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Everything posted by Noovaaaa

  1. Looking for like minded people to help start a guild. In game name- Alayin Star forge pub
  2. Thank you guys for the feedback. It helped a lot. Maybe I'll sell for 5 mil. 3 mil off for the flagship seems good to me. Worth a shot lol.
  3. Not sure If this is the right place but I need some help selling a guild. Republic side Name: Shadow Knights (a in Shadow has a ~ above it) It has a guild bank- 1 tab It has a guild ship- default unlocks I'm not sure how to do this, or how much to sell it for but some feedback or offers would be a big help. Star Forge In game name: Alayin
  4. Looking for three like minded individuals who want to start a guild and build something great. I have leveled a few characters to max but I have a fresh acc and working with a low level with warrior but I have experience leading and building a clan structure. If this sounds appealing to you message me in game preferably. Kyy Aero
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