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Posts posted by Templock

  1. If you really were that dedicated, you'd play even with the existing animation.


    Well that's what I'm doing right now. Spamming Fusion Missile in WZ's and on training dummies. And the only reason I'm playing WZ's is because they're the only place where Fusion Missile's sound effects properly work.

  2. Sell it so I can play this game.


    Oh and make sure it has the proper working sound effects :).


    You have carbon copy abilities with different animations eg. Unload/Blazing Bolts, Rail Shot/Mag Shot

    You have utility talent abilities that replace standard abilities eg. Sith Sorceror's Saber Strike/Enfeebling Strike

    You have numerous animations for the Out-Of-Combat Heal available to purchase on the Cartel Market


    Between these three factors I'm sure you can figure out a way to bring back that animation.


    You could create an item that when used, replaces the current Tracer Missile with the original Tracer Missile, and sell it on the Cartel Market.

  3. Your opinion, thankfully, has no basis on how I (and quite a few others) choose choose to play the game.


    If anything, your statements just reinforce my immediately previous posts, and your blighted viewpoints are a wonderful example of the kind of bias that keeps the system out of balance.


    The self-entitlement is strong with this one.

  4. The issue is not that tech frag acquisition is higher than what can be spent. There is no problem spending tech frags. The issue is that the tech frag limit is so low that one will have to frequently interrupt their play to go to the fleet and spend tech frags or else hit the cap.


    Oh. Is that all. Sounds like a job for Summon Tech Frag Vendor Man. Now available on the CM.

  5. I think to myself...


    "Hmm how am I going to deal with the ridiculous leveling speed?"


    "I know, I'll limit myself to crafted gear using mats from planets as I reach them".


    "Oh but I want to stack alacrity to speed up combat a bit. I can stack alacrity without increasing my direct damage, and it's not limited by level sync so it's a fair course of action".


    "But alacrity scales down with level so limiting myself to low level crafted gear as I rocket up in levels would be pointless, not to mention the only crafting skill that lets me stack alacrity is Cybertech".


    "I know, I'll just use vendor alacrity enhancements. They're only greens but oh well, I guess I'll just have to compromise".


    "But if I do that, then what's the point of crafting? I mean I do enjoy crafting in this game, but it's kinda rendered useless by the leveling rate. I suppose I could use one of the other armor crafting skills for the hell of it and give up on stacking alacrity for gear with fixed stats (I'd have to do the same on WoW). I mean ultimately stats are meaningless at low levels due to level sync. It's a shame I can't twink out my character just for the hell of having nice shiny epic gear. I mean I could, but then I'd need a second character with Slicing, or compromise yet again and buy the slicing mats off the GTN (I guess I'd also have to do this on WoW)."


    "Oh well, I mean there's no way I'm going to slow down my leveling whatever I do. Just use the vendor enhancements. I'll still hit the level sync cap with just those enhancements."


    And then I log on to the game.


    "Oh, this game is still boring."

  6. I can't tell if you're kidding or not...


    I'd respond to this but I'd get probated. Rest assured it wouldn't be very flattering for you.


    Edit: Do you not know that energy and kinetic based attacks are mitigated by armor? Do you not know that the only abilities a Lightning Sorc uses that aren't mitigated by armor are Thundering Blast and Affliction?

  7. Actually, the PTS was very specifically intended for feedback on game design. They ASKED for our feedback on focused threads.


    Feedback, not dictation. You tell them what problems you have/find with the game. You don't DEMAND they address them.


    and you are assuming I dont know exactly what the issues with the bugs are or how to resolve them, I do and MOST of them are basically wrong values in the database tables. Theres nothing complex about fixing a clicky that isnt respawning.


    Well let me ask you then. Just how much time would it take to fix that clicky and every other clicky? I mean I'm under the impression here that Bioware have been working their butts off to get out this expansion by their deadline. But I'm not a programmer so I have no idea how much work/time goes in to debugging.

  8. Again, and maybe I need to say it slower--I am not saying they are serious issues. All I did was run a simple search and pick some examples of downvoting. Never ONCE did I say "zomg look at this major issue being swept under the rug!". People getting downvoted for simple things makes people NOT want to post anything that might be seen as controversial. It's as simple as that. Thus, more critical thoughts and expressions here where posts and threads won't get shunted to page 5. Some guy says he doesn't like the new music on Reddit? 50% downvote the poor sap. Here? At least they're forced to engage in conversation if they want to air their grievances with his/her opinion.


    This really isn't rocket science.


    I'm not saying YOU said they're serious issues. They just aren't serious issues and don't need/deserve upvotes. If they were serious issues they'd get more upvotes. The threads in those links answered the questions the OP asked and don't need universal attention. And I'm sure the OP's spirit wasn't completely shattered after getting a few downvotes to not post there again.


    Upvotes prioritize threads/comments. Downvotes deprioritize threads/comments. Sounds a bit like democracy to me.

  9. Bug ridden patch says you are very, very wrong about it being for finding bugs, basic, 5 second database fixes that were pointed out on the PTS are still there.


    Again, you're just assuming they didn't listen. You found the bugs for them and now they know about them. That's what the PTS is for.


    They had a deadline to release the game Oct 22nd. They weren't going to be able to eliminate every single bug by then.

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