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Everything posted by genkenobee

  1. I don't see the issue with punctuation, I think that using special characters is a whole different thing but plenty of Star Wars names contain comas, I ended up just going with Aurrora i think it was, I guess i can see if its like a copyright thing but i still dont really understand as its not like we are profiting off of our characters names, its a pretty normal irl name as well. Not to mention all the Ahsoka Tanos and Anakin Skywalkers with 8 different accented letters i see...
  2. I was trying to name my new jedi that I want to main and I wanted to name them "Aurora Veil" but it said the name was invalid, not that it was taken/in use but invalid, as if innapropriate. I tried to change the Veil part to Veiyl or Veyl and see if it helped but it didn't so I figure that the issue is the name Aurora because as soon as I put two r's making it Aurorra it allowed it. I'm not sure if theres a reason the name is invalid but if not I feel like this should be fixed, I can live with the name Aurorra but it'd be nice to have my characters actual name. If you decide to add a fix it'd also be awesome (if possible) if you could update my characters name or help me do so, thanks so much
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