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  1. First, let me say that I am a devoted PVP player, since Ultima Online. World of Warcraft. And SWTOR as a "founder". I only play the game for PVP, and I only play PVE when it is required for PVP play. Now, let me tell you about toxicity. Toxicity usually comes from hardcore players who want fame and glory. To them, adversarial gameplay itself is not a means to joy, but rather bragging rights. True, especially in the early days, WoW encouraged this. The insane grind to get that OP weapon only given to a single top player who acquired the most honor points. And let me tell you about these people, as I knew several of them personally. They played day and night, often skipping sleep. As it is in the real world, they learned eventually organized warfare of an army is the key to winning. They became tyrants. Many less proficient players were either scolded and kicked out. All this pathetic drama for a game that is meant to be enjoyed. Blizzard began to see the toxicity in this system, so they made ranked PvP more casual. It was either 4v4 or 2v2, and PVP gear was no longer the One Ring to Rule Them All. PVP gear became acquirable for people who had a life other than WoW. In these days, I personally led a 4v4 team. We were a mediocre team, not at the top, but not at the bottom either. Teammates made mistakes, but we just encourage each other, that this is just a game, and people can make mistakes. The team consisted of college students and older adults with jobs and wives, so we were just grateful that other teammates showed up on time to have a good time. And in those times, PVP was just great in WoW. When you didn't have a team, you can go on 2v2 matches. There was also faction PVP. I still remember when I lead the charge against all the capitals of the Horde, killing their leaders, and leaving them in ruin full of skeletons of our sworn enemies. That was a PVP system where both casual players like myself and hardcore players, many of whom were involved in e-sports, can enjoy without scolding other players. Actually, such toxic players who made a habit of scolding other less capable players often were challenged to a one-on-one duel by famous top-class PVPers. These one-on-one duels were not just simple duels, the losers had to delete the account. You blame the less capable players for sucking at PVP teamplay, and they deserve the scolding by others. You are the kind of player who drive players away from ranked PVP. I remember a few years ago when I first played tried a ranked PVP round. The response I got was, "hey, why does this dude don't have any adrenals on?" Not just once, but throughout the game. I never again played ranked PVP in that season. So in my opinion, it is players like you that ruined ranked PVP in SWTOR. You argue that PVE also requires coordination. But PVE is against predictable gameplay. As long as you know how each boss fights progress, casual players can participate and enjoy the run. But in PVP, players are more unpredictable. They have different strategies. There's a much more steeper learning curve and requires a lot more time and training to become a useful player for demanding players like you. I'm not saying PVE is less challenging than PVP; there are those pioneers who venture into the complete unknown. It is they who figure out how the system works, and make it far easier for those that follow. But those pioneers know that they are all in a situation where they are being seriously challenged and finding it difficult. They encourage each other. Not scolding each other. Of course, there are a few exceptions, but they become laughingstocks at YouTube. What SWTOR needs to do to revitalize PVP is NOT more toxic team-oriented ranked PVP. What SWTOR needs is a 2v2 ranked PVP, or even a 1v1 ranked PVP. It is detrimental to have casual or solo-oriented PVP players be forced to join a group, which often have toxic players. It just makes more and more players avoid ranked PVP. But more importantly, SWTOR needs faction-based PVP and more field PVP. Most of the field needs to be PVP-only, with only very few limited zones retaining the current system where players can play in avoid PVP. Some of the more enjoyable experiences I had in recent months was the swoop racing event, which attracted enough players from opposite factions to cause some field PVP. There should also be massive instanced-PVP of 16v16 to 32v32 where true teamplay and team victory can take place, not some small band of four players who dare think they have the entitlement of defining players trying to enjoy PVP as toxic undesirables. To make it blunt, it is players like you that ruined ranked PVP, not the players who tried to try it out. SWTOR's downfall is when it chose to become what is essentially a PVE game. What made WoW so successful is its PVP element and factional adversary. Most early WoW players became emotional vested and devoted to PVP gameplay when the Horde players were slaughtered mercilessly in the Gurubashi Jungle, and Alliance players suffered the same when the Horde players took their revenge in Southshore. It's not that SWTOR didn't try. In the beginning of SWTOR, the Dev team tried this out in Illum, but the players ended up going round and round trying to get those crates rather than fighting. And with a declining player base, PVP and PVE servers were merged, making field PVP optional for all players. That's when SWTOR died. SWTOR became a single player game. With a few PVE gameplay at the end. The PVP player base became so thin that PVP matches began mixing Imps and Pubs in the same team. And this thin PVP player base resulted in exclusive groups of PVP players like you who think 8v8 ranked PVP is the answer to revitalizing PVP in a game where PVP is dead. Something like that will only make more exclusive group of players as a 8 player team needs more coordination to win in high-stakes competition, and this means more and more players get defined as toxic players by these exclusive groups and they just resort to PVE or entirely leaving the game. A non-ranked faction-based 8v8~16v16 warzone(not an arena, a warzone where either factions progressively advance against the other like battleground in WoW or campaign mode in Battlefield) would do far better to increase the PVP player base in SWTOR. This is a tested PVP system, in WoW and also in other genres, like Battlefield. This is when real teamplay and strategy takes places, and roles of different classes actually become relevant to PVP, such as a group of stealth units going behind the lines, AoE units pushing and defending lines of battle, tanks bravely charging in to push the line, and healers trying to keep those tanks alive so that the team can advance to victory. Currently, the PVP player in SWTOR is so thin and the PVP system is so lacking in content that it needs a major overhaul. If SWTOR really wants to succeed, it should add faction-based campaign-mode warzones where many players can enjoy PVP together with a sense of us vs. them roleplaying, where the large size of players involved can ignore a few toxic players who whine about other players sucking at gameplay. And where we don't see Imps and Pubs being in the same team, as if any Star Wars advertisement where Palpatine and Yoda fight side by side against Darth Vader and Saw Gerrera can be any appeasing to Star Wars fans at all. And with the PVP player base being so thin at the moment, if SWTOR direly wants ranked PVP, it needs to be 1v1 or at least 2v2, because there aren't enough PVP players around, and especially with players with this "hey, you're not good enough for the team, so get out of ranked PVP" mindset. It's common sense. This will just further thin out ranked PVP with players getting discouraged from playing by these toxic players. My guess is that SWTOR actually knew the direction PVP should take, but there were inherent server issues that limited such large-scale gameplay. If so, SWTOR is a dead game, and it's just better to wait for the next Star Wars MMORPG than to invest any further into this game. If not, SWTOR should take some risk and do some major rework, and maybe SWTOR will gain a lot larger player base where we can really start enjoying the game to the fullest.
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