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Posts posted by Templock

  1. Thoughts on KOTFE


    The entire expansion is just a series of tunnels to the next cutscene, sprinkled with some scripted skytrooper fights. Apparently everyone got it in their heads that story = an annoying amount of cutscenes. The new zones are so tight they're suffocating; I literally felt short of breath running those things. Even the Odessen "Wilds" is just a tight loop only available during it's story phase.


    The new companions are just insufferable. Lana is just gross. She looks like her plastic face is about to slide off her skull. Her hair makes her look like some stay-at-home mom and her robe makes her look pregnant. Theron is too annoyingly American/Republic-aligned, and Koth is never around. And why are they all human? I lost Khem, Ashara and Andronikas for these morons?


    I only started the expansion content recently, once it became clear to me that my Bounty Hunter wouldn't ever be fun to play again, and I regret doing a lot of it. The only fun I had was the Shadows of Reven expansion. After that the whole piecemeal chapter gimmick was just tiring. Low resources versus some idiotic demand for more cutscenes just killed the game for me. KOTFE isn't even a game. It's an interactive choose-your-own-adventure novel, and without the semblance of story/conversation choices you could watch the whole thing on Youtube and not miss a thing.


    And no, KOTFE is what broke me into quitting this game forever. Quitting the game is an excuse to dump on Tracer Missile.

  2. Welp after tolerating this game since launch I'm finally done with this game. KOTFE is just too much torture to bear and has finally broken the spell this game has had on me for 10 years.


    Just remember Bioware, you killed this game when you changed Tracer Missile's animation.


    Edit: Just wanted to get my last Tracer Missile shot in.

  3. Should be named after the Dread Masters and encapsulate everything from Makeb to Oricon.


    In chronological order:




    Deals with the aftermath of Chapter 3


    Toborro's Courtyard

    Karagga's Palace

    Start getting clues to the Dread Masters involvement.


    Section X

    Seeker Droid/Macrobinocular

    Further investigation into the Dread Masters





    The conflict heats up





    Conflict ends.


  4. As I said earlier, that would give more freedom to credit sellers being able to move credits more easily. That would have as a result that more people will have more credits to spend and that would increase the demand. So that would cause the prices to go up as well if the supply doesn't increase equally and if the credit sellers are putting more credits into the economy it's just as much inflation as it's supply and demand. The main issue is where these credits come from.


    The game adds more credits than it takes away. Much more in fact and that comes mainly from vendors that give a fixed price for crap you sell to them (particularly the loads of gold gear that we get in abundance) and the daily quests people do that have a credit reward associated with them. And when there is an exploit at the vendor, like the vendor sells stuff for a price that's incorrect, say 1 credit and when you sell it back you get 1K for it....well that adds even more credits to the economy.


    And having more people that can spend a billion credits is not going to lower the prices on things. That's just going to drive up prices even more, because more people can afford a lot more on average and F2P players will add a lot more credits to the economy again. You just have to think these things through. Giving F2P accounts a credit cap of 1 billion credits also means per character. So if you have 10 characters that's 10 billion credits that are made available to the economy. That will increase prices even further.


    Dig up! Dig up!

  5. There is always a way there, there is always a solution, its up to them to fix it.


    I need good looking adaptive armour for my agent, that can only be obtained from GTN, like any normal person looks are vital to me in video games because I do like my character. I do like looking at her/him.


    Very strange isnt it? Shocking I know.


    But the Scorpion armor set from the Adaptive Gear Vendor for 600 creds a piece. Also check out the gear available from the armormech trainer and consider if making your character pretty is worth $15.

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