I noticed something was wrong, but my thoughts were: badly balance FP, like most of them ( for Solo, mind you ), but than I hit KOTFE, and my real dps was like 100k, ( I was lvl 80 ) and with level sync, it was cut to almost half, ***? I played Jugg Imm, so I know their dps was avarage at best, but damn I couldn't even tank properly cause I got decimated in like 3 minutes with Gear 290. Side note: I'm green, really green, been playing for like a month, but before creating the char I "smoked" some guides, specialy from Vulkk one, didn't help. So I branded that char a failure and started Jedi Sage ( Telekinetics), will see how that gonna turn out. But I strongly inclined to only play 8 class stories and drop the game. Cause I get it, this is mmo, but if you're doing a solo content too, than make it atleast barable. I know, that there are some vets who will call me noob, but come one, that sync system is stupid at best, and plaine unbearable at worst.
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