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Everything posted by Primordialmystic

  1. Good. Glad you did. Cause there aren't many others who feel the same way. There aren't people who create these posts in an effort to find others who share their interests. Everybody is looking for someone to speak against it. That is everyone except me, according to you lol.
  2. Always someone who wants to take a reasonable idea, and flip it. Always. Sarcasm - I know, I know. The idea presented here is blasphemous, and should never happen. I know. Now, can we please get back to looking at solutions that work for everyone, and not just one type of people? I've been in groups where the majority don't mind sitting through cutscenes, and only one person wants to rush through. I've been in groups where the opposite is also true. Just like no one person should make the rest of the team sit through cutscenes, no one person should make everyone else RUSH through just because they want to hurry it up. Hell, I even know people who cancel certain cutscenes altogether, without even considering the rest of the group. Not to mention, there are many new people who have no idea, and are simply having an experience, and those people should not have to be barked at by those who have seen it a million times. That's not fair at all, nor is it called for. Seems like alot of people lack patience these days, in general, which is just very sad. You can say most people want to rush through, but that's not true. There are alot of people who don't mind at all. There are even people who enjoy it, and are just too shy/timid to say so in fear of causing conflict with those who speak the loudest. These are people who "go along" with the person/people throwing their temper tantrums over someone NOT pressing spacebar. They don't like it, but they go along with it anyways. I'm simply speaking up about it. All I'm suggesting is that everyone have the right to choose that option prior to queuing for a random, so that neither side has to deal with any grief from the other, and everyone can have fun the way they wish to.
  3. There's alot of grief in these random flash points between people who wish to watch the cutscenes in group, and people who don't. Players are constantly jumping down everyone's throats to "spacebar" because they don't want to sit through the cutscenes/participate in the conversations. On the other hand, you have people who enjoy engaging in the conversations, and like doing so in a group experience - even if it is group Finder, and not guild mates, friends, or story mode. Some people LIKE having group finder as a way to earn social points, and that shouldn't be taken away from them, though I do understand those who don't. Point blank, there has to be a way to solve this issue, so as to appease both parties. It would be amazing if, in the group finder (for example) they gave players the option to choose whether or not they wish to participate or not participate in earning social points from conversations prior to clicking the "find group" button. That way people who don't mind/enjoy the conversations can do so together without any grief, while others who do mind/don't enjoy them don't have to group with those who do. It's ridiculous how people get kicked or yelled at for watching the cutscenes in randoms. I, personally, put the people who kick or get on someone's case for watching the cutscenes on legacy ignore. Not because I do or don't enjoy the conversations, but because it's a random, and no one can expect anyone to feel the same way, or be on the same page about such things in a random. It's unreasonable to assume so, or fire off on them just because. People SHOULD be more mature about these things, but they're not. In my mind, if it's that bad, then stop queuing for group finder. Maybe your advancement is slower, but if you can't deal then don't deal... But definitely don't join and then give other's grief because of your own, personal preferences. Customizing group finder in this way, I feel like would solve that problem. Everybody wins. The social point hunters can have THEIR experience, and the non social point hunters can also have their's.
  4. That's YOUR choice - let others have their's. Not everyone uses discord.
  5. No. I'm assuming that the way someone feels, or thinks, is THEIR truth, and they should have the right to speak up about THEIR truth without others jumping down their throats about it. I'm saying THEIR truth should not be silenced, even if the majority doesn't agree. I'm saying we are adults, and at the end of the day, no matter what anyone does, we all have our own individual right to choose. Right now, people who mutually wish they CAN legacy friend one another do not have that option, and thus their freedom of choice, in THIS situation, is not even an option. I'm saying the feature itself (which is completely neutral) should exist, along with each person's individual authority to CHOOSE. Don't want to legacy friend anyone? Hey, that's great for you. Those of us who DO, however, should still have that option. Point blank. That puts the ball in the individual's court', thereby giving them the right to make their own choices. Bioware CAN provide the option, as well as the parameters in which each and every one of us can be responsible for whether or not we CHOOSE to check or uncheck it. They can make it a "preference" like any other "preference". Plenty of other MMOs out there do just that, and it works out fine. It would be no different from accepting or declining a group invite, guild invite, quest share, trade, or anything else. In some cases, people even have the option to not receive those invites period. Why should "friending" be any different? What makes friending so especially special or frightening then the others? So what if the option exists? Does that mean complete and utter doom just because? No. See, while I may, as an individual, love the option of legacy friending, what I'm speaking about right now is the freedom to have your OWN experience. My perspective isn't "for" or against anyone's individual right to choose. I'm not speaking against those who don't want the feature, nor am I speaking against those who do. I'm saying there's a fair, and equal solution here, where both sides can have what they want. Everyone should have the right to experience the game how they wish to, and that isn't impossible, even in this instance. Period.
  6. Whether or not people do or don't want to legacy friend someone, there's really no harm in the option itself existing. Simply put, the developers can make that a "preference" that you can check or uncheck, thereby giving people the option to opt in or opt out. It would be no different from the many other features we can enable or disable in the game. You know, the ones found in places like "preferences" and "interface editor"? This way everybody wins. Also, there are many games out there where if someone wants to friend someone else, they have to send a "request" as opposed to making it automatic. And, when said request is sent, the receiver can either accept or decline. Why shouldn't that be a feature in ANY MMO? It seems to work in THOSE MMOs. The developers seem able to program it that way. Why CAN'T it work in this one? Do some developers have this special, secret ability to make that possible? Is Bioware 100% not "cool enough" to make that possible? That way no one can friend (or, in this case, legacy friend) without the other person's consent. Problem solved. Worried about the awkwardness of someone trying to legacy friend you when the feeling isn't "mutual"? The question is, "why should that be Bioware's (or whoever is responsible for the development of swtor's) concern? Why should they have to "hold someone's hand" because that particular individual (or those particular individuals) don't seem have the wherewithal to exercise their own, individual, God-given authority to simply say no? Why should any developer need to completely take away/never implement the option itself so as to protect the rights of those who should be responsible for standing on their own two feet? If children play, then THEIR parents should be responsible for what they can and can't do, like any other forum. Those of us, who are clearly not children, should be able to navigate such challenges, all by grown-up selves. Simple as that. The option can exist, and so can free will.
  7. There are waaaay too many mobs in this solo flash point. And not only are there too many "groups" of them but there are waaaay too many of them per group. No one should have to face down 10-12 mobsters every 5 paces. And, if that isn't bad enough, y'all make it impossible to skip them (unless you're a stealthy?). That is completely insane, and y'all need to do something that about that. This game has been around 10+ years now. I'd have thought this problem would have been handled long ago. It's no wonder most people want to skip the mobs all the time, as much as they can, and get frustrated with those who are facing them down. Bioware is to blame for this. People play the game to relax not get frustrated.
  8. First off, allow me to say "welcome", and express my deepest gratitude for those who have taken time to consider this thread. Before we begin, I would like to mention that I was one of those who started this game when it first launched 10 years ago, played for a bit, and left due to the disheartening conflicts there seemed to be around same-gender romance. As I'm typing this today, it's been a little over a month since my return, and I'm now still getting a feel for how things have developed/improved over the years. I also want to mention that, in this month and a week, or so I've played every expansion/dlc from vanilla till now. That said, I'm a fan of the Arcann romance, and I do have hopes of it continuing on. However, whenever I go to do any research and read about the perspectives of others, when it comes to Arcann in general, most of what I've seen is doubt, rejection, and just plain negativity. I can't help but wonder why this particular character has caused so much controversy. Why are there people who hope Arcann's story DOESN'T continue? Why do they care if they didn't choose to save/romance him? While I realize there's little to nothing I can do about people's opinions when it comes to this particular topic (or anything else for that matter), I CAN do something about the overall energy of the situation by posting my own "positivity" into these forums, if that makes sense... lol. I've never been one to deal in absolutes (i.e. Yes, something absolutely WILL happening or No it absolutely WON'T). I've always been about possibility, and this post will be no different. Still, my hope is to facilitate the "opening of eyes" not just for nay sayers, but for those who secretly DO hope there's a future for Arcann. We've heard alot about why people believe Arcann's story is over... now I choose to post a thread about why Arcann's story has the "potential" to be "enroute". _________________________________________ The current story of "The Old Republic" thus far, has left us in a place of uncertainty... which is really just another word for "potential". There's alot here that is "to be determined"/indefinite", no matter what history has shown about the devs who maintain it. Yes, there HAVE been potentials that were left to the way side. Yes, there HAVE been disappointments, and yes there IS the current struggles happening now due to Covid, and whatever else. However, if there's one thing I've come to learn, it's that - truly - nothing is ever quite the way it seems. Changes DO happen, and people, events, and occurrences CAN surprise us. Something that seems bad on the surface, CAN be a catalyst for something good. Nothing is EVER quite as it seems. Consider this. In the Onslaught expansion, there were four major things happening. The primary one being the crippling of the Eternal Alliance/Empire (depending on which the player chose upon taking over Zakuul). The other ones being Shae's challenger, Malgus' quest for freedom, and - last but not least - Tenebrae aka Darth Vitiate aka Valkorion aka the "Immortal Emperor's' attempt to seize control of Satele Shan's body. For all intensive purposes, Tenebrae (as Valkorion) has been killed a total of 3 times thus far... and there's still uncertainty about whether or not he's actually "gone". Yes, there's a sense of "I, the Force, have been healed", but there's no guarantee the galaxy is actually "rid" of Tenebrae. When Arcann chose to step down from the throne, his identity - as it was tethered to Zakuul - became all but null and void. His whole life, up till then, revolved around Zakuul, his siblings, and especially his father's favor. These are the things that defined him, which means that with all of that "out of the picture" Arcann is now in a state of limbo, trying to rediscover who he truly is, and where he goes from here. For all intensive purposes, Malgus, Shae, and even the main character are all in this same "Limbo". Malgus has broken the chains that bound him to the empire, and especially Acina, the EMPRESS. Shae is finding her "freedom" in remembering NOT what it means to be a "leader", but what it is to be a Mandalorian. The main CHARACTER'S story (whether they ultimately chose to join a faction, or remain independent) is all SORTS of "in the shambles" right now. There's no TELLING where any of their journeys are going to take them, let alone what the outcome will be. One thing's for sure, there's certain to be alot of changes, ups, and downs that happen along the way, but no one can guarantee what those are. What will happen at the end of Shae's "hunt"? What will she find? WHO will she find? And, by that, I mean WHO will she BECOME once this chapter of her life is completed? These same questions can be applied to all the other main stories here, including Arcann's. Infact, Arcann shares a common bond with these other three. Heck, if we wanted to, we can even include Satele in this as well. All of them - at one point or another - either are, or have been "leaders", and now it's their PURPOSE that's being called into question. That's why this next expansion is the perfect platform for Arcann's story to be nurtured. What better time to experience the trials and tribulations of limbo aka metamorphosis? Truly, that's what the foundation of this current storyline IS. The Republic is trying to recover, the Empire is trying to "shed old skin". No one currently has clarity of purpose. They're all in a state of limbo, ENROUTE to evolution. Seems to me there's a good chance the devs could very well nurture Arcann's evolution alongside everyone else's. I'm not sure why that would be impossible. I can even see it going in such a way that those who chose to save/romance Arcann have heavy influence on whether he chooses light, darkness, neutrality, or absolution. I mean, let's not forget that not every player saved Theron Shan either, and I'm pretty sure HIS story (along with Lana's) will continue on if the player chose to keep him alive. There's lots of potential for Arcann to have "spotlight" in this next expansion. Maybe it won't be on the level of whatever is happening with Malgus and Shae, but there's MAJOR potential for it to be on the level of Theron, Lana, and Satele - not to mention the Vanilla companions. What I'm going to say may sound idealistic and romantic (infact, maybe this whole thing, I'm sure, sounds that way to most), but it's very possible that the main character helps Arcann rediscover his purpose, and that amidst the chaos, they DO marry, and create a happy, new beginning together, not just in their marriage, but what that marriage stands for - rebirth. I mean, for those of us who've experienced Arcann's romance, we know that he's already deeply committed and in love with the main character. I don't know that I've ever seen someone so... vulnerable, heartfelt and humble in expressing his feelings to the main character. It's clear the player has heavy influence on Arcann's furture. And, there's much meaning there - so much "substance" - so much potential - I don't think the devs would just "throw" these opportunities away, especially after all that their OWN pitfalls, mistakes, lessons, and victories along the way. Most of the perspectives on these forums (and other places) seem based on his connections to Zakuul (for one example), or what we've experienced, so far concerning the "patterns" of the developers. Not many seem open-minded to the possibilities, and not many seem willing to "unbind" the devs from what they have experienced of them so far. Hard to grow out of a box, when your supporters seem to always put you "in" one... lol. I just hope the developers will indeed surprise us with their creativity and ingenuity... And, for MY part, I hope the Arcann Romance, and all other continued romances/storylines, continue even deeper.
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