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Posts posted by Spexius

  1. I guess the idea is that they don't want everyone to have max gear in 2 weeks

    I suppose you know that there is quite a lot of 330 gear around already. It was clear from the beginning more involved groups of players will find ways to speed through the process, even with all the caps around.


    Mission accomplished by the forward thinking designers I guess? *facepalm*


    And yes, they slowed down gear aquisition for the more normal players, quite substantially. Thing is, if it gets annoying, they will just pull the plug instead. Game and fun, or in this case, not being fun, and all that.

  2. Giving mods would also help to Solve the following:

    During KOTFE you make a weapon which is "attuned" to you. You later use this same weapon to defeat Arcann.


    The problem is, although this weapon is "modable" there are no 320 mods to insert in it if you wish to go back later and do the Chapter in veteran mode, not to mention master mode.


    So you are cut off of this content because you can't mod a weapon.

    Have you reported a bug accordingly?

  3. You make it sound like someone just decided to change heroics when that's not what happened. They changed the entire structure of the daily system to accommodate new features. This is a particularly poor argument because the objective of this topic is to gaslight the developers and not me or anyone else. You can't gaslight the developers, however, because they know you are wrong and making this up.

    Yes, they changed a lot of stuff for the sake of ... what exactly? All they did was downgrading a system I cannot remember anyone complaining about. Getting all these changes done requires time, and as you pointed out, you can spend time only once, so it is not available for other things. Now look at how much of all these changes were really necessary, and what this time could have been used for. One of things which didn't need a change were all these dailies and weeklies.

  4. The way it is written is very confusing. The drop-down list with the different categories is missing a scrollbar itself, and the only way to reach the vehicles category is via using the scrollwheel of the mouse in the drop-down list. The written text can be confused with open pets and scroll down ... which naturally leads to nothing, if you can even scroll in your pet list at all (it is pets only, not pets + vehicles).
  5. Spending time and resources on ANYTHING comes at the direct expense of not using that time and those resources to do anything else in its place.

    Funny thing is, your argument can be used directly against you. Why? Because it wasn't a problem before. Someone decided to change it, waste developer time on that change, and as a consequence players complain now that this new system is broken in some ways. There is another rule in software development: design is cheap, implementation costly. Which means get your design right before you start hacking away. I'm pretty sure they will stick to that garbage now.


    What I'd like to know are all the reasons behind such changes. SWTOR was a very freeform MMO before 7.0 hit, and if you remove choice from a game, what do you think will happen? YAYAYAYAY!!!! or more like FRAG YOU!!! and people eventually leaving? A person with actual common sense would be able to answer you that question easily, even without knowing the details. And I can tell you: Sometimes it is really hard hammering common sense into people, because they really believe in what they are doing is the right thing. For some it takes years to recognize they made a mistake, but with MMOs years are potentially not the timeframe you have anymore if you bust things up.

  6. HK-51 can be unlocked via story, which you need to do once only, and then via unlock in legacy, 1m per toon. Note that his weapon has a level lock on it. Treek's weapon has no level lock I think? But also requires 1m per toon to unlock via legacy (and an initial 1m token from cartel section on fleet for initial unlock).


    And then you have season provided comps which you can use early, too.

  7. I was doing the Question of Motivation heroic with a level 72 character and an influence 41 ranged companion and I attacked a mob of two collicoids...

    There are a couple of such places where, depending on class, setup, etc. you may have seen issues before 7.0 already, and all these are emphasized now big time. That also implies that things which were just about ok for everyone can break now in certain combinations of class, setup, and companion.


    As a sidenote to this specific one, some of them are melee, and others are spitters, and the spit stuff is what you need to disable fast, one way or another.

  8. Yes, you're correct I should've mentioned my gear. 306 with augs (lvl 228 right now).

    Augments are a problem currently. After I was finally able to login after 7.0 landed, first thing I grabbed was my PT tank, hit DK HCs and instagibbed everything left and right. On a tank. My brain started working on that, like they scaled the difficulty down maybe so players of usual DK levels would have a bit of an easier time etc., but after some experimenting and looking at stat details it was clear that augments are bugged. That tank has 7k HP, and iirc 60% shield+absorb on DK, plus about 1500 power, with the old 306 augmented gear. A Vanguard trooper I have seen on Coruscant had 10k HP. 320ish unaugmented gear ends up with 3.3-3.4k ish HP, to give a reference point. Try unaugmented gear or maybe re-equip the augmented gear when you are already on DK, for example. That should normalize the stats (I think), and then you can retry.

  9. And no, this isn't a shameless plug for my Twitch channel, it is where I have proof of this.

    Should have given some info on equip, namely: Do you use augments? Also you cannot expect newbies to have level 50 comps. Using fleet vendors that costs almost 4.8 million credits, per comp. Also keep in mind that there are f2p players, and if they get busted by the game, they will leave and not return.

  10. I have yet to see a credit sink to work properly to hit the economy to the point it actually drained larger sums out of the game. The only thing really working is a money cap, or, because things are more complicated in that regard in SWTOR, trading caps with an adjustment to allow higher value trades only via GTN. Lowering all caps would be best, but is a "hot topic" even among players. Although I suppose having lower trading caps eventually makes clear that vast amounts of money have become somewhat worthless, so maybe after some time there will be less resistance to drop the cargo caps (especially legacy) a bit lower then.
  11. Hahaha!


    I have 3 pages on the main quickbar: 1, 4, 5. Nothing double, but 2, 3, and 6 missing entirely. This is awesome!


    Maybe as additional notes, if that is in any way important: Didn't do that Training & Skills mission, yet, nor touched loadouts (because there have been so many issues reported I ignored it so far). Using a modified interface setup, i.e. not any of the default ones.

  12. ORLY? What exactly can't you play?

    Problem behind that is conquest, if you haven't figured that out by now. And a few of these weekly missions also contain reputation items which are gone with the mission being not available, i.e. if you want to level reputation outside of the schedule, it is worse now than it was before. I see increasingly more players just getting exhausted from all that, i.e. there is an increased "burn rate" among the players, and that not even 2 weeks in. Whether this slows down or just causes more players quitting ... not clear, but I'd consider this a warning sign.

  13. How in gods name did that happen?

    They mentioned they will increase repair costs. Not sure if they meddled with the durability decrease (i.e. increased the rate at which stuff breaks). Combine that with a few other things that have changed (like lowered money influx) and you may end up in a rut which is difficult to crawl out of. Plus a lot of the gear you find in story stuff is "junk".

  14. I haven't played through the whole thing, yet, i.e. waiting on the FP because I don't feel like messing with a potential bugged out Malgus. Up to that point I got a full set of 318 gear already.


    I'm not sure about the numbers, but you should be able to get 200 of these coins no problem, per toon. Note that you get these medals from doing HCs and whatnot, so these are the least of your problems. There is a weekly cap of 999 (not 1000 ... some evil joke by the devs) for these, which in the end will probably you limit more.


    As for how to get it: Easy, go to fleet's supply section where the vendors for the armors + tacticals used to be, the booth beside the Kai Zykken / SoW vendors one. Conquest vendor (there are 2, one sells 320 gear, the other upgrades to that).

  15. Outside of the fact that I can't see what's selected on the new Skill Tree, I really have no opinion one way or another (except for the bugs.) I truly don't understand the visceral reaction to it.

    • You mentioned one thing already, the selection in the skill "tree" is very difficult to see.
    • The inventory needs a revamp, at least lower the contrast in there. Same as with the skill tree, the item borders should be a bit thicker to visually differentiate things a bit better.
    • Antialiasing. Seriously, so many jagged parts in the UI, and that in 2022?! I have the feeling the designers of this are testing this on screens where they see nothing one way or another. We are not in the 1980s anymore.
    • Transparency. Especially with drop down lists there is just way too much looking through from what is behind it which creates a lot of visual garbage. Extreme example are the character legacy title and flair selections, which are also way too small so they cut off text.
    • In the action list window (P), the drop down list has no indication there are more elements on it than initially shown. Clear violation of what is called "visual language". This is not even a transgression anymore like so many other things, but this is considered an UI bug.
    • While they are trying to hide the "icky" details of character stats, why must this be some overlay window to display these, locking out other interactions? There is enough space on the left side to display all the stats if someone wishes to do so (and I bet many oldtimers do).
    • While we are on the stats: 36.71 vs 37.2 should be both aligned on the ".", not right side aligned.
    • In general there is a lot of wasted space everywhere. Some of that is needed, but the downside of a stripped down design is that empty spaces become very pronounced. I'm also aware someone wanted to unify the main window contents and the right hand side which is used for different things, but maybe rethinking this restriction may offer options to compress this entire thing a bit.
    • With that large all-in-one window the tabs at the top don't fit to the rest of the window. Kinda funny to see.
    • Everything is so small now. Applying general UI scaling has ... interesting results and doesn't translate to the character selection screen in any case.
    • The large window doesn't offer restacking with other windows. Also, the behavior of the close button is ... interesting (try to press mouse button, keep pressed, leave button, go back to it).
    • I suppose a lot of the UI is "coded" somehow or dunno. The circles for slots on items are deformed etc.pp., and together with other stuff just leaves the impression of prototype at best. What a mess.


    And that is just from the top of my head without being ingame and remembering all the other things I've stumbled into. 6.x had its own set of weird UI behaviors, like trying to press a close button but instead getting the window behind it popped to the front and other such nonsense. SWTOR is the first game where I see such a frankenstein UI, because it feels like there is no real UI framework in place and everything is specifically coded each and every time.


    Ah see, another one: The separators in the cargo screens are weirdly placed.


    Edit#2: Note that for example the button to open up the stats details is fancy animated and all that. I seriously have to wonder why there was time for garbage like that with such a condemning list of smaller and larger issues around. That feels like some managers pet project and in general speaks volumes about this 7.0 update.

  16. We don't need defending galactic command, renown crap any more. It was wrong on so many different levels. Since I logged in, people are doing a mash up of operations and not only TC. This is very healthy for the game.

    Because TC is not on the weekly OP list. Naturally, spamming any other operation is now the bestest thing the game has seen! Because it is not TC! So awesome!


    Players who want to get stuff fast will always take the shortest route no matter what. Just because BioWare decided to railroad things, this behavior won't change, and it is interesting to see that for example you see TFB and stuff being spammed, but EC? Haven't seen it a single time, yet it is in the OP list of things to do this week. It is TC all over, just not with TC directly. Who would have guessed.


    The other thing is, that because of the new gear, everyone is back to stomping in the hamster wheel to 80 and then grabbing all the gear, doing this stupid unlock quest for legendaries etc. Now imagine you are all geared up, what would the game feel like? And then you will see there was something about renown which actually makes sense.


    As others have noted already, the current system feels like BioWare is buying time to do whatever. Too much of all that is too deliberate, and the long term retaining factor has been massively diminished.

  17. I did some more testing on a level 80 toon. Turns out, being in a level scaled environment, if you swap from for example unaugmented 320 (conquest) gear to the augmented 306 gear, the scaling seems to work, including the augments in the 306 gear. However, putting the augmented 306 gear on somewhere else and then teleporting to a level scaled zone breaks the level scaling as noted in the original post. I have to crosscheck in terms of whether these increased values are just show or actually are different in game play, but it seemed weird to roflstomp stuff on DK on a tank like that, so I suppose it is actually like that for the combat system as well.


    With that said, I have a good few DPS toons which don't run augments, and things slowed down for sure, and that in turn means they have to suffer more damage. Combined with the lower effectiveness of companions the outcome is as noted by others here.

  18. WiFi depends highly on the environment. It does support QoS, i.e. priorizing certain data packets, but I'm not sure how much of that is actually used, aside of the fact you will need to configure it specifically in any case to begin with.


    For example, in my environment I have like 30+ WiFi networks over the different bands, and they all spam the frequencies available, meaning the different stations have to sort each other out that they get their data sent eventually. This also means you cannot make any predictions about latency really, which is bad for games like SWTOR. It is rechecking almost everything with the server, so latency fluctuations will show up pretty fast.

  19. They wanted to get rid of the money influx from all the conquest stuff. Their approach was carpet bombing the entire area. Wonderfully done, will not fix the economy really, either. Having played for 5 months I really enjoyed the game, could support the small guild I'm in with flagship plans. And now? I'm being railroaded by some designer's idea of how the game has to be. This starts to feel like a slog. Why should I put up with that?


    Note: Many reputation things done already (items! decos!), PvP & starship entirely out of question (done PvP many years before WoW even existed, seen and heard it all, thanks), and I'd rather play Rez, if (played the original on the Dreamcast, what a blast!). Story? Maybe, but only if I feel like. What is left doesn't leave too many options really.


    It is a game, and this "Railroad of the Sith" thing strips you of many things if you want to stay sane, still.

  20. in case how it's broken with augs calculation, i hardly believe into that on purpose

    Augments have a strange effect currently, that is correct, and I also assume that this is an actual bug, because you become completely OP on low level planets because of it. I made a thread here about this some days ago. But tertiary stats being affected by level scaling is intentional, should be written somewhere in their feature list for 7.0. That also causes some fallout, like companions being less effective etc.

  21. (2) Can you point me to this Bible of game design?

    You know, my "home" MMO has a complexity which far surpasses SWTOR and just giving an outline of that complexity would result in a large wall of text. Furthermore, that game is twice as old as SWTOR, yet in all that time all the classes kept their core abilities. Over time many more abilities got added, but none of them are core abilities, only add-ons, and their availability depends on all kinds of things, which includes the fact they are shared in part between different classes.


    I started SWTOR like 5 months ago. This ability stuff was just confusing, because there is no real system to it. You get abilities by your class (which is actually two-fold, like bounty hunter + powertech), and some more by your spec, and the "core abilities" are kind of defined in how everything is bound together by the spec. All this feels very random, without a real system behind it, which means the only way into it is by memorizing this garbage instead of learning a system. Is like many boss fights: You don't learn a system, you memorize the specifics which are different for every encounter.


    Now imagine such a system at level 100 with even more actions etc. It doesn't scale. Neither does the new system, it just put a dampener on it. Plus many old timers are now in the same boat as I was and start to see what a garbled mess it truly was to begin with ....

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