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Posts posted by doohickeyexpress

  1. sum up or reduce The Last Jedi into one video, gif, image, or meme.


    I'll go first.:

    The Last Jedi as a work of kamikaze fiction.


    At least three scenes visually depict acts of kamikaze suicide bombings.


    1. Opening kamikaze bombing run vs. Dreadnought

    2. Hyperspace kamikaze into super star destroyer formation

    3. Finn's kamikaze death wish

    (4) Rian Johnson's kamikaze career directing star wars


    Very honorable indeed.


    Lol, I thought The Last Jedi was spectacular, especially first watch, me and my friend were blown away. Have fun hating it! :D

  2. I’m proficient in tanking, ranged and melee, and healing

    I’m taking care of my girls but UK prime time is daytime for me

    I do have 50-90 ms ping from AL to London, no packet loss and my speed is six hundred to 800 meg/sec (WiFi in my bed from the living room

    25-75 ms ping with 922mb/s to 1.2 Gb/sec hard lined

    And way, that's at lot of ping



    That ping is great, better than mine and I live in America, you'll have no trouble playing anything! :>)

  3. I would like to make one little suggestion about the keys.


    Maybe we could have one extra gold key to give to someone that we would like to decorate the house with. I know some play with husband/wives or boyfriend/girlfriends and this would be a good idea.


    But in doing this people would need to realize that when they give a gold key out they cannot hold BW responsible someone changing their decorations.


    Thank you and have a good day.


    I'm pretty sure we do have extra gold keys or at least had them, because about a year ago I had 2 of my guild officers help me decorate our stronghold. :D


    Edit: Just realized that personal strongholds might be different. XD

  4. Hello. Pardon de poster cette idée ici mais je l'ai proposé sur le forum français mais il n'y a eu aucun intérêt. donc je le mets ici. C'est une idée intéressante, importante et intéressante pour le fonctionnement de ce jeu.



    Bonjour à tous, j'ai une idée à vous proposer, à vous les joueurs mais aussi aux développeurs s'ils lisent les messages sur les forums. Cette idée vise à améliorer le niveau du jeu dans la difficulté à l'intérieur des phases. En effet, quand nous sommes niveau 70, et que l'on va sur Korriban par exemple, notre niveau est rabaissé au niveau 12. Jusque-là pourquoi pas les monstres sont donc du même niveau que nous. Mais le problème est qu'à l'intérieur des phases de missions histoires, les ennemis sont aussi adaptés. Et donc on se retrouve à finir l'histoire du guerrier sith avec un Dark Baras niveau 12 alors que la mission est une mission de niveau 50. La situation est encore plus grotesque avec l'inquisiteur sith car lorsqu'on combat Dark Tanathon sur Corellia il y a un niveau 47-50 donc une difficulté relativement logique. Mais ensuite au combat final sur Korriban, donc le plus important, il est du coup au niveau 12. Tanathon est donc plus difficile à vaincre sur Corellia que sur Korriban pour la mission finale. Il y a donc une incohérence. Je propose donc de garder le fait que le personnage ait un niveau équivalent au niveau de la planète, mais dans les phases, que le joueur ait un niveau équivalent au niveau de la mission. Ce qui permettrait d'avoir donc un Dark Baras de niveau 50 et non 12 comme c'est le cas aujourd'hui.



    Voilà je pense que c'est une idée réaliste, intéressante et intelligente. J'aimerais savoir ce que vous les joueurs vous en pensez. Et j'espère que les développeurs verront ce message pour améliorer le jeu car dans SWTOR, l'histoire est ce qui est le plus intéressant et c'est dommage d'être aussi frustré par une fin comme cela. Je pense que mon idée serait bénéfique pour ce jeu.


    That would be nice. :>)


    I think making the story more enjoyable in anyway would be great, so I fully support this! :D

  5. clarification I meant armor flourishing like mounts. A temporary glamour effect like a rain cloud of flaming body to show off. the rendering performance would be the same as when using toys and other abilities each as a timed action that is rendered


    That's what that dude described to ya XD we know what you mean, and I agree man that would be cool. :D

  6. Yes. Once you get past chapter 1, you can go back into chapter 1, and then just quit out of chapter 1 once you have Marr as a companion, and can then headcannon whatever you would like.


    We cannot go back in time and keep with the "main story" unfortunately, but we an basically keep Marr with us for everything except those chapters.


    Interesting that you used a spoiler prevention thing when the title of this thread is a spoiler. XD

  7. As title. Can you tell me/us why you've removed these packs from the Cartel Market? We can't all afford (or justify the single cost) to buy a Hypercrate when for the same amount there are so many other things to buy from the CM. Will single ultimate packs be returning or are packs only going to be available to hypercrates for the "high rollers" from now on?


    Did they just remove them? I bought two only a few days ago man! :o

  8. Hi, hum i have stuff that i brought and i was trying to use it on another toon same server and it wont let saying i dont have permission? Any idea why? Sorry kinda new to the game. Thank you


    Sadly, you have to spend even more cartel coins to unlock it for all toons in the collections menu. :(


    Another way EA can make money.

  9. Whelp I finally decided to start subbing again, as preferred was getting too restricting. One of the biggest factors was that pvp cap- man oh man does that suck, guildies aren't always on to help me out there and I know barely anyone on pub side if I wanted to pvp over there. Well, this seems like a pointless post, but I felt it was somewhat worth sharing- always good to be subbed! XD :)


    (Also I can post again, yippee!) :cool:

  10. Personally I much prefer the Trooper's Exalted armor set for my own trooper. I dont even have any dye module added because it looks damn fine on my character. Green and black ftw. :D


    But the question was about how my dude's getup looks and if one were to have any crtiques. Lmao. Thanks for the reply though.

  11. Yes, please BioWare/EA. There are so many rad looking weapons that are rendered obsolete after only a short period of time. Along with this, I'd like to see us be able to equip any sort of weapon (if you're a ranged class you will obviously have to stick to ranged weapons, though.) I know, some abilities may look weird but I honestly wouldn't care lmao.
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