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  1. This is a straight copy/paste from my Reddit r/swtor post. I was suggested to try out this board. Now I know I've NEVER posted here, I figured it would be worth trying Over the course of the past months, I kinda longed to do DF NM but never had the opportunity. Unfortunately, I'm not that well-connected to people on my server anymore (taking a break from the game due to unemployment will do that) so I have a hard time sending a tell asking someone to throw me in a group doing DF NM. I've cleared DF and DP NM plenty of times, cleared TFB NM, though never set foot in SnV NM for the same reasons why I haven't had a real attempt in DF NM aside from downing the first boss every now and then. My main is a Shadow Tank in full 78s with the 4 piece bonus as well as fully augmented in purples. Screenshot of my stats here, but you'd have to personally find me on the fleet to look at my gear: http://i.imgur.com/winDiOl.jpg Screenshot of my Dread Fortress achievements: http://i.imgur.com/8K0X0Kz.jpg A part of me thinks these kinds of posts are looked down upon, but again, I do think it's worth a shot for my own sake since I don't know anyone's current predicament.
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