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Everything posted by Rabdarkonsan

  1. Fashion Contest Friday the 5th Of December, 7 BST. Whare is it taking place? Our Guild stronghold on Alderaan + its going to be public to join Rules: 1) You can join only on 1 character. 2) You will be called out by name to the Stage so do not you all flee on the stage when the event starts. 3) Outfit’s can be as creative as you want them to be, if you do not want to wear a helmet or something on your head that’s fine but rest of the character has to be covered. 4) No Erotic Role-playing outfit’s 5) Behave your self’s. 6) Ask in whispers Zabwo'a or Cnthitme to join the guild to access the guild sh that way if you want. Prizes: 1) 1st Place 20million credits 2) 2nd Place 10million credits 3) 3rd Place 5million credits Please Note you will have to be online 15mins before the event starts so we can Invite all people who participate…. Darth Malgus server - Empire Faction Your Truly Inferno
  2. InfernØ_Amriel/Oprative/Concealment:/Empire/Darth Malgus
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