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Everything posted by SicJafell

  1. Nevermind got it, didn't realize I was looking at a zoomed out galaxy map. Just had to select the sector, then Hutta, then I am able to go there and the quest advances normally, will post something if problems arise.
  2. See I did t can't select Hutta on the galaxy map.
  3. That's the thing I go to Galaxy map and Hutta doesn't pop up, so I thought: "let's use the transport on the fleet" and that didn't work either so now I'm just confused and a little frustrated.
  4. Hi, so I've been having trouble completing Kaliyo's quest 'As far as you can throw her,' actually let me rephrase: I have been having trouble starting the quest, in which I mean I can not do it. It tells me to go to Hutta, and I go into my ship, and I can't travel to Hutta. Same if I try to do it with the fleet. Help is greatly appreciated
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