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Posts posted by Spexius

  1. in my limited experience, having decent crowd control is vital to doing veteran modes

    VM was broken in 6.x already, and because of the new "balancing" it got even worse with 7.0. If a boss is child's play compared to gold mobs, we are talking about a bug, nothing else. If BW thinks that on one hand messing with the overall balance big time is a-ok, but on the other hand not fixing any issues cropping up from that is also a-ok, they are gravely mistaken.

  2. I disagree, I think there should be an even longer grind for gear. It's no fun to rush to max gear in a few weeks and then sit around with nothing to do until the next expansion.

    So how would you like it? 3 months minimum? Because the we-want-stuff-now brigade (who is blaming everyone else to want stuff fast) was pretty far already after the 1st week, contrary to the more normal crowd which takes their time with the whole process, plus is not exactly going for the top gear, anyway. That aside, it is not the players fault for the low amount of actual content, and designing a gearing system to slow players down to the point that you have enough time to fix bugs and create new content? Good luck with that. May as well switch to one of these horrible asian grinder MMOs; at least there you know what you are getting into, contrary to SWTOR.

  3. While it makes sense to keep the loot locked to the group that started the fight

    Careful with that. This shared tagging, while often claimed to be good, has a dark side as well: You can start a fight on an open world boss even as a single player and if a big group is around hope on the social effect that they will join in. Slow down on your damage so you won't get ripped to pieces, let them take over the fight and voilá, you get tag + potentially loot, too. In your case that single person will get tag + loot, not the ones who actually did all the work in the end. Or, to say it differently: No matter what you do, there is no technical solution to a social problem. You can lessen the effects, but whatever you do, there are downsides to it. I suppose shared tagging was introduced because they knew they would force more people through the same content, and to avoid friction they had to do something about the tagging and such.

  4. So i tried to play this on my new lvl 80 char to find it is broken i ended up quitting the mission after being stuck with the regent boss. I killed about 15 Volatile Monitors and mobs to find the shield did not drop once :(

    Same for me. Should note that I didn't do it as part of the actual story (stopped right in front of it on the only toon that can do it), but as part of the activity finder, solo run. You are missing a NPC which normally runs with you through that thing, besides the companion.


    In any case, after killing stuff pretty much everywhere at that Regant boss and seeing no change at all (and eventually succumbing to weird LoS, pathing and whatnot issues with companion + strange aggro behavior of spawns etc.) I decided to quit this garbage and sorted it mentally under "broken".


    That aside, the voice over for that boss is horrible. What was the idea there? A simple auntie google search got me

    for something robotic sounding and this is 100x better than whatever is dropped on us at this boss.
  5. Turn the question around: Have you run into a case where you were back to 0 of these medals or are you just constantly hitting the cap? The most expensive thing I've noted is buying a full set of 320 gear, which gets you into ~200 medals in terms of cost, so about 5 toons which you can fully equip with 320 conquest gear that way. All the other things are blocked on whatever else currency is required, with MM FP gear being the worst of it, by a large margin (without drops / upgrade boxes this would be an outright nightmare). All that is assuming you are having multiple alts, because there are also players who don't have any, and for them the medals are a problem.


    Biggest issue I see currently (personal point of view) is that you cannot claim specific season levels if you are capped on the medals.

  6. 1) Fancy cosmetic gear.

    SWTOR is by far not alone in that possibility. You could add decorating the SH, but even there

    , which was published around the same time WoW went to release (autumn 2004), and offers way more possibilities in that regard than SWTOR ever will. The things in that trailer are tame compared to what players pulled off. Yes, you can put plates on tables (or wherever you fancied, for that matter: freeform placement).


    2) Duels.

    Nop, no interest. Neither are many others really. That aside, been there, done that (see that link to that old trailer? PvP galore). Aside of the fact I was always more for cooperation than for confrontation, latter being just a waste of resources (including time).


    3) Help new players.

    Comes as a consequence out of the things noted in (2). That aside, SWTOR having the complexity of a on-off-switch, there is not that much to do really. 4-8 hour newbie sessions like in other MMOs are not really needed.


    4) Hunt down the Datacrons, if you haven't already.

    Yes and no. It is about the "mood", and 7.0 was dragging that through a filthy pond really. Not exactly the mood you want to start hunting datacrons with.


    5) Solo group content if you are good in PvE.

    I tested boundaries a lot of players have no idea of in 6.x already, being new to SWTOR and also being used to having to do that from other MMOs. Was quite fun, now it is just annoying.


    6) Start RPing and derp around peoples galaxtic houses or whatever it is called in english.

    SWTOR term is "stronghold", and no.


    I know what you are aiming at, but there is a big problem: Players have to feel "free" to do this. And they don't with 7.0. I see it in my small guild: Activities which were relaxing in one form or another, where you just had fun of sorts, it mostly stopped. Keeping the mood up becomes more and more of an issue/work. These are all red flags that something with the game is broken.

  7. Also it's a proven fact that a lot of people just don't like changes, whatever they are good, bad, ugly, and at first always start moaning. But after a while they actually start to like it.

    Thing is, a lot of people are not happy with the changes. Whether they are the majority or not, no idea. They still play the game, but like with other stuff, certain people complain immediately, and for others it takes a longer time before they pull the plug. Like some relationships which are technically already broken go on for a year or even two before the involved people come to fully realize that this doesn't work, while outsiders see it much earlier already.


    Thing is, BW is already doing a 180° on FP and HC weeklies. They will need to do that on more stuff, because 7.0 feels like someone had an idea, but instead of validating this before actually putting it into place they just did that and declared it part of whatever "vision" they are following. I have a good few books where on the cover you read things like ISO26262 and DO-178C and similar things. In that context you have to make sure that even your design is sound, in fact, unless you are Boeing, even your design is crosschecked and validated in detail, must be, to fulfill the process requirements. Contrary to that, MMO game design is often done in ebony tower contexts where (mostly younger) designers fly high about ideas and whatnot, just to repeat mistake after mistake which people like them have done decades before already. And not only that, these designs are often not even consistent in themselves. Now look at 7.0 and try to tell me how everything fits together. There are some threads which connect the pieces, but there are also many cuts which don't make sense in the slightest bit. Furthermore, you see someone just wanted to run through a wall of concrete and you see how 7.0 worked out in the end: They failed, miserably. Quite unsurprising to everyone who was not sitting in that ebony tower, because quite a few of the ideas were of the type "accident waiting to happen".


    Now take that and have a look at the players in the game. Start listening to them, and I don't mean the stuff (junk?) on general, but the things said between the lines, the overall mood etc. Don't ask me where the bottom is, but it is certainly not pointing skywards.

  8. Instead of hurling insults at the devs, which will surely invalidate anything you have to say, no matter if any of it is worthwhile or not, why don't you constructively criticize instead?

    If you take all the changes done with 7.0, top to bottom you see many cases of incompetence. Did you notice how fancy animated the "Details" button is in the character view? Also not antialiased (pretty much all changes are not antialiased, are we back in the 80ies?), and this was not done in 5 minutes. Then the fancy animation of the "window" which pops up, which is also used for character titles. The focus on what is "important" is rather telling. Then I've seen a screenshot from PTS showing how the active/selected parts of the action "tree" look like now, and rush-rush job was entirely out of the window as an option for what is going on. Add to that the post from Keith, and there is only one thing left: Incompetence.


    To me it feels like dealing with a newbie developer where you have to go through all the steps, tell them every little thing they need to do to get things right. Are we getting paid by BW? No, we are paying them plus try to solve all the problems on top of that, exactly the work (and time!) they are paid for in the first place. It is ok if we are talking about single cases, but as it stands it goes from design down to things like the class icons you talked in detail about in your post (and I fully agree with the points) in such a broad scale that at other companies there would have been meetings with (very) high ups about what is going on and how to resolve this entire situation to get things back on track. It is not about changes, but how these were done, which leave a lot of questions.


    While it certainly doesn't help, but BW currently deserves all the excrement it gets hurled its way.

  9. That's legit what everyone did with 320 green conquest gear the very first day of 7.0? Went with full 8 man group & blasted through SM like always with 320 no augments

    Ok, we are slowly getting somewhere, but I feel like having to deal with kids, slowly pulling out information piece by piece ...


    Aside of the fact "everyone" is maybe from your point of view, but many actually didn't. I doubt you did all OPs in 320 unaugmented gear: Which ones we are talking about? And you mentioned farming, so I bet it was the more easier stuff for faster run through, because mechanics heavy bosses automatically drop your DPS because of it.


    What I want is some assessment of things, including running into soft enrage etc. as 7.0 has been all across the board. You also have to assume that while you may know things by heart and optimize things fast (because you need(ed) to), others are by far not on that level. Do you think a more random group of players would be able to do it in 320 unaugmented gear? I've seen soft enrage on Grob'thok, for example, with a mixed team. Made it luckily through it, but the timer on the wipe was clearly ticking already.


    Maybe, to give some context here what I'm aiming for: In a different MMO you can create obscenely overpowered toons via equipment. Combined with player experience this can create toons which are as powerful as an entire team of newbie players. From the viewpoint of such a toon a lot of things are "easy", but can be a nightmare for normal players. This is where a more detailed assessment helps and can put things into perspective for everyone involved. For example, if something was "borderline" for experienced players in more normal equip, then a less experienced/able player has to have better equipment than that to compensate for this fact.


    I checked yesterday with an assassin tank toon, and the difference between 306 + purple/blue augments vs. 320 unaugmented is very small, slightly in favor of the 320 stuff, at least for level 80 content, and only for the tank stats specifically (didn't check damage related things). On my PT tank the boost through better gear + adding augments was substantial, i.e. feels way tankier than in 320 unaugmented gear. This is why I'm looking for better "data" about all that, to get a less subjective and more objective picture of things in 7.0.

  10. Question is would you have liked if the vet fps include the mm mechanics where possible? Maybe not as hard as in master mode, but still punishing.

    VM FPs are role neutral, so anything which requires T/H/D is out of the question. In the end you are facing a hen-egg problem that you cannot solve except for dumping people into the real thing and let them deal with it. Problem currently is that the balancing of MM FPs is all across the board, and like in many other places the already more icky things in pre 7.0 became outright nasties now in 7.0.

  11. Yeah, you are certainly not the first nor the last to stumble over this little gotcha, because the expectation, as you noted, is different. You do get items in your inventory if you are over the weekly cap, but otherwise, hmm. Even the Odessen HQ people get their reputation directly via similar dialogues, so it should be possible. But maybe this weekly cap can be an issue they chickened out of dealing with as part of the dialogue thing, a problem you don't need to take care of when dealing with people/companion reputation/level. Easier to dump the items into inventory and have the generic reputation code handle this. That is just a guess, though. Edit: Or could be the way they dump the things into inventory, because many rep items come as part of mission rewards, and they seem to auto-trigger something which is not done here.
  12. [...] This is why they forces us to choose. Not for some nebulous reason, strictly to make it more fun for their knights and warriors in pvp , period. PVE does not matter.

    The funny thing about this is that most of the content played is PvE, so this will come back to them full circle. And yes, I also have the feeling some of the changes were made specifically because of PvP, causing problems then in PvE. I mean, ok, but then fix up PvE accordingly. Oh, too much work? One death they have to die, some are just more gruesome than others ...

  13. I'm still wondering though - which game had crafting do BiS items?

    The games with better crafting systems are usually also more complex to begin with, which means the concept of "BiS" often becomes a "depends on". The complexity is also a factor which prevents more normal players to ever pick this up, aside of knowing about them in the first place. Look at Ryzom, for example. Is as old as WoW, btw.

  14. I've played eve online for years. I even used 7 accounts for multibox farm & was partly controlling a major 0.0 alliance. So just more assumptions being kicked from you xD

    Yet it is you who is very slow on the uptake.


    And no, conquest gear cannot be had in a week. If you want 326 from conquest alone you need minimum 3 weeks for that, for a single toon. Funnily enough, the "you don't need the better gear" should be pointed back at you: Make a team of people just in 322 green SM OP gear and tackle all the SM OPs then. Without augments to start with, and then you can try with purple augments to see how it ends up. If you are so ubar you should be able to properly assess whether the gear is truly enough. Now hush hush, make it happen, so you can prove you are right. Otherwise ... shove it where the sun doesn't shine.


    In any case, it is way more complex:

    • One more point about the new items: Look at the iR distribution. SM OPs give you green 320/322 gear, while VM FPs can drop blue FP gear which goes up to iR 326. Upgrade cost is also very weird and rather extreme for some stuff, while weirdly cheap for other things. This is just a big mess, nothing else.
    • Limited access to existing content. HCs, FPs, and also OPs, if you want additional bonuses, are limited down to a specific subset each week. They replaced an optional grind (HS + TC) with a forced one, which doesn't solve anything. Now they are backpaddeling already on HCs and weeklies, which is too funny. So much wasted time they could have used for more useful things really.
    • Reputation nerf. Except for the Voss weekly, all others are enabled/disabled according to the BW defined schedule. Unfortunately, these weeklies are not new missions, but they recycled the existing one which contains the purple reputation item, giving you 1.4k rep (base). If you want to level rep during "off" times, you now have to put a lot more effort in, pretty much run all missions twice to get the same reputation as with running them once + weekly. Luckily, it hits only few places that heavy, but it is a "stealth nerf" like so many other things. That will hopefully get fixed with the next patch as well.
    • Level scaling. This is broken, nothing else can be really said about it. My 80 PT tank toon runs around with something towards 3.7k HP on DK while a level 60 whatever in leveling equip has almost 4k. As a hardcore raider you certainly remember the HP values in OPs in 6.x, scaled to level 70. Check the HP stuff nowadays in level 70 environments. It is all across the board, and often less than what it used to be, which also means everything else is potentially nerfed alongside. Be happy they moved the OPs to level 80 only, otherwise the likes of you would have stormed the barricades already.
    • Companions. Presence is being scaled, and that impacts the performance of the companions. Add to that a truckload of technical debt, as in already existing bugs with companions, which now through all these nerfs go from small annoyance to actually broken. I often played with comps as healers (is also default setting), so I was aware of a lot of the issues pre 7.0 already, and dealing with them has become paramount even in "simpler" situations now because of it.
    • Conquest. Big nerfbat has been applied here to make this entire process much slower. If you don't do commanders, this is one of the sources for flagship plans. Small guilds have only so many active members, and you certainly cannot assume each and everyone having 20+ alts. Opening a new room on a guildship costs like 3-5 or so purple plans (aside of other things), each made from 50 blue ones, and conquest gives you 1 blue plan, per toon. This is clearly a longterm project by any means (not "you want everything right now!"), and now with the conquest nerf it becomes a crawl, also because people drop conquesting on many alts altogether.
    • Leveling experience. There are periods of nothing where you play with the same set of actions for multiple levels. This is maybe fine towards higher levels, but at low levels? Not exactly a nice impression. Already seen players wondering about this, although not many. No idea about the current influx of new people.

    A lot of all that spells "play SWTOR our way" instead of "play SWTOR in whatever fashion you like", combined with more grind, forced repetition (wasn't the idea to get rid of repetition?), and an insane new item system which has some really weird quirks as far as I can tell. Top that off with a mere beginning of new story stuff and an exhaustive list of bugs everywhere.


    The icing on the cake is that we get some management blubber from someone like Keith stuffed our way, "grand vision" and "look at all the bugs we fixed!" (many of them shouldn't have even left the developers desk in the first place), or things like "oh this wonderful shared tagging!" (which was a must if you push all the players through the same areas, and existed as a technical solution in games 30 years ago already, nicely done!), so players pull the plug. It is a game, and you play them to have fun, simple as that.


    If it stops being fun you can either start making a lot of ruckus, or you leave, and many have opted for latter option, because BW time and again has shown ignorance (as an entity, how this comes to be is another matter, the result is what counts in the end, though).

  15. Ps. I've lost 19.71% Defense. From 43.15% defense to a whopping 28.5%. Oh, and 10% shield chance and absorb. I seriously hope all the tanks lost this as well with the gear update.

    PT tank in 324/326 conquest gear mostly. Partially augmented with blue/purple. DR is 46.53% (19% as usual for internal/elemental), which is close to what I had pre 7.0, where it lingered at around 50%. Defense is 23.38%, which was at around 32% or so before 7.0, so be happy with your 28.5%. Shield 46.02%, absorb 36.21%. 370k HP. 320 gear had me at 343k HP iirc and clearly lower defense values.

  16. The whole gear situation is a mess currently. SM OPs drop green gear at iR 320 and 322. This week is DF/DP and I've seen teams which feel almost as ok as 6.x, and others where you run into soft enrage here and there, kills certainly taking their time. Same issues for healing, which is all across the board. Green VM FP gear goes to 324, blue MM FP gear up to 326. Conquest green gear is up to 326, same as blue VM OPs gear. The only "normal" gear progression is with PvP gear where you go through green-blue-purple stages with raising iR, and it also stops at 326. PvE gear coloring is now based on content "difficulty". VM FPs drop blue MM FP gear here and there, just to add insult to the injury to that SM OP gear garbage. No idea who conceived all that, it certainly reeks of someone having had a "grand vision", but not of the conceptual kind ...
  17. I had full rakata gear & both my implants at 330 after first week was done. I did DF Nim 1-4 & SNV 1-2 Nim on multiple toons in Nim. 7 toons the first week. That's a total of 42 bosses.The ONLY thing that"blocked me" to get exactly full 330 but only had 2 pieces left was the limitation of the resources, catalysts/matrices to upgrade it. But the second new week started I de-constructed left over gear & I was practically available to upgrade last pieces at the very start of second week.

    Talk about getting gear with minimal effort ... Now try to gear a toon just with conquest up to 326 using the conquest NPC and then lets talk again about effort, shall we?


    You just want everything for free with no effort involved.

    And that is where your understanding of the whole issue is just conceptually wrong, and I mean completely and utterly mistaken. Before 7.0 hit I was slowly but steadily improving my toons, doing whatever I fancied. Contrary to your playstyle, where you automatically assume everyone is just spamming HS and TC, I really took the slow road. But I had fun doing that, and there was always progress one way or another. This playstyle has been removed from the game, simple as that. It is either "grind your brain out" or "highway", which is why a lot of players decide now "ok, highway it is, ciao!"


    I played MMORPGs with FPS combat (and bosses killed you in at most 2 shots), played a MMORPG where you can create your own actions, my go-to MMORPG has more than 40 gear slots and any equipment you can put on like in SWTOR is garbage, i.e. figuring out how to get good equipment on is a game in itself. They all have grinding in it, but they are not railroading you into specific content like SWTOR does now with 7.0. THAT is the main complaint here, and it permeates many changes done with 7.0.


    So maybe use your brain before throwing out "you want everything for free" comment, because that is plain wrong, and in fact, you perfectly described how you saved time and effort to get the 330 gear. This makes you no better, it is just that your brain has to catch up to the fact you are in the same boat.


    Which brings me to my last point: You know what I have? Tons of disposable income, even more so because as an aftereffect of all this CV19 stuff. That is money which can flow into the development of more content which you for example will also benefit from (new OPs, new FPs, etc.). Now if a larger part of the "normal" players drop out of the game, are you able to stem the tide and put more money where your mouth is?


    PS: If you want a "control group" of sorts for your kind of MMO term definitions: Crosscheck against EVE Online. It is a more extreme example, clearly, but as said: The MMO space is vast. Using games which are all conceptually very similar is not a good idea for an extrapolation to "all".

  18. I wrote it elsewhere already in more detail, but the recap of that is pretty simple: Yes, humans try to resist change. However, if they feel that in a more general sense things are still the same, they may complain initially, but sooner than later just move on. For example, the change with all the actions and such, combined maybe with some minor rebalancing would have caused a stir, but ultimatively it changes nothing for the game.


    The problem with 7.0 is, that all the changes totaled up changed the game. It sings a different tune now, and players are highly aware of that. As it goes with such more fundamental changes to the tune of a game, players will drop out, because they don't like the song which is sung.


    It seems BW is blind or at least doesn't show it knows about this larger issue, means you can watch now the numbers steadily declining further for a few months. It will either fall down to the point only the players who have fun are still left, or the time it needs BW to (a) recognize the problem (seemingly not there, yet), and (b) get down from their high horses and find a solution to changing the tune again to one more players enjoy hearing.

  19. Interesting story. :rak_02::rak_03: No if you don't do Nim content u don't need the gear. That simple :) Only other place where it is "required" is ranked PVP which is weird that they don't get access to any 330 gear beside doing nim ops.

    Ahh, yes, now I understand! Thanks for your enlightenment!




    Yes, that was sarcasm. Still waiting for a proof, and not a repeat of the garbage.


    Limited mmo experience, that's cute. [...]

    If you had fun doing what you did, perfect, that is the most important aspect -- and also key of the entire thread that SWTOR has stopped being fun for some. But there are so many MMOs around and quite a few which don't exist anymore, where your list is barely a scratch on the surface of the whole thing. It is the smaller ones which often have more unique concepts and ideas in them, not the large streamlined ones. So yes, limited experience, because this is about having been in contact with all these concepts in the MMO space, not about the difficulty and amount of content you went through, which is absolutely irrelevant to the topic. Which you could have figured out ... with more experience.

  20. They're not forced into the GTN.

    But you wrote that they should use GTN to get any useful amount of money. That is conceptually broken, as I outlined.


    Agree to disagree.

    There are absurd amounts of money in the game. How many sinks do you want to force on players for that to matter to the point you will eventually see falling prices? Also, as hinted at by me already, if players start to see they are constantly losing money where they shouldn't, especially in larger amounts, they will put on the heat and tell you off, which is why this option is not working to the extent it will make any difference. That boat has sailed.


    And yet you're missing the point. Us getting there faster is the problem, either through botters or exploiters.

    I don't see that as a problem, because you have to expect exploits and also automation to happen. Which means when it comes to "economy", you have to put safeguards in place accordingly, and many games have failed to do so properly and suffer from it now. You can try to have telemetry and logging in place to backtrack potential issues and catch things early, but personally I wouldn't rely on it, because what are the chances ... the longer a MMO runs, the more likely it will see money exploits, and if there is a market for it, automation for "gold farming". This is the reality you just have to accept.


    Instead your suggestion of lowering the player cap to less than the GTN cap creates a problem where people will still say I'm still selling this item for x amount (say 2 billion), and if you want it, you'll have to pay me in increments to get it. Creating a problem with ripping people off by taking the first increment and bouncing. Thus forcing Bioware's skeleton crew to deal with it as others start to report people.

    Sorry, but that argument is outright stupid. If you turn it around, you want player-to-player trades entirely uncapped, because that is the only solution to that. We were talking about what? Right, inflation ...

  21. New players can still earn money just fine via gtn and selling off low lvl mats.

    Let me rephrase your idea here: They must sell stuff via GTN. And that is, by design, stupid. The money they get via the game directly without interacting with any other player should be, more or less, sufficient to get around. I started ~6 months ago, and the amount of lift you have to do is rather substantial. Also note that many are F2P, and while some may sub earlier, others only think about it once they hit 60 and such. If the game doesn't work in terms of money for them ... bust.


    This only happens when there are not enough credit / gold sinks

    I repeat it again: No matter how many sinks you create, it will not work. You can go net negative by forcing certain sinks on players no matter what, but make a guess what will happen then ... Also, I've seen enough games where the designers tried big money sinks of all sorts and the games are still suffering from inflation, many years later. It. Does. Not. Work.


    [...] botters [...] exploit [...]

    This is, from a technical point of view, just an increased / higher influx. Or, if you want, they speed up the process to eventually hit the ceiling / caps. Which is why these caps need to be sensible and not "oh they will never reach that!".


    At this point, what you want to do is increase the GTN cap and let people list stuff for 10 billion for all I care, and let the GTN tax start depleting funds like crazy due to higher listing prices.

    What you want are (a) lower caps (because the prices are stupid already, no matter what), and (b) any player-to-player trading cap must be lower than the (GTN cap - GTN tax), so you get to make some profit from GTN and GTN is used for the highest price trades (to draw money out of the system via tax = decreasing influx). Raising the cap will just make the inflation worse, and if you tax it too heavy, players will not use it, because there is still the player-to-player cap, which is not fully exhausted, yet. Or they will split up stuff into parts, if that is possible, do multi-step trades (= trust/risk issues) etc. Players are not that stupid, and they can do math and risk assessment to a certain degree.

  22. I was not lazy. Most of the community was. You could barely get 1 pug group daily to run something other than TC.

    Strange though that I have seen quite a few OPs being run every day besides TC pre 7.0. Naturally, it clustered more around the weekend, as usual. Currently, the only driving factor is gear. Guess how many of the more complicated OPs fail even in SM, players dropping out, or you see HM OPs looking for half an OP team for one of the later bosses + whatever is left in the OP. MM OPs? Nefra farming, yes. Once the big initial rush for gear is over, things will go back to a more normal state, simple as that. If the new OP is following Gods and Dxun, then you will have only so many doing that because even in SM they require tight coordination to get through this.


    plus new people will find their way into swtor eventually. I am so glad that the screamers leave. It will balance the game perfectly.

    The narrower the focus of a MMO is, the more uniform the players in a MMO are. That automatically implies the influx of new players will be lower than with a game which aims to have a broader focus. Not to talk about that SWTOR already halves the player count through that very strict black and white faction system, i.e. you need about the double amount of players than other MMOs to get to about similar player numbers in terms of social interactions etc. You also want all kinds of different players, because they are more likely to provide the "social glue" which you won't get from just running raid after grind until your ears bleed. Also don't forget that many new players join SWTOR because it has story, making them "?" at first. The more narrow the overall focus of the game is, the less likely they will stick around.

  23. It's an mmo for crying out loud. It is supposed to be a grind!

    Ok, one question: Why did you play SWTOR then in the first place, if you are here to play a MMO fitting your description? Just wondering, because there are fancy asian MMO grinders which happily fulfill your wishes at being exceptionally grindy at everything!

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