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Posts posted by Thatguy

  1. My worth isn't deemed by how many credits a person has. I don't need many credit's I a level 50


    Clicking or not doesn't make me a bad player


    And I doubt those light saber's are terrible gear


    Hater's going hate but seriously stay on topic at least.


    Clickers are bad players. Anyone who clicks will never be as efficient as someone who keybinds. Honestly, all I have to do against a clicker is jump over their head and strafe, the turn with keys is terribly slow, and someone is unable to lay down area spells and remain mobile while using instants.

  2. I appreciate this post greatly, thanks for putting this together, I know this will save me a ton of time as I'm already gearing battlemaster.


    Right now I'm in 2 piece battlemaster, Helmet/Chest with the Weapon/Ear/Implants as well. Considering my guild is 4/5 EV hard and 3/5 Karraga Hard, I'm looking to replace certain pieces with Rakata.


    The 4 piece of battlemaster Eliminator is a must for assault vanguard, so I intend on buying Rakata gloves for one piece. For the other two I was considering belt and an implant, or two implants, whatever is easier.




    That's a great spreadsheet that was linked to me with all the location for Rakata drops, but it doesn't include the implants. Do you have any idea where they drop? I'm thinking nightmare patterns from bosses, but I'm not certain.

  3. It's a great guide. It bothers me to no end when people complain about entering WZs with their 13-14k hp and getting rolled by people like me who are already in partial battlemaster gear with the weapon. There's a gear gap yea, but with minimal effort and time as you've shown you can make yourself useful. While it may take more time to be able to compete with the best geared players, there's always a few in each WZ that are in the same boat.
  4. And why is any of this wrong??? In a FPS game if he gets a shot off before your bullet his him, he get the bullet off regardless correct? Its more realistic in reality...Why should your grenade get to do damage before it actually gets over there??? How is that fair to the caster???


    I'm playing a star wars game, I'm not in it for the realism. I want a tight combat system so that when I imput something, I get results. The GCD system in this game makes no sense if there's another cooldown happening at the same time, that being the animation sequence.

  5. See now my main is a Marauder and I am level 39...I never have this problem...Never


    They force the completion of the animation for visual effect and I personally like it...It has slowed combat a little bit so its just not a bunch of people running around frantically spamming the same couple of keys over and over...This is also why players dont die as quick too in pvp...It allows for more strategy in what skills you need to execute in order to win...I find it more intense this way and when you sit back and see how BW does it, you adjust your game play for it...The other players are working with the same feature so it evens the battlefield..The only thing needing adjusting is your mindset and habits from playing WoW...The visual effect will be as awesome as the gameplay


    I played a mage in wow for years and started playing all together in vanilla...I spammed a few keys over and over and over and occasionally mixed it up when the situation called for it..Even with my warrior...and every class come to think of it...In TOR, I use up to 13-15 abilities, no lower then like 9 all the damn time..for attacks, building hate or rage whatever it is, defense, a DoT, more defense, etc etc...More so then any other MMO in my honest opinion...


    If abilities are bugged and not executing right or at all...Thats completely different...That needs to be fixed...But once you really get used to following the animation and realize the other player is dealing the same thing. and with some tweaking by BW to make it flawless, it will change your opinion


    I dunno...Just my 2 cents...I am really enjoying the combat and dont really experience any problems and I want everyone else to enjoy it to


    EDIT: It actually makes it a little more realistic also imho

    Totally wrong. It takes away sooo much from the game and slows down combat considerably.


    Say I want to use my stun to interrupt a healer, I can't catch him while he's healing because it takes 0.5 seconds for my grenade to get there. What if I wanted to stun some guy in the fire thing in huttball, that's tactical right? I can't because by the time my grenade gets there to stun him he's already gone. Even with interrupts it is the same issue. Combat is extremely clunky and is not as precise as it should be. In WoW I could use deathgrip to catch a healer mid cast. I have harpoon as a vanguard, but by the time the projectile actually reaches the player he is done his cast, or has already moved behind a wall making my cd useless.

  6. I just don't see myself continuing with swtor past my first month if this is not addressed. I'd love to keep playing. I think the game is amazing and has a ton of potential, but with combat being the centre of the game and not functioning as it should, it breaks the deal for me.


    As a pvper (been hardcore pvping for over 10 years across various mmo's) this isn't for me. Extremely clunky system that kills any skill factor and finess involved. My money is better off elsewhere unfortunately.


    This needs to be fixed or at least addressed. So soon after release and with such a big launch, I can't imagine vacations preventing at least one dev from commenting. If I worked on this, I'd be all over the talk and discussion, and a thread like this is hard to miss.

  7. I had this issue, my character seeming disconnected from the buttons I pressed, but it got much much better when I changed the ability action queue window down to 0.0 seconds... this immensely improved my experience, and makes it feel fluid for me.


    The problem was, for me, that when I hit the button, my skill was not visually highlighted, and also my character did not respond, because it was queuing it up. Once I changed this, it reports that it cannot be used yet when other abilities are on cooldown or the global cooldown is still in effect (the same as WoW), and when the global cooldown is over, the skill and the button press correspond perfectly (except at high latency times, or when my fps is taxed).


    For me, the game now feels as responsive as WoW.


    Playing the same game the rest of us are playing?


    I have a 0.0 queue as well, always have since I started because initially I thought the queue was the problem. Try pvping or doing anything really, because that does not fix the problem.

  8. I agree entirely with all that you have said.


    As a competetive PvPer (I was floating around 2650 rating in WoW as shadowcleave and grinded out R7 in rift) this is absolutely unacceptable. The combat seems to be based on animation. People may hate WoW, and I myself am not a fan, but the one thing you have to agree on regardless of position is that their combat is extremely crisp and smooth. When I hit an ability, it happens instantly, followed by the animation.


    For PvP, this is everything and is a reason why WoW has the best PvP still out of all MMOs. I'm very disappointed, and thought during the beta this was just a latency issue. The delay is gamebreaking and I sincerely hope that it is changed. This topic is amazing and must be brought to Bioware's attention.


    Personally, I'm not going to be resubscribing. I've played too many other MMOs where I have far more control than this, and despite my love for star wars, I can't bear the delay any longer.

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