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10 Good
  1. I started up the game, opened a menu and it looked like the game was on low performance mode, did i miss something? did a setting get turned on by itself? I'll use a mobile game as an example of LPM, yeeeah, it's that bad imo: https://is2-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Purple123/v4/a2/33/1f/a2331f9e-e8d1-91e8-0381-0ce96669bdf2/mzl.wauatgtv.png/1000x2000bb.png https://preview.redd.it/7fd54qxwuz5z.jpg?auto=webp&e5255bbc
  2. I know im bad at the game, thats why my problem is with the matchmaking and how i can get matched up against players that are 100 times better than me. Thats why i compared it with Destiny, the better players will **** on the new people, but they still have a chance to kill them back. So basically what im saying is that the ttk is way to *********** long for a bad player to kill a good player.
  3. My problem is more with the matchmaking and i guess my lack of experience with the game. I could also voice my opinion in a better way now that I've calmed down instead of doing it after I've been tilted as hell. My problem is that someone like me who hasnt played much, doesn't have much knowledge, and doesn't have the best gear, can match with someone who has played the game for a long time has alot of gear
  4. It astonishes me that warzone is this unplayable, I've played like 20 matches, not a single one has had balanced teams. I can attack someone for 30 seconds, do basically no damage, they shoot me once and im dead, probably because im playing against people WHO HAVE PLAYED THE GAME FOR YEARS. I'm not sure but i wouldn't be suprised if higher level gear gives you an advantage, which is *********** stupid unless it's a ranked mode I play Destiny 2, a game that has a horrendously balanced pvp but this is so much worse, there everyone a chance because everyone is put onto a similar level, gear level is made the same.
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