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Posts posted by RoughRaptors

  1. What absolutely no one seems to understand about me being biased about Sage/Sorc is that...well I'm not biased. I will admit right now that sage/sorc healing is the best in the game and the other classes need to be brought up to par with it. See what I did there?


    There are things that need to be changed from both classes I believe. An operative/scoundrel blows me up along with almost any other class in a matter of seconds while Sorc/Sages do not, and it is able to be healed through. The Sage/Sorc is fine, it's not an instant kill and can be healed through. They can be avoided with some amount of skill and interrupts like every other class. When an operative jumps on anyone, they faceplant into the ground, lose 50% of their hp, then you use your CC break which is a 1-2 second animation of standing up...and then you die. What is balanced about that? You can't get away, you can't really do anything. You just...die. In the rare chance when I do get away they snare me (uncleansable which I am fine with since I can cleanse force powers) and then still hit me for 3k out of stealth REPEATEDLY with no cast time. NO CAST TIME is the key point here. Can a sage hit you for 3k every 1-2 seconds without casting? No...they simply can't. That is why they hit for more damage over time which is easier to avoid. There is one thing I'd say should be changed though, and that is that Force Lightning/Force pebble thingy should have the snare effect reduced on it, as it's kinda silly how much damage it does with the snare involved with it not effecting the resolve bar at all.


    From a healer's perspective it's just ridiculous, but force shield needs a change imo, it's too powerful for non-healers, fine the way it is atm for a healer. Maybe if they changed some of the ridiculous burst in this game, we wouldn't need a shield.

  2. No, I'm a carnage marauder. What made you think I was an operative when I said in my previous post that operatives and sorcs were OP? Lol. Also, yeah operatives do insane burst. Sorcs on the other hand does insane sustained damage and they don't have to be at their target to do it, they can do it 30meters away from their target so they aren't meant to have the burst of an operative, they're just as OP without because of their other strenghts. Next time you check a scoreboard, compare what generally has the highest damage between the Operatives and the Sorcs.


    It's called forcequake or whatever the sorcerer has...they use it a lot to pad numbers. They don't do burst as you said, they do sustained DPS. This DPS is very easily healable through (i can heal through 2-3 sorcs on me at once). All you have to do is line of sight/interrupt them and they can't do anything. You can also cleanse all of their dots instantly making half of their damage go bye bye. With an operative...well uh, you just kind of fall to the floor and die.

  3. There's 2 classes in general agreed as OP. Operatives/Scoundrels and Sorcerers/Sages. Google the word bias. "Operatives are OP, but Sages are fine"- you say that because you play Sage. If you played operative, you'd be saying the exact opposit, trust me.


    Right, I'm OP for what reason? I know how to properly kite people and heal myself? All it takes is 1-2 coordinated CCs and I am dead. Can do 15,000 damage in 4 seconds? No...I can't. Let me guess, you're an operative?

  4. Who? Healers themselves? I've seen sorcs/operatives calling themselves underpowered, doesn't make it true lol.


    I never said I was underpowered, but operatives definitely are overpowered :-P. I think sages are fine where they are, we just need a tank to survive most of the time...but even without a tank a good one is still a HUGE pain in the *** to kill.

  5. I didn't watch the video yet but I don't understand the name of the video? Healers are amazing in this game.


    There was a thread a while back saying they were terrible, and I still see many people saying such things. I made a video (part 1) showing that a good healer can win a game for an entire team. I made a second.


    And to when they balance PvP Healers....well. I'll simply stay better than them.

  6. Well, I made a first video a while ago showing off some Alderaan action and it wasn't quite what I wanted, but it was posted anyways at people's request. I finally got around to making a second one which was much more fair, still pug vs pug aside from one guildmate queuing with me and almost everyone on both sides were 50. I know no one will ever be pleased "blahblah not enough (geared) 50s" "blah their team was bad" "i'm stupid and just troll" etc. It's a pug vs pug match, that is what counts.


    This is to all the people saying healers get no medals, or they are worthless. My friend (tank) and I held off nearly their entire team for...well a long time while getting a 250 point lead in Alderaan because they simply could not kill us. We would have lived much longer if I wasn't playing terribly, which I will admit that I was in that game.



    Yeah, I backpedal sometimes...more than i should. Watching my own videos gives me insight on what I need to do to improve upon my gameplay. Regardless of backpeddling or not, I am still better than most healers out there and more importantly, I actually WANT to heal unlike most players in this game who just love huge red numbers.


    So assuming you guys want to see this, here is the link with more MC Chris Star Wars songs! (and one extra to fill a time gap). Also the editing is a bit better and it is only sped up when I'm not doing anything interesting. Also, the mumble overlay was recorded for some reason, my apologies for that.


    Leave any comments/advice/trolls you'd like in the section below!


  7. I'm not complaining about grinding or being spoiled or wanting stuff for free. I hate people who have the "I want everything for free" attitude in MMOs, it ruins them because the companies eventually give in to the casual (larger) demand.


    I am simply saying that I believe it to be unfair to the people who have opened many many battlemaster bags and have gotten nothing. Convert their "nothing" to "something" by making the champion commendations into battlemaster commendations. It will give us like, at most two pieces. It really isn't that huge, it is just an issue of fairness and properly rewarding players who deserve it.

  8. Spoiled much?

    Or how about you just grind that?

    Free month is not even over yet and you expect to have T3 pvp gear already?

    Yes, some people have it already. But deal with it.


    I don't care about a grind, it is an MMO after all...I am very very used to large grinds (the entire holocron grind anyone?). I just feel it isn't fair to the people who worked hard and happened to be the unlucky ones to not get anything to have to start over basically. Our champion commendations will be rotting while we earn battlemaster commendations. I see it only as fair to all rank 60s who have had this same problem to convert them.

  9. Alright I know there is a lot of QQing going on about RNG which I totally understand, I've opened 9 battlemaster bags and gotten 1 piece, while others have opened just as many and almost got a piece in every one of them. Now I have a bunch of useless champion commendations which I don't need and in 1.1 I will be getting battlemaster commendations to spend so I can get about 1 piece a week. That doesn't seem quite right to me for the people who are already 60 or higher.


    How about you convert all champion commendations previously owned from battlemaster bags (you can only get them at rank 60 from the bags) into battlemaster commendations so those people who aren't very fortunate with their RNG aren't screwed over and having to wait so long?


    Does anyone else think this would be a good idea?

  10. The only fix is to relog or leave the warzone entirely. If it happens outside of the warzone I have to log out and back in. NOTHING works (aside from furiously smashing my keyboard which will occasionally break me out of it). It has to do with keybindings involving control, I'm 99% sure of this due to being able to very rarely stop it by mashing my keyboard in anger.
  11. Alright this is getting ridiculous. I think it has sometime to do with their terrible movement system involving the control button being held down. I tried remapping everything to alt...and it just doesn't work for me. I broke my keyboard in anger this morning from being stuck constantly, and I consistently just have to AFK warzones due to this happening. Would appreciate any advice aside from remapping my keys or just wait for an unlikely fix...
  12. Yes I've had it happen. You look like you're hovering, and you can't use any casted abilities, or use your ooc heal. It's very frustrating.


    I am not hovering, my character is stuck running forwards or backwards and I cannot cast anything with a cast time due to being stuck moving. Basically autorun super turns on and won't turn off, turning on auto run just makes me stand in place. It is in the game application only because alt tabbing does not press the S or W key repeatedly.

  13. Alright this has been going on for a long time now and no one I know has encountered it. I can't imagine what could be causing it aside from keybindings, but I looked it all over and nothing I see could cause it unless something within the game code is causing it when I press a certain combination of buttons.


    Basically what happens is that I will be playing like normal, and then I will get completely stuck either moving forward or backwards. I can't cast anything except forcequake, salvation, and my instant casts (making me near worthless). If I turn on auto run while stuck walking backwards, I will stop in place, but still be unable to cast. If i am stuck walking forwards, I have to hold down the S key to keep myself from moving. Very...very rarely I can mash my keyboard hard enough and it will break out of whatever has happened, but most of the time this does not end until I either relog or the Warzone ends.


    If anyone has had similar experiences or has any clue on how to fix this, it would be much appreciated. Thanks

  14. If you think Operatives are the only 'op' thing in this game, you've never met a force sweep Jedi knight/Sith Warrior, a good Balance Sage/inquisitor, Mercenary/Command, or a good sniper/gunslinger.


    Everything in this game does tons of fast high damage. Inquisitor/Sages are the ONLY healing class that have a chance, simply cause of force sprint and force shield. Even then you are likely to die. Ever think you server just doesn't have any real competition, or people that know their classes?


    I've been against some good operatives that DO kill me very quickly. I actually am yet to encounter a sith warrior who can deal insane burst, though I have heard a lot about them. I've yet to see a good sorcerer either, as it is very easy to los them.


    So in short, yeah it is possible I've gone up against "average" players and not very many good ones. I'm just stating I consider myself above average in most cases and I can outheal/outrun these classes some of the time (those that I've encountered).

  15. R u idiot or somehting , its not me , i play sage healer thats my complain about and im sure im facing way more competive players , that know how to sutdown a healer in no time.


    I also was gladiator in wow with paladin and i played mmorpgs since daoc competitive , main assist dps , healing , cc , tanks and im pretty sure i can spot a weak class from miles.


    Swtor healers in pvp are a joke and dont even get me started on commandos scoundrels which they blow x2 compare to a sage healer .


    Also this kind of dmg can be dealt by focus sentinels/ maras or juggers/guardians.

    About ur tacts your obviously cluless , cause nay oprative scountrel can stun , snare , sprint as well , vanish , evade everything you throw a them with ability , restun , ae mezz and many other things your unaware off.


    Your grammar and spelling definitely doesn't help you defend your cause. Don't bring up anything from WoW, pretty sure we all know by now that is what bad players do. Guess what? I was a top raider in Vanilla WoW and had one of the best 2v2 3v3 and 5v5's as a hunter in BC throughout every season. Do I brag about that? No...because it doesn't matter. Guess what? I'm the main tank for a top world guild in Rift, but do people care? No, they don't. Stick to this game


    And to the other person talking about operatives, more proof that they are OP and need a nerf.


    Gl out healing this dmg or do anything bout it


    Grats, you play an OP class that gets even more OP with an expertise buff. Enjoy the nerf when it happens.


    In terms of surviving, it's easy. Break free, dot (unable to stealth again), force sprint, heal to full, slow, kite in circles until he dies or my team kills him.

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