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Everything posted by Taeshinobu

  1. Hello Devs, I hope you read this and give it earnest consideration. I say this because I feel I am speaking for the majority of players on the Starforge server. GSF has a deeply flawed matchmaking system that is ruining the game experience for many people. I propose you ask around or conduct a poll. I am so frustrated this week that I am considering quitting the GSF component altogether. The problem is this: the matchmaking system FREQUENTLY puts premades with individuals. I have just experienced three matches in a row where BOTH premades were on the same side. This leads to matches so lopsided as to be utterly futile. This happens every night on prime-time. It is at its worst from 10pm to 12am. Scores are typically 50-5 in TDM and 1000-100 in Dom. I do not exaggerate when I say that this is typical, and that it is every night. You have the data, see for yourself. If not, just ask the community. But I warn you, do not ask Drakolitch, Verain, Audson or Not Reynolds or any of their 50 alts. Do you know why they have 50 alts? They need to because once they are recognized by the community, people just leave the matches and the queues stop popping. They REVEL in the lopsided play as I have been on Discord with them while they do it. They PRIDE themselves on spawncamping and driving folks away from the game - they have told me so directly and in the GSF chat when called out for this behaviour. My next step if this is not responded to is to report harassing, unfair play. Then I expect to have to escalate to formal complaint I'm afraid. I am skeptical of any attempts on your part to rectify such a grossly unbalanced system since the named players have told me that they are "consulted by devs in making balancing decisions" and if that is true, then the foxes are in the henhouse, so to speak. Nontheless, I and my peers who enjoy the GSF format are deeply and continuously frustrated. Most are resigned to it and just log off or endure the constant lopsided victories where, and I quote a player from this evening's match "one kill is a total win" when opponents are obtaining 12 kill / 1 death ratios EVERY game, for each member of the 4 man premade. Putting TWO such premades on one side is just insulting to someone who knows how to code. So, I have brought it to your attention, and you can investigate as you see fit. I am sufficiently frustrated to continue to provide input and escalation of grievance reporting. I look forward to hearing from your team and its possible solutions to the problem - and it IS a problem. I do not look forward to my next 50-2 TDM. My thanks in advance for your consideration, and regards, Echo One.
  2. Hmmm. Except that I have them and have used them. On both classes. I am not speculating based on reading the tooltips here. I am parsing. You kind of make my point for me, we are a 'hybrid', an 'annoyance' worried about 'damage uptime' I totally agree with you that this is the outcome of our palette of tacticals. I got into Op at launch as a burst class, so to me, this represents a nerf. A diminution of our former role and not aligned with my play style. We are simply not an 'imminent threat' class any longer. So we must agree to disagree and let the stats tell the tale. We shall see. As for L2P, sure I could improve, but I am playing both classes at equal badness, and the divergence of Sin vs Op is profound. Simply my observation.
  3. Well, it comes as no surprise. I have compared our tacticals to my Sin and we got the short straw again unless someone can correct me. You can swap tacticals out-of-combat so sins are using their "2 charges stealth out" one, then switching to a "heal to full at 20%" or "buffed autocrit DPS" one leading to 50k singl crits not including the lead-in damage. For us, double Holotraverse, the buggiest teleport in the game so we now get two chances to launch out of the map, or requiring perfectly flat ground with no obstacles and requiring no impairing effects unless you talent for it. We get "acid blade" buff - which does at most 15k. We get the "Velied strike" buff that changes our opening rotation as the backstab buff has to wait for its CD or you wait to use it after Volatile / Veiled, and forego its stealth/position buff. Not exactly burst, is it? Since we wont hit 50k unless both Vol and BS crit. With the nerf to the crit yield curve, we now top out at sub-45% crit chance at 306 + augments so we doubly reduced our chance of that scale of damage, considering the loss of set bonus autocrit. Now I hear what you are saying: "wah" or "L2P" Its just that I have played my Sin now and it is everything Op used to be when we had knockdown on backstab at a competitive crit burst yield, combined with a fast ticking poison with some teeth (Acid blade). That heal Tactical switch on stealth-out is powerful, and awesome. Okay, so you think "Debilitator set, stunlock FTW" but Sins have had double hardstun forever so again, no advantage, especially in Whitebar Land. I'm looking at you Ranked. All you really need to do is see how often folks are getting globalled now ( and that rate is measurably up) and then see how many more burst combos you need to get your opponent from 100-0. I may be wrong, I may be a bad player, but all things equal from the last patch, I feel diminshed relative to other specs I play. Same old story, yes? I dunno, I guess we will see how it plays out in time, but I'm going back to my Sin until then, its good old fashioned stealth burst fun, now with heals. Ciao for now.
  4. Hello all, I am sure the min/max folks have noticed but with 6.0, our crit chances and alacrity speeds have been re-curved. Down of course. ~2000 Alacrity is now 11%, well below the ~15 for a 1.3s GCD. ~2200 crit is now good ~42% crit chance, down from 45. This is a big change to the yield curves, not mentioned in the patch notes. All those higher stats we are earning in the new 300+ gear do not look like we can get back to the stat bonuses of 258 kit. In fact, by my napkin math, we will never get close to 15% alacrity without class passives. So, has anyone had a look at optimizing yet? Did we get new gear just to get back to where we started (or less)? Its like stores that have 50% MARKDOWNS 1 WEEK ONLY but mark everything up 51% the night before.
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