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Everything posted by AshaSanlo

  1. Even though my consular considered Zenith a jerk and strongly disagreed with some of his decisions, I don't think she'd ever want to get rid of him. He's her jerk. He gave her a perspective on things that she really wasn't capable of taking for herself (she was super LS let's all get along). I think she valued his opposition. He also has that overprotective big brother vibe. As for Kaliyo, my agent adored her (as a friend). They had fun together, and my agent, being an agent of the Empire, fully expected most people tp betray her anyway, so the fact that Kaliyo wasn't that trustworthy never bothered her. My agent started out DS and became LS because of Vector's influence. I'm still working through the warrior, I have a male and female warrior I'm playing. The male feels protective of Vette and the female finds her amusing. I think I went on a tangent, but it was a fun one, so I'm not sorry.
  2. That's just the way Zenith is. He's a jerk. I love him, but his idea of being "nice" is not shooting to kill.
  3. I actually really loved this storyline. It does involve more politics and diplomacy than action, but that's what I liked about it, and what I found unique about it. This was the one character I played that I felt worked hard to embody the ideals of peace in the Jedi Code. I thought it was fun playing a character that wasn't always looking for a militant solution. Also, I love Felix. I actually really liked all of this characters companions.
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