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Posts posted by TalonMacLeod

  1. They once gave an award to those who always have been subscribers, so if you let your subscription lapse, you will permanently lose the chance of getting any such rewards in the future.


    And the subscription is for 30 days, not a month. So it will move about the calendar on its own. Wheather you do this or not.


    I don't have a choice; I need to change my billing date.

    So oh, well. I guess I'll miss-out if they ever decide to grant that reward again.


    And my subscription has, so far, renewed on the same day each month. It hasn't moved around.

  2. Out of curiosity has anyone got a reward notification yet?


    Not yet.

    But I imagine people were able to enter until midnight in whatever time zone Nvidia HQ is located, so I wouldn't expect they'd send out the notifications until sometime after business hours start today.


    Nope. Really confused how I go about getting this.


    If you downloaded the GeForce Experience desktop app and created an Nvidia account prior to today, you'll receive a notification inside the app, sometime today, IF you end up being one of the winners.

  3. I found I had to rearrange my interface bars back to the way I liked them




    I mean, I only have twelve characters so far, but still...


    If it was me, once I went preferred I wouldn't log into the game until I subscribed again. This way I could hopefully avoid any of the issues that could arise, though I'm not sure if that would work or not.


    That actually sounds like a decent idea. It'll only mean not playing for a few days, so I'ma do that, and see what happens.


    Thanks for all the info, folks! Much appreciated.

  4. I need to change my recurring billing date to a few days later in the month than it currently is, and the only way I can see to do that is to let my subscription expire and then resub on the desired day of the month, so I'm going to lose Subscription perks for a few days.


    Will that cause any permanent losses on my account, or will everything come back when I resub?



  5. You need to transfer a mailman char with the item.


    Ah! I am planning on transferring one of my chars, so I can do that. Thanks for pointing that out.


    The items in question are merely common adaptive armor pieces that I got from the vendor, so they aren't CM items.


    I'd like to transfer them rather than just buy more for the other character because I have what is apparently a somewhat rare-ish dye pack on the chest piece, and it's not the outfit I plan on using for the character currently wearing it once I hit max level. But it will be a nice end-game outfit for the character to whom I wish to transfer it.

  6. because like every other promo you have a chance to receive it. but you have to meet the requirements to do so, so yes a chance. But if you meet the requirements, then boom, done. otherwise they clearly would have stated, "only so many codes were being given out or etc"


    "This giveaway will be delivered via notification within the GeForce Experience client to select community members"

    Source (under the "How Will I Know IF I Received a Giveaway?" section)


    I believe that statement confirms that it is merely a "chance;" only select members of the GeForce Experience community, not every member, will receive a code.

  7. The exclusion of certain countries from any giveaway (not just this one) is typically because of laws in those particular countries which prohibit things of that nature; giveaways, contests, etc., and NOT because the sponsoring company has a vendetta, or some other such silly idea, against the people in the excluded countries.
  8. Yeah, I just checked on the US site, and they aren't currently available. That's a very recent development, because I just bought two CC cards a couple of weeks ago.


    MAYBE (pure speculation incoming), they took them down temporarily to revamp the free items that are attached?

    The rancor pets have been included since November 2015.

  9. Still does last I checked about a month ago or so. Rival is a very fitting connection for a cross faction character.


    Oh, "Rival" is an option? I can make that work.

    I haven't looked at the Family Tree stuff, yet, since it has only been in the last week that I decided to create more than three Sith characters and explore all eight stories.

  10. Probably a silly question, but then, I'm a noob, so whattya expect?


    I'm guessing it isn't a common practice to keep one's legacy pure, with regard to faction?


    I started playing a couple of weeks pre-merge. On the day of the merge I only had two characters, Warrior and Inquisitor, on Harbinger (now Setele Shan). I planned on keeping that legacy purely Imperial.


    I have since started a Republic legacy on Starforge, and I now have at least one character of each class, with all Republic characters on Starforge, and all Imperial characters on Setele Shan.


    And just this week I noticed that tracking for the Legendary Player achievement seems to be server-dependent; (i.e., you'd need to complete all eight stories on the same server in order to attain the achievement).

    Which means if you want the title, you can't have a single-faction legacy, since you can only have one legacy per server.


    So, was it intended that EVERYONE'S family have a bunch of turncoats?

  11. From where did you buy it?

    If it was from the GTN, rather than the Cartel Market, it will go to your email; and from there you can add it to your collections.


    Took me a while to figure that out the other day after I made my first GTN purchase.

  12. and yes queuing satisfies the requirement.


    and I will say three pvp matches is easier, since it is faster then three FPs (veteran) mainly since you can only do one per day for it to count, if only doing veteran mode. or doing with the three toons. so that is why I say pvp is the route to go


    Thanks for the info!

  13. Still a pretty noobish solo player; haven't been playing for very long.


    To go the PvP route to earn Hexid, do I just need to RUN three PvP Warzone missions?

    Does my team need to win each of those three times, or is just completing the mission enough?

    Also, does it need to be through the Group Finder to qualify, or does queuing for Warzone satisfy the requirement?


    I completed four PvP Warzone missions today; but they weren't through GF.



  14. Just to clarify, you ALSO get the title if you're playing as a Sith Warrior. Basically, all Sith eventually become a Darth.


    However, in the Sith Inquisitor story cutscenes, you get given an actual name. In the Sith Warrior cutscenes, you're only referred to as "Emperor's Wrath." However, both classes get the title.


    I recommend using a name for you Sith that, when the suffix or prefix "in" is added, becomes a word. Darth Vader (invader) and Darth Sidious (insidious) started the ball rolling, now it's up to you! Darth Corrigible, Darth Fantile, Darth Exorable, etc. are all good names--keep in mind you don't want the word to still sound like a real word once the "in" is removed. I have a tank named Destructible, but that's not working for me--I wish I'd picked a name that didn't sound like a real word (Darth Ept would have worked, though!).


    Your naming convention doesn't hold up with regard to Darth Maul, Darth Tyranus, or Darth Bane, just as a few examples.

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