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Everything posted by skipperdarrell

  1. Howdy. Read your post and I'm in the same kind of thing. I'm an older guy 66 and have been playing the game since 11/19. I've gone legendary with my first run through of PCs, and I guess you'd say I'm a competent but not an overwhelming game presence. I started the second go-through with the plans of using the other advance classes (ex. smuggler scoundrel vs gunslinger) but I find myself not being very engaged. I also play the Star Wars RPG with my sons and some others, and I also dabble in writing fan fiction. I've thought about building a group of game friends for casual exchanges but haven't reached out. I'm not sure about guilds - they seem pushy. I've only played solo PvE so far. I see it's been a year and a half since your original post. Anything changed in your situation?
  2. I just encountered the same bug too with a female smuggler.
  3. Can't login in St. Louis USA 0700 local time.
  4. Greetings from that rocky planet in the middle of the galaxy, Colorado. As my screen name says, I'm Darrell and I'm looking for the same kind of thing you are. I am playing toward legendary status with 6 of the 8 class stories complete ... and each one of them has a backstory. I've even written one fan fiction novel that's a derivative of SWTOR (a different galaxy, a different set of circumstances, same lead and secondary characters, same vibe) called the Privateers For The Crown. Glad to send you a copy if you'd like. Anyway, fleshing out the stories of the characters is one of my favorite aspects of playing SWTOR. If you'd like to discuss it further, I'm game. Fyi, I'm not your typical SWTOR player in that I'm an old dude, 65 years, and I took up the game to be able to have something to do with my adult sons who live in a different city. (I live in Denver, they in St. Louis.) Hit me with a reply if you'd like to discuss it.
  5. Same with me. Stomping has no effect. Can't do enough damage. The recharge station mentioned (the one to the right) is gone. Very frustrating. And the walkers are soooo slow. It is my opinion that the expansions are getting repetitive. Go through a gauntlet and fight a boss. Go through a gauntlet and fight a boss. Go through a gauntlet and fight a boss. At least that's how it feels.
  6. Greetings. Is there a right/wrong way to take on missions in the mission tracker as far as what order to do them? Top to bottom? Bottom to top? Doesn't matter? Thanks in advance.
  7. Greetings all. Me? Noob, 63 yo, livin' large. I have some thoughts about my experience with the gunslinger. My character's name is Tok Barmer, and she's a cute (dare I say subtly sexy?), tough-as-nails, smart-aleck with a heart of gold and a need for credits. She's at level 58 and I've played her through the class story. She just left Ilum after killing the False Emperor. She really didn't like Ilum very much. I'm not sure where to go next with her. Her best combat routine is to lead and aim with Flurry of Bolts then take cover. From there use Flurry of Bolts, Vital Shot, Charged Burst, and Penetrating Rounds. If the baddie moves in on her, she shoots Below the Belt and does major damage with a Flurry or Penetrating Rounds. I found that Bowdaar was her best companion. For the first class story that I played out to its end, I enjoyed it a lot. Tok's female character, through the storyline, voice acting, and script, was sassy, savvy, and full of wise-cracking sexiness. Throw in a bit of bad-assery, and she was fun to follow. Add a story that had lots of great action, plot twists and baddies, it held my attention fully. The only downside I can think of is that the middle seemed to drag on just a tad. Other than that, it was fun and exciting. Thanks, Skipperdarrell
  8. I appreciate the reply. I guess what I'm seeing is the cooldown. But I do seem to remember that if I have two or more of the same medpac in my inventory, with their 1, 2, 3 etc in the corner, when I select any one of them they all countdown to the next digit down.
  9. Hey, Hi. How do stims and medpacs work? Here is what I observe: it appears that it is superfluous to have more than one of any particular spec, as when I apply one any duplicate is also used up. Is this correct? In other words, I should have these handy, but not more than one of any "model". Appreciate some guidance. Enjoying the games.
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