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Everything posted by jassihil

  1. Hi, I asked this issue in customer ticket. I was asked to state my opinion here. Dear Devs I would like to receive hk-55 helmet and his stuff and the companion aswell (if possible)in my collection. I was not even playing star wars when the event was out (I play for 6 months only so far) so I was not able to subscribe to get hk-55 because I had no idea about this game back then. I feel really sad I can not unlock it. As stated in first post either stay subscribed to get it or get it in a direct pack from CM is good idea. Waiting for this every day
  2. Yea I can see your comments and I can take all your opinion. Though both of the comments have nothing to do with moving hk-55 out to special place in collection. I think it is a good idea and you have not said if you think it is good or not so your comments are kind of in the wrong place same as my "deserve" you care so much for mr super cynic steve.... Like it would be the most important problem in this case. Players come to the game and they are not informed at the start about their limitations. I think players deserve to have 100% collection if they want to. Maybe some of the players would not even buy subscription/play after being informed about those limitations at the start of their SWTOR adventure.... hk-55 helmet is only one example.
  3. Hello, I started the game this year. I can't have 100% armor collection because of some HK-55 helmet stuff is there. I read on internet you had to subscribe at special time to get those. This is not my fault I started to play this year. Why you make players like me (especially new players you need I think) to be unhappy and feel the pain because they were not playing before? I do not understand. Can you please create SPECIAL item tab and place the hk-55 drops there so those who had sub in that time could feel super special and I could have my 100% armor collection which i deserve? Second suggestion is. Since you placed all cartel market reputation to 1 reputation can you please do the same for events? Connect gree/thorn/bounty hunter event to 1 ultimate reputation so we could stop wasting our time on farming those? Thanks in advance
  4. Anyone bought from them and got it?
  5. Your site does not alllow any applications without registration. and your registration form ask player to become your guild member. Just a tip....
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