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10 Good
  1. I can pretty much guarantee that all this junk has already been posted like forty times. But hey, gotta add your voice to the chorus, you know? Not trying to get in anyone's face or anything. SW:ToR is an awesome game and I love every second of it. I'm of the opinion that, if all I have to complain about is robes, then we have a pretty ****** MMO on our hands. But on the other hand, character customization is arguably one of the most important features of any online game, and since robes are so important to being a Jedi, it seems like they should get some attention, yeah? I'm not super into Star Wars literature and I don't know the robe-rules as far as lore goes, or the extended universe and other cool keywords. But what I've always thought about the robes in The Old Republic, and in Star Wars in general, is that robes are as iconic to the Jedi as lightsabers. It's part of being a Jedi, and it gives off the monk-like appearance that's very important to the way being a Jedi feels. And in The Old Republic, yes, I'm given a choice of some pretty sweet robes (right now I'm wearing this awesome rose-colored one with some tribal patterns on the back and it's all bound up the middle with this white cloth and... I digress). Unfortunately, a couple elements of robe-dom have made them less than ideal, and they're really the only clothing option for fully half the classes in the game, so here's what i think should be improved, if you're willing to listen to my bull: First, I wear my belt over my robe. From a purely in-character standpoint, why would I choose to do that? It's counter-intuitive and makes me look like I'm wearing a Victorian-era dress. I went back through the movies to see if that was a thing people do and it's definitely not, probably because all the Jedi know it makes them look like they have butts you could set a drink on. Someone said in general chat once that it may be because we don't take off our robes to fight like they do in the movies, so it keeps the robe from flying around and tripping your character up. That's legitimate, but it would be SO much cooler if, as part of the "drawing your lightsaber" animation, any robe you were wearing would drop to the ground and leave you in the tunic underneath. It wouldn't have to be fancy; even the robe just fading away would be MORE than plenty. I realize as well that this would essentially mean making twice as much clothes just for combat animations, but I think that robes could be added as a cosmetic item (or a more traditional "cloak/back slot" style item) to wear over the current outfits. That way far less would have to be redesigned, and in cases where a crop is necessary, they could really probably just cut off the tail of the current design without issue. Some of them are mis-matched with the material above the belt anyway. There wouldn't even need to be much to robes -- just shapeless colored rags. And anyways, customization options are always welcome. Being able to decide when and when not to wear your character's robe would be one more option to set characters apart. As it is, Jedi are invariably in robes. Secondly, and I KNOW how often this is complained of, but it's important, daggit! No hood option. Really not that big of a deal, but again, the dramatic sweeping on and off of one's hood is part of being a Jedi, y'know? And right now, ninety percent of Jedi outfits come with hood included and not detachable, so I literally haven't seen my character's hair in thirty levels. Why even choose hair? Also Twi'Leks can't wear hoods. That's fair I guess. They have Lekku to worry about. But it still takes away from being a cool Jedi dude. I feel like maybe a Twi'Lek could sweep their Lekku over their shoulders? Maybe that'd be really difficult physics-wise (shoulder-Lekku clipping), but it's like saying they can only use Vibroblades and not lightsabers (hyperbole notwithstanding). Furthermore, I don't really understand why robes are mandatory for all other races but not an option for Twi'Leks. If they've already got hoods detachable under certain circumstances, why is it not an option for all players? Especially when there IS already a "hide head slot" option? TL;DR version: Bioware doesn't seem to recognize the importance of robes, so that's what I've chosen to be on a soapbox about. Robes are cool! Robes are part of being a Jedi! Robes need a little bit of work. Again, though, fantastic game. Robes are small potatoes compared to how cool the rest of the game is.
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