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Everything posted by Terrorbell

  1. Sooo ... a new Expension .... Story line looks good - always liked Malgus - lets see what he found. A bit more light theme would also be appreciated - its not like the Republic isnt participating in the war! New FP and OP where to be expected ... we´ll have to see if they are any good. The new Playstyle option is actually the big news here. This fundamentaly changes a lot! Sadly not only in good ways (at least in my head). This will be a blow to Class Identity - depending on how far this goes the diffent playstyles per class are obsolete. You can now play whatever playstyle you want with every Tech/Force class. Why have several Force Characters to explore every Force Sub Class when its all done in one go? Next would be Balancing in every PvP area. So i will see Troopers with sniper rifles? Troopers with heavy Armour? How are other stats involved and how is the rest of the gear changed whenn we change Configurations? This system has a lot of (mostly convinience and some RP) potential - but i dont know if this wont blow up in our face. Allready seeing people screaming to other players why they are not in *insert-OP-Spec-of-the-day*. I always hoped for more Classes - more Storylines. Evene if its just Copy-classes. I am not saying thie HAS to be bad. But right now i see a mostly superficial experiance with no actual gameplay benefit, and a lot of questions that will have to be answered in the future. Kind Regards and keep rocking!
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