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Posts posted by VandarKel

  1. On 5/31/2024 at 12:11 AM, kyledll said:

    Alright I've been hearing the cries of SWTOR fans. The game has one last chance, but one misstep and I will leave. Right then and there.

    Best of luck to you. I've already canceled my sub and uninstalled.

  2. 3 hours ago, jyork said:

    Why do you all never listen to the majority of people with what they want to see?  We want content like a new Flashpoint, a new Operation .... A NEW CLASS ... A NEW PLAYABLE RACE, A NEW PLANET!  A NEW WARZONE! ... Ranked PVP ... hell 24 man Operations .... anything but a FARM and pie making ... wth is that crap!

    Yeah, I'm not renewing my sub for this.

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  3. 22 minutes ago, ReKabNad said:

    Very nice, I don't recognize the Chest or Waist there!  What Waist did they use, do you know?

    I went ahead and bought the Heavy Infantry Mando Helmet last night, and then paid WAY too much on the GTN for a Single Slot Dark Blue Dye to give it the color scheme more like what I wanted.

    I'll post pictures within the next few days of 3 different variations on the Heavy Infantry Armor I've come up with, and you can see what you think. 

    This is the way! :csw_fett:

    Chest is Shadow Enforcer's from Galactic Seasons 2. Waist, Legs, and Boots are all Ruhnuk rep vendor. Gloves are Ri'kan, and the bracers are Mandalorian Noman.

    • Like 1
  4. On 4/10/2024 at 7:31 PM, ReKabNad said:

    I'll take some screenshots of my Heavy Infantry Mando and give you a few ideas, so you can see if any of them would be satisfactory for you, but be forewarned:  I have not yet bought the Heavy Infantry Mando helmet because I don't like the way they did the color slots on it.  The default color scheme looks goofy, not at all Paz Viszla's color scheme, and even after previewing lots of different Dyes on it in the Preview Window, I can't currently find a color scheme I'd be satisfied enough with to want to buy that helmet! 😒

    Anyway... at some point this week I'll post screen shots for you when I have a little time to sit down and do it. :csw_fett:

    This is the best I've found that doesn't look horrible with the helmet, but it still just doesn't look right. The Ri'kan chest looks decent with it also. I agree with the color slot issue.


  5. 4 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:

    It goes on at least as far as 3626bby, in fact.  See spoiler box for one example that says you are wrong:

      Hide contents

    Chapter II of KotFE lasts for five years of in-universe time.


    If I am wrong, I am wrong, and so is my source for the time frame. Which is fine either way. It still shows that the planet Mandalore was settled way before the events of The Old Republic.

  6. 7 hours ago, saremun said:

    The same 😂, honestly i wished that they spent the resources on content which is repeatable and being constantly used by the playerbase such as new operations and flashpoints, new cool achievements with cool rewards, new awesome in game decorations, fleshing old content to bring them to the new standard of the latest content, you can only watch the same cutscene so many times...

    Me too, me too.

    • Like 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, orichichan said:

    What do you think about the date night release today?

    • Arcann: it was very good.
    • Koth: a surprise, for sure, but a welcome one. It was very good.
    • Theron: not bad but too short. I wanted more.
    • Lana: good. Maybe a little shot too but it was good. A little more could have been a good thing.

    So it's a very good start for this feature for me. :t_smile:

    What is your opinion about these date nights and this new feature in swtor?


    Nothing. I didn't romance Lana or Theron and I killed both Koth and Arcann.

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  8. 10 minutes ago, hillerbees said:

    My understanding was they could be traded on the gtn for credits and I also understood that they were meant to be dyeable.

    None of the items I've picked up so far can be traded on the GTN.

  9. 25 minutes ago, xmarcusprimex said:

    Off the top of my head remembering lore..  the planet known as Mandalore in the Skywalker era, has not been colonized (or even named) by Mandalorians.  At the time of the Old Republic they still have no homeworld and are all nomadic, scattered everywhere.


    Mandalore was conquered by the Taung 7000bby. This game takes place 3643bby through 3639bby.

  10. 8 minutes ago, Celwinn said:

    Don't get me wrong. That would be a good thing. I was just pointing out they won't admit to nerfing it and just blame it on being a bug.


    This is EA (and now I guess Broadsword). They don't care about disappointing players lol. All they see is $$. 

    Which sucks, because next week, I was thinking about dropping a good amount of money to buy CC. Looks like that money will go elsewhere.

    You're not wrong. I don't foresee I will be making any big purchases for cartel coins in the near future.

  11. 7 hours ago, Traceguy said:

    Not the first time I've seen this suggestion, but I really like it. If they could make all current companion customization items compatible with Z0-0M, you would just drop them on and done. I just don't know how well that would work for companion customizations like 4X or T7

    I would imagine the customizations would be limited to humanoid only.

  12. 23 minutes ago, VegaMist said:

    In the place where companions have a customization slots, Z0-0M should have a drop-down listing all available companions. Character copy would probably be the toughest to add since our characters don't have companion lines recorded. Another challenge might be adding Z0-0M fighting style to her copies of companions, but if they just added her unique skills to the existing sets, it would be much easier.

    Just her appearance would need to change honestly, nothing else. Her voice lines and abilities would stay normal. I don't think it's possible to do though, but it's still a funny thought to have her just random change from like Mako to Shae to Lana at random.

  13. 7 minutes ago, JakRoanin said:

    And if you want to do that fine. But you can always not accept the alert as well.😁

    That's my plan. I don't care for Theron or Lana to be honest and well Arcann and Koth are dead. So until they get around to adding in a date night with Mako...

  14. My guildmate reminded me the other day in Discord that Z0-0M is a Replicator Droid but doesn't have a customization. We got to joking about how it would be cool to have customizations that will turn her into any other available companion, have one that randomly turns her into any other companion you already have, and finally one that would turn her into a copy of your character. Not sure if any of this is possible, but it would be pretty damn cool.

    • Like 8
  15. 11 minutes ago, HobbesToo said:

    I used to get 600 Cartel Coins per month for my 6-month subscription, now I am only getting 525 Cartel Coins per month. Was there an announcement regarding the reduction for subscribers?

    I got 600 this month. Did you use a time card or switch from six months to three months on your sub?

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