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Everything posted by Gonzograham

  1. Any heavy RP immersive republic RP guilds out there? Ex military IRL looking for one if they exist. TY in advance.
  2. The title pretty much sums it up. Ex military IRL looking for a heavy RP immersive republic military guild. Hope to hear from you.
  3. 19 views and no answer at all. guess thats a no
  4. Are there any heavy rp Zakkulian guilds on this server? I am a new player and just trying to find the sort of rp that sounds fun. Thank you in advance for any replies.
  5. Are there any sort of Zakkulian heavy RP guilds on the server? I am not sure if the current timeline would support such a thing. Thanks in advance for any replies
  6. Hello folks. New to the game player here as of today. It is a pleasure to meet you all. My question is pretty simple. I am wondering what server serves a better purpose for someone not only new to the game, but looking for immersive RP. The games I am coming from are dead in the regard to RP so I am coming here in hopes of finding something. My choice of what sort of RP is very open atm so I do not limit myself. Any advice is super appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  7. Hello all. It is a pleasure to meet you all. First day player here to the game. I have played plenty of other RP and MMO games though so I sort of know how it works. My question to you all is pretty simple. Is there plenty of RP on this server to select from? If so, is it on republic side or imperial side? Thanks in advance for the help and/or suggestions.
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