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Posts posted by RoughRaptors

  1. /thread you have won the internets.


    World PvP is this. You getting ganked while questing, you in turn hunt them down and then he brings friends, you bring friends, and you've got yourself a brawl. It's about faction pride.


    When I got ganked on hoth, did i complain, no, i hunted his sorc butt and stomped it into the ground. oh he brought friends....


    /1 huge fight at x, bring friends


    massive brawl ensues, and this was before we got valor for world pvp.


    There is one current, very large flaw with this idea of world pvp and the way it works. Let me use today on Ilum as an example. There were two instances of Ilum. One instance desperately needed republic help, and people were trying to switch to that instance (Ilum 1) while most were stuck on Ilum 2. The Imperials weren't leaving Ilum 1 because they had us camped in our base, and Ilum 1 was locked due to the instance being full. Empire was not leaving, republic could not get in. It stayed a huge, imbalanced ratio with no chance of fighting back. You cannot win a 30v70 in this game. That right there is the flaw. In this scenario, there is no "bringing friends". It is about a severe imbalance that made it impossible for us to fight back.

  2. So would you have been fine if the majority of people played Republic, and having that faction overwhelming the Imps?


    The problem here is with the people, not necessarily the game. The franchise created a very popular side (The Empire) for people to play. People chose to play one side more than the other.


    Lets face it, if 100 Jedi came to your aid, you wouldn't have made this post. The problem, therefore, is not enough Republic players on your server, at that given time, that cared to come to your aid or participate in the battle.


    How do you propose any company "Force" people to play on another faction to even things out, for open world pvp? Or at least, what is considered "Open World" in this game.


    Refer to my above post and equalizing the number of faction players can be on the same instance of Ilum at once.

  3. What did you expect? This is open world pvp. I suspect most people asking for open world pvp to be viable had no idea what open pvp is.


    This is what is. This does not surprise anyone who has played open pvp before


    This is NOT world pvp. World pvp would be putting a cap on the number of empire and republic players who can be in the zone at the same time giving equal numbers. Ilum is full right now with 30 republic players and probably 70 empire (assuming the cap is 100). World pvp is something FUN it is NOT being zergged down by a 2+:1 ratio at 5 fps.

  4. Take the bike north, and kill the singles running to the zerg.


    If they are not killing you ON THE REZ PAD, you have options.


    I tried, there are groups of imperials outside of the zerg, so I can't do anything. I've found ONE solo empire player, the rest have been groups of 6-15. I am also a healer and by the time I find anybody I would be able to kill in a 1v1, more empire will show up and kill me due to slow damage.

  5. There's only so much they can do about the faction balance issue.


    On HoG - typically 100-120 Republic players at any given moment on the Republic fleet. Whenever I log over to my Imperial alt - 200-250.



    Suck it up, play Republic and adapt to overcome. Or, switch sides and run with Team Easy Valor.


    I am on Helm of Graush, I know your name :-P.

  6. Hey Bioware guess what you did by making it so they couldn't spawn camp us in our base? The exact thing that I said would happen, they are now simply camping us...OUTSIDE OF OUR BASE! On both sides, there are probably ~20-30 imperials sitting at the central outpost as well preventing any republic from collecting armaments. Good job on the "fix". More of a reason to not pay you on the 21st.


    The 5-10 fps also doesn't help at all.



  7. Un. Farking. Believable.


    No rollback?


    You pretty much just killed your PvP endgame, Gabe. Hell, you may have just signed TOR's death warrant in refusing to acknowledge the fact that you have rendered Valor grind meaningless.


    I'm at a loss for words right now. I had faith in you, BW. I really did.


    I don't anymore.


    What he said completely. Bye SWTOR. Helm of Graush loses their top healer due to 1.1 if they don't take action which apparently they "might" but who knows.


    I'm sorry imperials, but a rollback is absolutely necessary at this point. Just the thought that people might get away with this makes me want to quit the game.


    Then quit the game if they don't do a rollback. I know what I am doing if they don't do a rollback...quitting. It's unfair and bad business practice. I know others who are also unsubbing if there is no rollback.


    If Bioware lets this happen, let everyone quit, please cancel. Let it be known that one of the most expensive and (over)hyped video games ever made went down in history as a complete failure within one month.

  9. Considering I am on this server I feel like I have a pretty good idea of what is going on and a say in this thread...


    You are 100% WRONG!


    How is this fair? This gives Empire a HUGE advantage over Republic. All the people who worked hard (like me) got to rank 60 over time, they earned the right to wear the top end PvP gear. Now, here's hundreds of Imperials zergging, afking...doing nothing and they are getting rank 60. Now think about this, how many more Imperials are going to have rank 60 than Rebels? A lot more are going to...that's the exact problem. It creates a huge gear/rank imbalance between both sides AND it just makes doing the dailies horrible for republic. You saying they will not gear up faster is 100% WRONG again. They will gear up faster because they hit rank 60 faster through absolutely no grind whatsoever, while Republic has to work for it. Also it's just a major slap in the face to anyone who actually decided to work for their rank and take pride in it.


    NO ROLLBACK = NO SUB. kthx

  10. What is up with people and their hatred against gaming as a hobby. Why can't people view gaming as a hobby just like any other hobby. Why is gaming "abandoning their lives"?


    Like all hobbies, there are some people who are more dedicated, and some who aren't. What makes your other interests so much better than anyone elses?


    ^ this, thank you. more heals for you...assuming I don't unsub which I probably will tonight and then see what they do to fix it before giving them another $15.

  11. So, because you had a tremendous amount of free time to grind to 60, everyone else should have to abandon their lives to grind 12 hrs a day to get there? No. Everyone would get there anyways. Who cares, let your skill speak for you, not some stupid rank. Illum also isnt the only way to get valor.....unless they do something stupid, world PvP will have issues in this game due to the faction pop imbalance, they can't make people roll republic.


    It's called winter break waiting for classes to start up again, so yes...I had free time. Now it requires...NO FREE TIME!!!! YAY FOR REWARDING BEING AFK! You should EARN you title/gear, not get it by stampeding mindlessly.


    I think I made my point.

  12. Noooooooo, RR, who's going to heal me............oh wait nvm, my corpse is still in Ilum somewhere and that's where my subscription will stay...


    I feel you there, just join a WZ and let it kick you out, you'll be ported to the fleet. I dunno my stance on quitting yet...depends what they do. Rollback = GOOD!


    And to the person saying things about my status, it's not about that. It's about the time I spent working hard and what it will do if they do NOT do a rollback of all the people grinding out rank 60 in a matter of hours.


    I play games for fun, I also play them to be the best, or at least one of the best. When I look back at any MMO I have played I can say that I've generally been at the top of the food chain for just about everything, and everyone knows me for that, and I get messages in every MMO I play asking if I am so and so due to that. I want to keep this up. Yeah, it's an epeen boost. I play to have fun and wreck bads.

  13. As a person who was one of the earlier people to reach valor rank 60, it felt good. I became well known on my server as a healer and was generally kill on sight (which is a good and bad thing) to the empire.


    NOW 1.1 HAPPENS. Everyone gets battlemaster in one day. If you don't do rollbacks then I don't see a reason why basically every PvPer should just flat out quit. I can say for sure I will.


    /end 100th thread about this.

  14. If valor is not rolled back across all servers, this game will flat out die. I am an extremely hardcore PvPer in this game and want it to succeed so much and am known server wide from it, but this has GOT to stop. The servers should have been brought down immediately for a fix.


    If valor is not rolled back, thousands of people will be cancelling (almost all republic). The sith will then get bored and quit due to no republic? Your game is now dead and you went down in history as the biggest MMO fail of all time. Congratulations.


    Long story short: Fix this or you are losing a LOT of players, including myself considering I have been BM for over a week and grinded my *** off to get it.

  15. Grind is the name of the game son. Keep farming.


    Yes, but right now my grinding does nothing. Why play if all of my commendations are going to be worthless? I don't mind grinding out battlemaster commendations, but tbh getting them through daily/weeklys only is kind of annoying. You should be able to buy them for 1000/1000 marks imo (as you have nothing else to really buy...). It is just the simple fact that the champion marks I am currently getting are going to be obsolete once 1.1 hits and it is kind of a slap in the face.

  16. Why does no one think this is a good idea???? I don't understand. ATM i am 2/11 on my bags (not horrible, but not great) and I have 29 champion commendations with no use for them. When 1.1 hits...I dont' see why these should not be converted into battlemaster commendations to you know, reward people who worked hard to get this far and got screwed by RNG. People who got lucky: GRATS!.
  17. Thing is, it's not only your healing that's better than other healers, your survivability is a also ridiculously better than Bodyguard mercs.

    Let me start with saying I don't feel useless as a bodyguard merc because I usually can keep up long enough for reinforcements to arrive so they don't cap objectives.

    But when I have 1 melee focussing me, I don't stand a chance, I can stay alive for as long as I have my dmg reduction shield active that makes me immune to interrupts but that's about it. I have no means to get away from melee, I can't outheal their damage and I don't have shields, my heavy armor counts for nothing in pvp since 90% of the damage ignores armor.


    So yeah, you might not consider yourself OP but that only means other healers are massively underpowered which I don't think is the case since I'm doing fine, just not nearly as good as sorcerers.


    I agree completely with this. Sages/Sorcs are at a level above where the other healing classes are, this needs to be changed. It does not mean we are OP, it means the other classes need a fix.

  18. And once again to everyone commenting that I was against a bad team and no one was interrupting me; my response is that I made this video as a pug vs pug perspective. This was not supposed to be ranked, this was not supposed to be a battle of epic proportions. It was to show an average game of how a healer can/will win a game for you.


    Sure, it's much harder to heal when people are interrupting me, but that just gives me room to kite them and have the rest of my team beat on them while I force sprint away and snare the people on me. There will always be a time when I can heal to full in a matter of seconds.


    At the end of it all...just /sigh you guys will never be able to be pleased or listen to reason. This is by far the worst forum I've ever seen in any MMO in 10 years :-/.

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