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10 Good
  1. So all it takes is getting one character to 306 and then you can send excess 306 gear to your alts? That would be a loooot better. Well the concept of getting gear in my mind is that you get powerful so you can do harder content so you get even more powerful gear and own people in PVP So this is not the case in this game?
  2. Sadly it's not the case for my class but I am happy they are at least giving the incentive for others. Is there any reason for doing the hardest raids on hardest difficulty? Like titles, mounts, cosmetics?
  3. What I meant is that as Im getting 272 gear untill I have almost all items (item rating) at 272 and only then I start to get 274 and so on and on. It's weird because, like... I am doing the same thing, nothing changed but I get more powerful gear.
  4. Hey guys, I am a new player, joined with Steam release. I played some MMOs back in the day. I really enjoyed all imperial stories, kotfe/kotet was ok, Onslaught was much much better. I felt like I was ready to start the actual MMO experience. I went to read about it on the internet and tried it out a bit. I don't know if I am understanding it correctly. The idea is that you ideally spam same dungeons for tech fragments and gear drops just keep scalling with you as you get better gear? That's so bizzare. The idea of gear in my mind is that you get rewarded for not just playing the game but also doing harder content. The most efficent way for me to get the best gear in the game is to stealth run same dungeon. There is no "the best" loot from the most challenging raids, gear represents nothing. I don't know how to feel about it, seems kinda grindy and unfullfilling, Im kinda scared its like a hamsterwheel trap. Especially when I read about how augemnts and all the crafting works with people having 20 alts to pull that off. On one hand the freedom to do whatever content you like seems fun but when put into practice thats just demotivating and creates apathy. Also, are you supposed to be able to use same gear for PVE and PVP?
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