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10 Good
  1. Oh come on, now there's deliberate time padding to make what content there is feel longer? Timegating content would be tolerable if there was at least plenty of new content, but this is going to be rather lacking to say the least. Oh, we can theoretically still run "old content" that's blocked off for the week (i.e. not in the weekly pool), just without getting any gearing upgrades. I'm really hoping that 7.0 isn't as deliberately time-capped as all the posts seem to suggest, SWTOR used to be one of the best MMOs in terms of letting you grind through everything at your pace.
  2. Apologies to whoever reads this, just a large outpouring of salt by a new player: Did the nerfing for conquest gain have to spread beyond Karraga's Palace farming? Its rather depressing to hear you directly state that people were attaining conquest too easy, and thus you'll be deciding to unilaterally nerf conquest gains across the board. I apologise, but is literally just making people grind more to meet conquest. And the ridiculous removal of solid resource matrixes from conquest rewards for sub-level 70 characters literally makes playing them a worse option in every way then playing whatever level 70+ characters you already have, as you'll be wasting your effort. I honestly don't get it, there's literally zero point to locking characters to the conquest tier they started the week in? Are players getting to endgame content too quickly? Dragging out the grind doesn't help player retention, although I'm sure whoever had the bright idea for it managed to phrase it that way. I'm a fairly new player, started in December last year, and I'm finding myself already reluctant to level new characters, mainly cause crafting seems specially tailored to favor established, long-term players over newer ones. Is crafting supposed to be your "endgame grind" to keep players invested? Cause its a part of the game, but certainly not something I'll call content. I get that I'm being way too salty over this, but this Conquest update to "nerf KP farming" has instead transformed into a "General Conquest nerf" for non level-75 characters. Isn't the issue with credit inflation that established players have too much credits *IN RELATION* to new players? How does making it even worse for new players to earn credits help that? The rich players are already rich, they aren't the ones primarily hit by the conquest nerfs, its new players who suffer a whole lot more. I'm never going to be able to afford any of the nice looking sets on the GTN, and I get that its your intention to force new players to spend cc to buy those, but if I could at least grind to eventually afford one or two sets there'll be a point to me playing the game once I've finishing Onslaught. All in all, I'm just disappointed that the nerfs are going to end up hitting new players way harder than long-term players.
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