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Everything posted by Quietstag

  1. It just boils down to bothering to have GMs at all. A GM should be monitoring chats, banning bots and gold sellers, and helping players with technical issues when they have time. Yes it would be silly to hire a "chat monitor," but for a healthy game environment hiring a GM is great idea. The only MMO I can remember playing that bothered to have GMs is FFXIV. And hey, that game is doing great, and the player base is very happy. (I don't play it, and I'm sure there are some that get mad if it's even mentioned, but that's not the point) I would not expect EA/Bioware or Activision/Blizzard to have GMs (At least not any more) Once they got the sub, all bets are off. That seems to be the way with most MMOs these days. As for "Freedom of Speech." It's part of the service agreement to play this game. Same as if when you work for a company. There are things that just have no place being said, anywhere. Grow up (Not directed at who I'm quoting here)
  2. I've tried this game a few times over the years, and speaking as a new player, it really does feel like you get a ton of abilities for no reason. Before even finishing the first planet I'd have several that it seemed I was never going to touch, or ones that serve a very similar function to each other. I've played around on the PTR and it feels a lot more streamlined and comfortable to me. But I haven't had years of this game to get attached to all the old abilities. I played WoW for a while and I liked the pruning though. I'd rather have a shorter list of meaningful abilities then a ton of ones that never get touched. I kind of like having to make choices as I level as well, as it means I'm picking what I want to be good at, rather than just having a tool for every possible situation. I'd guess for new people coming in, like me, this is going to be a good thing.
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