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10 Good
  1. I'm on Prophecy of the Five. I have Fibre Op, one of the fastest internet hookups available for regular consumer use. I get no lag on any other game I play. I find that lately, especially during Warzones, the game will lag out tremendously. There's no pattern to it. I'll have quite a few good games then suddenly it's beyond bearable. My rig is new and works great! I'm able to play Guild Wars 2 flawlessly, Defiance works like a charm, The Secret World runs without a hitch as well, all of them on top settings. This game is the only one giving me trouble. Is this something server side that's being looked at?
  2. Played this game on numerous toons, got one to 50, and realized after that it was just a grind. Are there any big game changes coming soon that might warrant another look? I love the Star Wars universe, but the game is too much like WoW for my liking. Currently playing The Secret World (three faction PvP, no classes, all skill based, gear does not affect your characters look), and though I love that game too, I will forever be a Star Wars fan. But the game has to offer more than just more crap to grind for.
  3. Sorry I didn't get to elaborate on the third, but my wife ordered me off the computer. =P What about a third faction? By putting the smugglers and bounty hunters in a "grey" faction, it would allow them to switch back and forth. This could allow for a more balanced style of game play. After all when the credits are what's speaking, loyalties change as credits offered increase right? Folks, this is the most fun I've had with an MMO in quite some time. I'll admit, I hope the Jedi Sage gets some work done to it (it's a classic WoW priest that needs stand still to do anything in a game where the play style is "on the run".), but overall I enjoy logging in and playing my toons. The only final suggestion I'd like to make is allow people to betray their faction and switch. Don't make it easy, but hey it could add a whole new dynamic!
  4. Howdy Folks Serious thread here. I was thinking about how I love this game and what could be introduced (other than more raiding stuff, races, classes, ie: everything else the other games do) and thought of these two things. 1) More Space Sim IE: X Wing Vs Tie Fighter. Yes, I know others have mentioned it, but I'm adding my voice to the chorus. Allow different models of ships, interchangeable parts, groups for players in ships, pvp battles, heck even have pvp controlled areas of space for certain resource planets. 2) Strategy Sim IE: Force Commander. I was thinking, since our characters are pretty high up there, why not have them direct entire fleet battles or ground battles. Instead of flying a star ship, take command of a fleet and control SQUADRONS of starships. Or, take the battle to the ground and mobiles ground and air forces for epic one on one battles. Maybe even mix up the strategy sim with players actually on the ground? 3) A third faction: Smugglers. Something to try and spread out the pvp numbers.
  5. Now before anyone says anything I know Warhammer Online isn't doing so hot. However! There was one aspect of that game that I thought was fresh, new and a step in the right direction. This was public quests. You simply went to a certain area and the public quest would be active. All people in the area could participate and you didn't need to group up. You could come and go as you please, regardless of the stage. By stage I mean there were various stages leading up to a boss battle. The game kept track of those who contributed through damage or healing (to prevent someone simply standing there and doing nothing but getting a reward) and those that topped the list received higher quality loot (you could take a loot bag that gave you gear specific to your class) or you could take cash. For example, Stage 1 might have been killing certain types of monsters, then when that was done Stage 2 was possibly gathering up local resources, Stage 3 could be the use of various siege equipment, Stage 4 would be taking out the boss's immediate minions with Stage 5 being the boss fight itself. When the boss dropped a chest dropped and everyone that did contribute could click it. (those that didn't IE: People who were there and did nothing or very little) When said chest was clicked, a roll of the dice took place for the higher end loot bags. Those that did more and/or had played more rounds of the public quest consecutively were given additional rolls and rewards for repeated play. Each Public quest was designed for certain level ranges, so this prevented higher levels from exploiting lower lvl content. Folks, despite the games less than stellar PvE and PvP, that aspect of the game was very dynamic and was fun! It also allowed socialization without having to be LFG. Want to work together? Simply go to that area. Nothing prevented you from grouping up, but these PQ's were a great way to meet people and lead to many groups afterwards. Just my thoughts.
  6. Am I to believe that someone out there thinks Sages are OP? Please someone tell me they're on something, and if so, can I have some? I'd LOVE to see that world because in this world I'm constantly getting my *** handed to me. Granted I get a good few knocks in there, but I'm far, FAR from being on par with some other classes.
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